Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 970 Wind eunuch!

Chapter 970 Wind eunuch! (fifth more)

"Teacher, what do you think?"

Elder Tianwu looked at Li Changkong, seeing that he hadn't spoken, he asked again.

"Master, this disciple has made up his mind. If he wants to take revenge, he has to rely on himself. I have to rely on my own strength to get back Elder Feng's palm just now. In the future, this disciple will definitely return this palm to Elder Feng!"

Li Changkong's eyes flickered, and a firm look flashed in his eyes.

After the words fell, the disciples of Qingtiantang who knelt on the ground could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. No matter what, this little life was saved!
Even Elder Feng Yichen breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, the other party was too powerful after all, even if he was killed in the middle, there would be no trouble.

But now, Li Changkong's answer undoubtedly made him feel relieved, and saving his life was the most important thing.

"Okay, you are ambitious, you are worthy of being the old man's disciple!"

Elder Tianwu nodded his head, his eyes were full of praise. He didn't allow Li Changkong to disclose his identity before, in order to train his favorite disciple!

He used to be the commander of the Nine Great Legions. He grew up from the slaughter and knew deeply that even Tianjiao needs to be tempered. Only in this way can he become more outstanding.

But now, Li Changkong's performance undoubtedly made him very satisfied.

"However, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living penalty cannot be escaped. Otherwise, others really think that my disciple can be bullied at will."

But at the next moment, the old man Tianwu spoke again, and the words fell, making the disciples of Qingtangtang and the law enforcement disciples of the Disciple Hall present all look nervous.

Under the coercion of Old Man Tianwu, they were like ants, unable to resist at all.

"Feng Yichen, as an elder of the Disciple Palace, you don't discipline your subordinates well, instead you allow them to resort to despicable methods. Now, you actually do it yourself. It's simply incomprehensible!"

"How can the old man let you leave safely like this?"

He snorted coldly, the terrifying coercion pervaded again, causing Feng Yichen's mind to shake, and his face turned pale with fright.

"I won't kill you, but I won't make you feel better either!"

Elder Tianwu snorted coldly, and immediately, he pointed out that immediately, Feng Yichen's crotch was empty, with blood splattering out, and severe pain emerged, which made this "high above" Elder Feng almost faint from the pain past.

This is a pain that a man can't bear, even if he has a strong cultivation base, he just feels that he can't bear it, and his body falls to the ground with a thud.



He made a wailing sound, and the key thing was cut off. From then on, he became a real eunuch, whether male or female!

This is a lifetime of indelible shame!

"Be castrated?"

"What a ruthless means!"

"As the Supreme Elder, to be so... so shameless!"

Many of the disciples of Qingtiantang were shocked and completely overwhelmed. Even the extremely high-ranking Elder Feng had ended up like this, so what about them?

One by one, they couldn't help stretching out their hands, covering the key places, and they didn't care how much they lost their composure. Now, compared with becoming a eunuch, what's the matter if they lose their composure?
Cui Jianfeng, Elder Cui, on the side completely lowered his head, he was afraid that he would attract the attention of Old Man Tianwu, this old man, how ruthless his methods are, don't be too shameless!
There were also many people who lamented that they really deserved to be a master and apprentice. Their behavior and style were really similar. The younger one was already shameless enough to shoot the back of the head, while the older one was even more shameless. Eunuch!

It can be imagined that Elder Feng will have a very difficult life in the future. He is destined to live in shame and be nailed to the pillar of shame.

"Feng Yichen, are you convinced?"

Elder Tianwu had a vague smile on his face, and looked at Feng Yichen, his eyes were very cold. As the commander of one of the nine major legions in the God of War Fortress, his methods are definitely better than anyone imagined. Much hotter.

Many people's facial muscles twitched violently. This is a strong man. He is unparalleled in power and has taken away his dignity. I have to ask you, are you convinced or not!
Let me ask, in this case, dare to say no?
"Ginger is still old and hot, this method is much more insidious than mine!"

Even Li Changkong couldn't laugh or cry, he never thought that Master would use this method to punish Feng Yichen.

However, he never had the slightest bit of compassion for Feng Yichen. Before that, Feng Yichen came here in a threatening manner, wanting to kill him, even more so to destroy the Dragon King Palace.

This kind of punishment is still light, for that slap just now, he will definitely pay it back by himself in the future!
"I... take it!"

Feng Yichen gritted his teeth, there was blood dripping from his lips, and the feeling of shame made him hate it.

But no matter how much you hate, you can't show it, otherwise, there is only one word for the end, death!

"Why don't you take your people down quickly?"

Elder Tianwu sneered and stood with his hands behind his back, showing his demeanor.

"Yes Yes……"

The expression on Feng Yichen's face was completely numb, and there was endless resentment in his heart!

He turned and left, with endless loneliness in his back.

Behind him, some law-enforcing disciples from the Disciple Palace looked at Feng Yichen with extremely strange eyes, and someone even muttered in a low voice: "From now on, shall we be called Elder Feng or Eunuch Feng?"


Many law enforcement disciples were speechless.

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Li Changkong stood up and shouted loudly, scaring many people with weaker hearts to urinate.

Could it be that the demon king has changed his mind and is not going to let them go?

"You, come back to me!"

Li Changkong pointed at one of the disciples of Qingtiantang, with the corners of his mouth raised, showing an indifferent smile, and said with a light smile, "Just now, I asked you to inform Elder Xu, but you secretly informed Elder Feng and others, right? ?”

The disciple of Qingtiantang that he was pointing at was the disciple of Qingtiantang who had been sealed by the ten thousand magic spell by him before, and he was the one who left here to attract Elder Xu.

But not long after Elder Xu's death, Elder Feng brought many law enforcement disciples from the Disciple Hall to kill him!

This time can be said to be just right!
"Forgive your life, spare your life..."

That disciple of Qingtiantang was so frightened that he had already regretted it. After seeing the strong method of old man Tianwu, he already knew how wrong he was!
He knelt down on the ground, his body trembling, kowtowed repeatedly until his head was bleeding.

"I didn't intend to kill you, but you decided to play some tricks."

Li Changkong shook his head, there was no trace of pity in his eyes.

With a thought in his mind, he immediately activated the seal of the ten thousand demons, and saw black blood appearing on the body of the disciple of Qingtiantang. The whole person seemed to be swallowed by a giant beast, and the flesh and blood melted little by little, endlessly. The severe pain surged up, making him howl like a pig being killed.

He was tortured to death by endless pain!

In the distance, each and every one of the disciples of Qingtiantang saw their hearts shaking, and a thought came to their minds, in the future, they must not fight against this devil!
PS: Thanks to TV Gu Chenfeng for the two 100 book coin rewards, thank you for lending you the 599 book coin reward, and thank you for the 100 book coin reward for raining flowers.

Thanks to the above three book friends!

(End of this chapter)

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