Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 976 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 976 Victory in the first battle (first update)
Elders appeared one after another, appearing next to each ring, and they acted as referees to monitor the fighting situation in the ring.

This time, the first part of the college competition is the preliminaries. More than 3000 inner court disciples signed up. Each of them will draw ten opponents. At least seven out of ten games must be won in order to stand out from the preliminaries and be promoted to No. [-] Two rounds of fighting.

Soon, the referees of each arena began to announce the list of competitions. This time, the college competition will be held in [-] arenas at the same time. After all, there are a large number of people in this big competition. Only in this way can the first one be completed quickly. A round of qualifiers.

"Ring No. [-], Li Wu vs. Pang Zhanxiu!"

"Number two arena, Xu Xin will face White Zhanxiong!"


One after another voices sounded, and everyone present listened carefully, for fear of missing their own competition.

Apparently, there were no well-known talented warriors who entered the ring this time, and it didn't cause a sensation. Many people showed disappointment.

Hearing that he didn't have his name, Li Changkong also shook his head. He felt a little bored. This time, the college competition will take many days. Take days.


A martial artist fell down from the ring, his face was quite pale, one of his arms was completely powerless, and blood flowed out.

"Pang Zhanxiu is defeated."

The referee announced with a blank face.

Soon, the battles ended, the winners were naturally overjoyed, while the losers were clouded with gloom and a look of disappointment on their faces.

The college competition this time is very cruel, and only the truly strong can stand out from the crowd.

"The number one ring, Wang Xuanzhong, will face Yin Wushuang!"

At this moment, the referee's voice sounded again.

"To me?"

The Seventh Prince was a little stunned, but immediately, he stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brother Changkong, I never thought I would be ahead of you."

He smiled at Yan Yan, obviously, he wasn't worried at all.

With his strength, it is not a problem to advance to the first round of qualifiers, so there is nothing to worry about.

With a light leap, the Seventh Prince had already landed on the ring.

"The deputy hall master is on the stage!"

"Vice Hall Master, come on!"

Many Dragon King Hall disciples' eyes lit up. This time, there were only two people participating in the Dragon King Hall's college competition. One was the Hall Master and the other was the Deputy Hall Master.

The only ones who can make them pay attention are the hall master and the deputy hall master!

Many disciples shouted to fuel their prestige.

In the surrounding area, upon hearing the name Wang Xuanzhong, many people raised their heads and looked in the direction of the No. [-] ring.

Li Changkong of the Dragon King Hall is well known to almost everyone, and his reputation is too great.

But in comparison, the other members of the Dragon King Hall are much less famous, that is, the Seventh Prince Wang Xuanzhong, who is somewhat famous, and besides that, there is Li Tong, who has won the title of "knowledgeable".

However, knowing everything just means that Li Tong's communication skills are good, and he has acquainted with a lot of people from all walks of life, but the ones who are really powerful in combat are Li Changkong and the seventh prince Wang Xuanzhong.

Now that the Seventh Prince stepped onto the stage, he naturally attracted some attention.

The next moment, a young man in black also jumped onto the ring and appeared opposite the Seventh Prince. It was his opponent, Yin Wushuang!

"You are the Seventh Prince Wang Xuanzhong? You'd better admit defeat, you are not my opponent!"

Yin Wushuang's black hair was fluttering, he was extremely arrogant, and his cultivation was not weak at all, much stronger than the Seventh Prince, and he was actually at the seventh level of Tiangong.

"Admit defeat?"

The Seventh Prince laughed, this guy is very funny, he came out of nowhere, but he is very arrogant.

He had been in seclusion before, and although his realm had not improved much, his combat power had increased by more than ten times.

How dare a mere boy from the Seventh Layer of Tiangong let him admit defeat?
"Ignorant guy."

Under the arena, Li Changkong also laughed. He knew the Seventh Prince very well. He was already the arrogance of heaven, and he had received the inheritance of the Holy Lord Aofeng. In the future, he may not be able to surpass the Holy Lord Aofeng!

It can be said that among the four great kings, the West Emperor, who is the most talented, cannot match the potential of the Seventh Prince.

"Hmph, if you don't admit defeat, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Yin Wushuang rushed out directly, and a silver long spear appeared in his hand, and charged directly at the Seventh Prince.


This spear carried a powerful force, and the intent of the spear was blazing. On the tip of the spear, there were condensed fire dragons. Fire dragons roared out one after another, rushing towards the Seventh Prince.

Those fire dragons emitted astonishing flame power. Obviously, the fire dragons were not ordinary flames.


The Seventh Prince's eyes were fixed, and he also stabbed out with a spear, with a blazing gun light, setting off a hurricane.


The light of his spear tore through the void, and with a force of suppression, all the fire dragons were annihilated and turned into ashes in an instant!
The body of the gun whipped towards him, and a wave of spear intent permeated the air, and the majestic fighting power that erupted sent that Yin Wushuang flying out and fell under the ring.

Yin Wushuang, defeated!
Many people were shocked. Although Yin Wushuang's strength was not top-notch, he was still a genius, and his realm was one level higher than that of the Seventh Prince.

But now, in front of the Seventh Prince, he was vulnerable and easily defeated!

Yin Wushuang lost too quickly. It seemed that in front of the Seventh Prince, he was as weak as an ant and had no strength to resist at all.

At this moment, Yin Wushuang's face was pale, and resentment flashed in his eyes. He didn't know how he was defeated. He only felt that the opponent's momentum was surging, and then, a surge of strength came, and he Fell off the ring.

"The strength of the seventh prince, Wang Xuanzhong, is not simple!"

"He defeated Yin Wushuang so easily, doesn't that mean that he has the strength to break into the top [-]?"

"In the Dragon King Hall, that is, Li Changkong and the seventh prince, Wang Xuanzhong, are powerful in battle. The others are not worth mentioning. As the deputy hall master of the Dragon King Hall, it is not surprising that Wang Xuanzhong can enter the top [-]. , but this is already his limit!"

"That's right, the Dragon King Hall is far behind the West Holy Hall and the Blue Heaven after all!"


Everyone was talking.

"Wang Xuanzhong, win!" The referee also announced in time.

The Seventh Prince jumped down from the arena, looking calm, and defeating Yin Wushuang was just the beginning.

Next, he will be a blockbuster in this competition!
"Duan Tiandao, fight Wu Baihu!"

At this moment, another voice sounded, and it immediately attracted the attention of countless people!

(End of this chapter)

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