Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 980 One trick is enough!

Chapter 980 One trick is enough! (fifth more)

"Surrender? If I surrender again, there will be no hope at all, and I will not be able to advance!"

Pain flashed in Wu Baihu's eyes, he had already surrendered three times in a row.

Anyway, he is also in the Ninth Layer of Tiangong, stronger than most of the disciples present. With his strength, as long as his luck is not so unlucky, it is a safe thing to advance to the qualifiers.

But now, he surrendered three times in a row, making him a laughing stock!

Many guys who are only in the sixth or seventh level of Tiangong have won consecutive battles, but it happened to him that he fell into bad luck and was extremely sad.

"No matter what, I will never surrender in this battle. Li Changkong's strength is not as terrifying as Duan Tiandao, Ren Feiyang, and Wu Tiandi in front of him. Maybe I, Wu Baihu, can win this battle!"

With a thought, he rushed out and flew onto the ring.

The next moment, Li Changkong also rushed out, rushed onto the ring, and cast his eyes on Wu Baihu.

"Forget it, you guy, you are really unlucky, as long as you block my three moves, I will let you win this battle."

He spoke softly.

As soon as the words fell, Wu Baihu was overjoyed and blurted out: "Really? A gentleman can't go back on his words, and he can't keep his word!"

He had also seen the battle between Li Changkong and Ning Chong, the genius of the Ning family, before, and he absolutely did not dare to underestimate Li Changkong.

But if he can block the opponent's three moves, he still has confidence. After all, he is at the ninth level of Tiangong, while Li Changkong is only at the sixth level of Tiangong. up.

"If he blocks three moves, will he admit defeat?"

"This guy, isn't he too big?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe he sees Wu Baihu as pitiful, so it's not surprising that he decided to let Wu Baihu win. With his strength, even if he loses a game, it won't affect his promotion to the qualifiers. !"

"It's possible!"

Many voices sounded, and they all made inferences about Li Changkong's actions.

However, it was difficult for them to guess what Li Changkong's real intention was.

"Hehe, let's talk about it after you block my three moves."

Li Changkong chuckled. He was just a black and white tiger. He was fully confident that he could defeat the opponent within three moves.

The sound of a sword sounded, and the low-grade holy artifact appeared in Li Changkong's hand. The long sword trembled, and the sword's intent diffused.

His immortal sword soul turned into a bright sword rainbow, which is extremely eye-catching.

"Phantom of Hundred Battles!"

A cunning flashed in Wu Baihu's eyes. His goal was not to defeat Li Changkong, but to block Li Changkong's three moves.

Once the three tricks are passed, he can win!

Therefore, now his strategy has changed drastically, and when he uses the phantom technique, there are nearly a hundred phantoms around him.

"This guy is really cunning. To use the phantom technique, obviously, he just needs to survive three tricks."

The Seventh Prince chuckled, this Wu Baihu was a little clever, but unfortunately, the opponent he met was Li Changkong!
Unlucky guy!
"Nice tactic."

Li Changkong nodded slightly and grinned.

"Hmph, what you said must count!"

Wu Baihu snorted coldly!
When he opened his mouth to speak, there were nearly a hundred phantoms, all of them spoke with the same voice, leaving no flaws.

At this moment, Li Changkong stabbed out with a sword, and the immortal sword glow fell like a rain of swords all over the sky. The terrifying sword light was extremely dense!
Since there are too many phantoms, let's all attack together. Under the attack, flaws will naturally be exposed.

bang bang bang...

One after another phantoms were all shattered, turning into spots of light and dissipating. A beam of sword light pierced towards Wu Baihu's body with a fierce aura!

"This is the second trick!"

Wu Baihu shouted loudly, grabbed it with one hand, and turned it into an astonishingly large hand. In that big hand, a terrifying flame erupted, and the flame burned into the sky!

In the end, Wu Baihu's big hand transformed into annihilation, and that ray of sword light also disappeared!
"Second move?"

Li Changkong frowned slightly, he obviously only made one move.

"Hmph, you have already changed your move, so this is naturally the second move!"

Wu Baihu snorted, "Could it be, are you planning to count your words?"

"Okay, let's consider it the second move, but one move is enough to deal with you!"

Li Changkong snorted coldly. All of a sudden, a brilliant precious light bloomed on his body. That brilliant precious light actually shone with five colors of light, and even the spiritual power of the five elements surged madly.

The Five Elements Divine Physique was completely motivated by him!
"Five elements divine body!"

A solemn look flashed in Wu Baihu's eyes. In fact, the news that Li Changkong had cultivated the Five Elements Divine Body had already spread in a small area of ​​the academy. He had heard the rumors before, so he was not surprised.

The Five Elements Divine Physique is very difficult to cultivate. Once it is cultivated, it will have powerful combat power, but after all, it is only just completed. He is not afraid, as long as he blocks the last blow, he can win!
"Great Five Elements Sword Qi!"

Li Changkong drank softly, and then, the sword in his hand trembled violently, bursting out with a fiery sword glow.


An astonishing sword aura burst out suddenly, the sword aura was extremely thick, like a mountain of sword aura, it was suppressed from the sky.

That sword qi mountain peak, like the Five Elements Mountain, has the meaning of sharpness and majestic atmosphere, and the speed is astonishingly fast.

"This is the Great Five Elements Sword Art!"

"He has cultivated the Five Elements Divine Physique, and he has also cultivated the sword skills in the academy, the Great Five Elements Sword Jue, the power is enough to increase several times!"

"This kid, it's terrifying, no wonder, he dares to speak so madly!"

Shock flashed in the eyes of many people. This Li Changkong really had real abilities. Just combining the five-element divine body with the great five-element sword energy, fighting across realms was as simple as eating and drinking.

If this child really grows up in the future, he will be extremely terrifying!
Even the sword emperor in the distance had a look of fear in his eyes. This son is only in the sixth level of Tiangong, but he already has so many backgrounds. It will be even more terrifying in the future. If it is not eradicated, it will become a future trouble!
It's a pity that the other party is the disciple of the Supreme Elder. It would be fine if it were any other Supreme Elder, but it happened to be Old Man Tianwu.

With Elder Tianwu around, he really didn't dare to assassinate Li Changkong blatantly.

"White Tiger Battle Body!"

Seeing the sword light slashing towards him, Wu Baihu let out an angry roar, urging the white tiger combat body he had cultivated, and behind him appeared an incomparably ferocious phantom of a white tiger, making a roaring sound, shaking the mountains and forests, and then, the white tiger The phantom rushed out directly, and the sharp tiger claws directly grabbed out fiercely.

bang bang bang...

The sword qi mountain fell down, and the terrifying suppressing power erupted. In an instant, the phantom of the white tiger turned into powder, and then, the sword light continued to suppress.

On Wu Baihu's body, the treasure armor was shattered and turned into pieces. His legs, kneeling on the ground, showed a look of incomparable pain, his face was extremely pale, and even his eyes were damaged by the huge pressure. , And oozing blood!

All of his clothes were bursting, his skin was torn and his flesh was torn, and the severe pain rushed to his heart, causing him to roar.

The next moment, he fell to the ground and passed out completely!
"The last move, Wu Baihu, really couldn't resist it!"

"so horrible!"

Many people trembled, seeing Wu Baihu fainted, their hearts were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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