Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 986 The Preliminary Tournament Ends

Chapter 986 The Preliminary Tournament Ends (First Update)
The majestic Tianjiao of the Ji family was abolished in public, causing an uproar among the crowd.

Many people were astonished. Li Changkong's move was very ruthless, and he did not hold back at all, and did not show any favor to the Ji family.

All the disciples of the Ji family were shocked and angry. This guy actually abolished Ji Yuanming!

There is even a strong member of the Ji family who is an elder in the academy. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help being so angry that he almost couldn't hold back. He wanted to attack Li Changkong, but in the end, he restrained himself.

Here, if he really dared to make a move against the disciples on the ring, he would be suppressed and killed by many strong men in a matter of breaths!

"Elder, elder, you want to avenge me!"

Ji Yuanming howled, his eyes were full of resentment, he wished that the elders of the clan would kill Li Changkong now, and take revenge!

"Go away!"

The elder of the Ji family yelled, and looked fiercely at the former Ji family's arrogance. Seeing Ji Yuanming crawling over, he flew out and kicked Ji Yuanming away.

Ji Yuanming's body fell tens of meters away again, and his cultivation base was abolished. He felt extremely sad, and this kick caused him to be severely injured. Unable to bear such a blow, he passed out unexpectedly.

"Shameful guy!"

The elder Ji's family snorted coldly. It's not that he didn't want to avenge Ji Yuanming, but in the current situation, let alone him, even if the Ji family tried their best, it was impossible to get revenge.

If Ji Yuanming continues to make trouble like this, it will only embarrass the Ji family even more.

"Everything is your own fault. You want to kill me, but I just abolished you, which is considered merciful. If there is another time, I will definitely not forgive you lightly."

Li Changkong looked in Ji Yuanming's direction, there was no trace of pity in his eyes, and there was no fluctuation.

Ji Yuanming wanted to kill him. If he was defeated, Ji Yuanming's humiliation would be even worse than him, a hundred times more!
The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Since you have won the ring and you have murderous intentions in your heart, you must be prepared to pay a heavy price for it.

He jumped directly from the ring and returned to the side of many disciples of the Dragon King Palace.

"Hallmaster, that punch was so satisfying!"

"Hey, before the big competition started, Ji Yuanming hated being arrogant. He once let out rumors that if he met the palace master at the big competition, he would definitely kill the palace master, but now, it has become a joke."

"The Ji family, dare to fight with our Dragon King Palace? When our Dragon King Palace was suppressed by Qingtangtang, the Ji family did not stir up troubles and made trouble!"

Many Dragon King Hall disciples were all laughing. Now, Ji Yuanming was only abolished in cultivation, at least he saved his life. However, during this period of time, at least no less than 30 disciples of Dragon King Hall secretly disappeared or died!
Among them, it is not without the handwriting of the Ji family. Now, it is just a little interest.

"This guy is stronger than we imagined!"

At this moment, Ren Feiyang frowned, showing quite a look of astonishment. He never thought that Li Changkong's strength would be so strong that he easily defeated Ji Yuanming. In the end, he made a bold move to depose Ji Yuanming.

"Hmph, so what? After all, it's doomed to die. It's just a dead person. Why bother?"

Duan Tiandao sneered, he withdrew his gaze, and didn't even bother to look at Li Changkong again.

In this college competition, it is not only the Ji family who wants to kill Li Changkong, but also the Situ family, the West Church, and their Blue Heaven, which one is not powerful and talented!

"Why don't I take action myself in a while and destroy him?"

Ren Feiyang opened his mouth tentatively. He knew that Duan Tiandao had more important people to deal with this time.

That is Emperor Thirteen of the West Church!

The strength of Emperor Shisan is even more terrifying than that of Wu Tiandi!
"Don't worry, you'll know when it's the second round."

Duan Tiandao smiled brightly, as if everything was under control.

At this moment, many of the powerful men in the West Church also frowned slightly, showing surprise. Obviously, the strength Li Changkong showed in the first battle just now was beyond their imagination.

Di Shisan's eyebrows were like knives, and his eyes were cold. His gaze fell on Li Changkong, but he didn't stay there, it just passed by for a moment.

"The second round is about to begin. You will know that the second round is the real test!"

He sneered in his heart, maybe, this guy couldn't hold it anymore without making a move himself.

Another day passed.

The first round of qualifiers has all ended.

A total of more than 7000 disciples participated in the qualifiers, and less than 1 disciples were able to win seven out of ten matches in the qualifiers, only a mere 7000 people.

And those who can win ten battles and ten victories are only a mere thousand or so people.

In the Dragon King Palace, only Li Changkong won ten out of ten battles, and the Seventh Prince only won nine times and lost one.

Of course, in the last battle of the Seventh Prince, he jumped off the ring on his own initiative, and there was a reason for it, otherwise, he would have achieved a brilliant record of ten wins and ten wins.

"The first round of qualifiers is over. I don't know what the rules will be for the second round of competition?"

Someone was itchy and made a sound full of anticipation.

"Who knows? Just wait, it will be announced soon."

"Haha, it's really exciting!"

Under the arena, voices sounded one after another, and everyone was whispering.

Under the expectation of everyone, the vice president finally walked out. He strode in the air, showing his supreme majesty, and directly appeared in the midair.

Immediately, all eyes were attracted, and almost everyone looked at the middle-aged vice president.

They looked at the vice-principal, only to feel that the vice-principal, Shengwei Taotao, the holy power exuded was more blazing and tyrannical than any holy weapon.

Like a vast ocean, unfathomable!
Terribly powerful!
This is the real strong man, the strong man who stands at the top of the entire Zhongzhou, and no force dares to underestimate it.

As for college disciple organizations such as Xishengtang and Qingtangtang, they are even more incomparable, and they have to rely on them to survive.

Apart from the Sword Emperor's talent, another important reason why Ruqing Tiantang was able to develop so rapidly was because of the backing of the vice president.

Under the eyes of everyone, the vice president finally spoke, and shouted in a deep voice: "Now, everyone has seen that the first round of qualifiers is over, and the second round will be held soon!"

"Presumably, you are all very curious about the rules of the second round of defending the ring, right?"

"Then I'll tell you now, the second round of the defending battle will set up a champion. The challenger can challenge the champion at will. Only by defending to the end can they advance to the third round of finals!"

(End of this chapter)

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