Chapter 18 Young Dragon List (recommendation ticket for collection)
"Go to Dali!"

Xia Fan's voice sounded with a hint of coldness.

And just after his voice fell, Wei Zhongxian, who was standing beside him, did not dare to be slighted.

Immediately said respectfully.

"As ordered!"

Then, he stepped back and began to gather the army.

As for Xia Fan, he also boarded the Dragon Expedition. This time, it is related to the scourge of the Southern Wilderness.

It must be resolved as soon as possible, even if it cannot be destroyed, let the other party know that they are afraid.

And, most importantly, he wants to see how powerful that Duan Yu is now.

When he thought of this, Xia Fan had already led the army out of the palace.

At the same time, Xuanjia Army and Jin Yiwei also followed.

Pan Fenghuaxiong, guards by his side.

At this time, no one dared to approach easily.

However, at this moment, in Xia Fan's mind, the sound of the system kept ringing.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, getting the hatred of Xia Jie and getting [-] hatred points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, for getting the hatred of the third elder of Zongzheng's mansion, and getting [-] hatred points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the hatred of the housekeeper of the robbery king's mansion, got [-] hatred points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the allegiance of the general of Fengleihou's territory and received [-] loyalty points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the allegiance of the fiefdom of the Marquis of Shaoyang, and received [-] loyalty points!"

After the major fiefs were completely rectified by Xia Fan, his loyalty value was also soaring.

In a short period of time, whether it is already hatred or loyalty, it will both break [-].

This made Xia Fan more confident about this battle.

At this time, the frontier land of the big summer.

Lei Po's army and Dali's army were already facing each other.

There was a gleam of light in his eyes, and there seemed to be lightning flashes up and down his body.

Looking at the Dali army in front, he said coldly.

"King Zhennan, if you are far away from the army, if you don't retreat, don't blame me for being rude!"

Opposite him, a rather handsome middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Lei Po, now you are in the summer, it can be said that you are in a precarious situation, at this time, you dare to be so arrogant.

Do you really think that this is when your old emperor is here?

Now, I give you two options, either cede the land, or let your 30 Leijia army fall here today.

Choose for yourself! "

If you look closely, you will find that there is a figure standing beside Zhennan King. This person is very young, and there is even a hint of childishness on his face.

But the breath is strong and long, and it is the reputation.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed very confident.

Even in the face of thunderbolt, he is not afraid at all.

However, after hearing the words of King Zhennan, Lei Po was angry.

"You have greatly hurt my general, and now you dare to speak so out of nowhere.

King Zhennan, how dare you come out to fight! "

After the sound sounded, Na Lei Po appeared on the battlefield, driving the Thunder Horse.

The cultivation of the three-layer supernatural power is exuding, but it is surprising.

Infinite electric light surrounds him, like a thunder god descending from the sky.

And just after he appeared, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of King Zhennan's mouth.

"Lei Po, to deal with you, I don't need to do it myself.

Enough is enough for my son! "

Although this is true, it is also too insulting.

Therefore, just after the voice of King Zhennan fell, Lei Po did not hesitate.

The double whip in his hand was raised, he sat down and ran to the Thunder Horse, and flew out directly.

He smashed towards the King of Zhennan.


Behind him, at an unknown time, a thunder beast appeared.

Roaring at this time, the entire world is filled with destroyed energy at this time.

After seeing such a scene, King Zhennan was not afraid.

Duan Yu, who was behind him, flew up at this moment.

White clothes fluttering, quite a bit refined.


The six-pulse sword was flying all over the sky, and with the speed of Lingbo's Weibo, Duan Yu at this time was almost invincible.

Although he is only the seventh level of the law.

However, the combination of movement technique and divine power made him enough to challenge him by leaps and bounds. This is the strength of the top genius.

"Bang, bang!"

After smashing two sword qi in succession.

Finally, it was unable to resist the power of the Six Meridian Divine Sword.


The chest was actually pierced directly at this time.

The blood splashed out, causing the soldiers of Daxia's side to shrink their pupils involuntarily.

In their impression, the national teacher Lei Po is a symbol of invincibility, but now he is being beaten by a young man.

How can they not be shocked.

And just when the warriors on the Daxia side were extremely nervous.

On the other side, in the original imperial palace of Zhongzhou, the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, looking at the list of young dragons in front of him, the surprise in his eyes flashed by.

Because, a name, Mu Ran jumped out of it.

I saw that the word reputation was almost on the rise. From the original obscurity, it rushed directly into the top ten, and even pushed Murong Fu out of the tenth.

This made the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, how can he not be shocked.

On the list of young dragons, the most powerful geniuses on the entire continent are recorded.

Under the supernatural powers, everyone can be on the list. If everyone grows up, they will become a hero, and even fight against the gods.

At that time, the third prince of the original emperor was ranked tenth, but he was forced out of Zhongzhou later. It is said that the Daxia Dynasty was later established.

When thinking of this, Jian Zheng shook his head involuntarily, and then began to record. There is one more person on the young dragon list, which is a major event and must be reported to the emperor.

And just after this supervisor finished recording, he continued to observe the young dragon list.

In the battlefield, today's Lei Po can no longer be resisted.


When Duan Yu's last sword qi flew out.

Lei Po was directly knocked out.

At this time, the whole person is extremely embarrassed, and the blood is spitting out of his mouth, and he is unable to fight again.

On the face of King Zhennan, there was excitement, and he shouted to the soldiers behind him.

"Today is when we dominate the Southern Wilderness, kill me!"

When the voice sounded, it was ready to lead Duan Yu to charge.

Just, right now.

"hold head high!"

At this moment, a dragon roar came out.

Then, I saw Xia Fan leading an endless army and appearing on the battlefield.

The dragon robe on his body was screeching.


Just after he arrived, he stared at Duan Yu, as if he was very interested.

At the same time, in his mind, the sound of the system sounded at this moment.

"Ding, system task, personally defeat Duan Yu, the host will receive system rewards, the loyalty of [-] Great Qin Ruishi! Attributes, invincible! Strength is innately eight!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, activate the task of the young dragon list, each time the host is promoted, he will get the corresponding reward!"

(End of this chapter)

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