Chapter 24 Fenghou (recommendation ticket for collection)
However, just after the voice of the eldest prince fell.

There was a hint of disdain in Xia Fan's eyes.

Then he said coldly.

"If your real body comes, I may still face it, but now it's just a mere projection, and I dare to be presumptuous here, it's just courting death!"


When Xia Fan's voice fell, the emperor's seal above his head had already risen into the sky.

It swayed endless golden light and suppressed it towards the bottom.

Wherever he passes, the energy radiates out, making people feel vast.


Then, it smashed on the top of the eldest prince's head.

Let the other party's figure be completely shattered at this time.

"Today is your projection, and he will kill you someday!"

There was endless killing intent in his voice.

It made the eldest prince in the imperial city look extremely ugly.


In an instant, he smashed the table beside him.

The swirling sawdust shot towards the surroundings, when it hit the wall.

Make a screeching sound.

After seeing such a scene.

Then he muttered to himself.

"Xia Fan, I will never forgive you!"

The hideous face makes people feel extremely fearful.

The servants around, all carefully bowed down to the ground.

Looking at his prince, panic appeared in his eyes.

However, at this time, Xia Fan didn't care what he thought in his heart.

At this time, the most important thing for him is to destroy the barbarians.

Only by completely destroying the barbarians and bringing their land into the Daxia territory.

Only then can the national strength be increased, and then there will be a battle with the original imperial city.

Therefore, he led the army and marched in the direction of the barbarians.

Wherever the army passed, there were still sporadic barbarians blocking it.

However, when they encountered the Daxia army, there was almost no resistance at all.

Even the barbarian king was beheaded, not to mention others.

in boundless slaughter.

The barbarian people finally felt fear and fear.

But now it's too late, the Daxia army at this time is rolling like a wave.

And it got more and more turbulent.

Wherever they went, all the barbarians were killed cleanly.

Days passed in a blink of an eye.

When they came to the barbarian king's city, it was already full of turmoil.

Everyone is standing on the top of the city cautiously.

When the headed barbarian general saw the Daxia army, the fear in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

The barbarian king had all died in the hands of the opponent, and he was really not sure that he could withstand so many troops.

At this time, Xia Fan, looking at the scene on the top of the city, opened his mouth at this time.

"Today's attack on the Barbarian King City, I will cut off their royal flags, wipe out the blood of the barbarians, and let the people of Daxia never suffer from the barbarians!"

When his voice sounded, the King Yu lance in his hand pointed to the front.


With the sound of the sound, Long Huo rushed straight ahead.

Wherever he went, it was as if he wanted to shatter the world.

And behind him, Da Xia's generals followed closely.

Hua Xiong and Pan Feng were with him.

Yan Liang jumped up even more.

Lightning flashed around his body.


When a knife slashed above the city gate.


The entire city gate of the royal city was torn apart at this moment.

The guard of the royal city's pupils could not help shrinking.

In a panic, he raised his sword to resist.

But how could he be an opponent, Yan Liang stepped out, and the appearance of the thunder beast appeared.

The surroundings instantly turned into a sea of ​​thunder, enclosing the general in it.

Finally disappeared.

He is a master at cleaning up barbarians for Xia Fan.

At this time, the other party also entered the city.

The King Yu lance in his hand, every time he waved it, he would take away a life.

The light shrouded, like a god of war.

Human Sovereign Physique, I don't know when, it flashed out.

That powerful dharma image, King Yu lance waved out every time.

It can shake the whole world.

At the same time, in Xia Fan's mind, the sound of the system sounded from time to time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have gained [-] crit points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you got 150 crit points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained [-] critical strike points!"

With the sound kept ringing.

Xia Fan felt that his strength was growing every moment.

I don't know how long after that.


Along with the body, there was a thunderous roar, and he actually broke through at this time.

Reached the eighth level of the law.

However, after the breakthrough, the cultivation base did not mean to stop.

Still continuing to grow.

I don't know how long after that.

When the cultivation base was completely stabilized at the ninth level of the law, it stopped.

I saw him at this time, the Dharma behind him became more and more condensed at this time.

It's like turning into a real person.

The sword in his hand, when he is rowing, is wrapped in the sound of wind and thunder.

At this moment, everyone in the world was completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

Even the generals of Da Xia had a look of amazement in their eyes.

But then, the morale was even more condensed at this time.


Pan Feng roared and led the army to stare at the barbarian king city.

Wherever he went, no one could match.

I don't know how long after that.

When the shouting and killing in the city subsided.

The entire Barbarian King City fell into silence.

I saw that the original king flag was also cut off at this time.

The barbarians were even more miserable, and no one appeared.

The whole world was exuding a gloomy aura at this time.

At this moment, Xia Fan spoke up.

"Yan Liang obeys!"

"The end is here!"

After hearing Xia Fan's voice, Yan Liang dared to be slighted, even if he said it respectfully.

"I canonize you today, Marquis of Lei Jia, and from today on, I will lead my Great Xia's 30 Lei Jia army and sit in the city of Man Wang!"

After hearing the voice, Yan Liang dared to be slighted, and immediately said respectfully.

"The last will obey!"

Immediately afterwards, Xia Fan's voice sounded again.

"Hua Xiong, I canonized you as Barbarian Lion Marquis today, and sit in the wind roar pass!"

"The last will obey!"

Hua Xiong said excitedly.

This wind roar pass is very important. It is the horn of the Barbarian King City. If the Jagged City is added, it is a triangle shape that surrounds the entire barbarian territory.

And externally, it is next to the Western Barbarians, which can resist the Western Barbarian Iron Cavalry. It is said that the opponent's strength is not weak. Recently, a Yipin Hall has been formed, and they are all martial arts masters.

It is conceivable how important the wind roar pass is, and now it is handed over to oneself to control, this is all Xia Fan's trust.

However, just after Xia Fan's canonization was completed.

In his mind, the sound of the system sounded again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the achievement of conferring princes, received system rewards, and obtained the loyalty of 20 tiger and leopard riders. May I ask if you want to summon now!"


After hearing the voice, Xia Fan said without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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