Chapter 26 Not Equivalent

Murong Fu and the others did not know about Jin Yiwei's following.

However, as they moved forward, when they came to a valley.

At this moment, a voice sounded Mu Ran.


When the voice fell, the endless crossbow arrows fell downwards.

Sen Leng's arrow light seemed to illuminate the world at this moment.

Murong Fu's gaze couldn't help condensing, and the folding fan in his hand waved towards the surroundings.

A mighty hurricane swayed, and all the arrows around him and Wang Yuyan were shot back.

And that bag is different from the storm and evil, and he didn't expect that he and others would be attacked.

They waved their weapons in their hands.

However, this rain of arrows seemed to be endless, leaving them busy dealing with it.

At this moment, the anger on Murong Fu's face disappeared in a flash.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

When the voice sounded, the whole body flew up and rushed towards the master of Jin Yiwei.

Only, just when he was just approaching the mouth of the valley.

The Jin Yiwei holding a crossbow and arrows retreated at this moment.

Instead, there is an army.

"Murong Fu, eat my axe!"

Pan Feng's voice sounded, and the phoenix behind him flashed a fiery flame.

The giant axe smashed down instantly.

Between heaven and earth, there is boundless light.

The cultivation base of the supernatural power realm radiates out.

Murong Fu, who had just rushed up, was caught off guard.


With just an axe, the smashed figure retreated to the rear.

There was a solemn look on his face.

Unexpectedly, the other party is actually a master of supernatural power.

Today, he, the ninth layer of the law, although he can face the supernatural power realm, he can even fight and win.

However, Pan Feng's own strength is very powerful.

After adding the comprehension of supernatural powers, his combat power has soared, and he has made a lot of military achievements in recent times.

The strength has been improved by several stages, even if it meets Murong Fu, it can only be said that it is slightly inferior.

But don't forget, Pan Feng leads the Xuanjia Army.

This made Murong Fu not dare to confront him.

Just as he retreated, the black armored cavalry charged forward.

Waving the spear in his hand made Na Murong Fu almost dare not stop and continued to retreat.

until we got back to the valley.

Only then did he pull up Wang Yuyan and said.

"Come on, there is an ambush of Daxia here!"

After the sound sounded, it flew away towards the valley.

But he is still not reconciled, and the purpose is still the imperial city of Daxia.

He wants to defeat Emperor Xia in front of everyone.

Because in his opinion, this is an opportunity to increase his prestige and recover Dayan.

The storm and evil are different from Bao, and they follow closely.

At this time, they didn't dare to stay, facing the pursuit of the big Xia powerhouse, only at this time did they realize that the skills they were proud of were really worthless in front of the army.

Young dragons, after all, can only represent talent, they are masters of the younger generation, and some old people, although not on the young dragon list, can still kill young dragons.

Murong Fu originally thought that what the Five Poisons Cult Master could do, he could do too.

At that time, I still regretted why I was not the first person to enter the palace, but now I realize that things are really not that simple.

And just as they fled.

However, Pan Feng led the Xuanjia Army to continue chasing up.

"Murong Fu, stop for this general, don't you claim to be invincible, let me see if you can move my thousands of iron cavalry!"

The voice sounded, and Murong Fu's face was ashen, thinking that he had just won the ticket, but now he was being chased and killed.

It's really a slap in the face.

But the package is different, but there is a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

"Our son is challenging you Emperor Xia. You dare to ambush and kill you in the middle of the road. Obviously, you are afraid of battle. Are you not afraid of being despised by people from all major forces!"

When the voice sounded, the figure was still not slow, and continued to move forward.

But right now.

A figure did not know when, standing in front of them.

This person is dressed in a long robe, has a refined appearance, and the light of wisdom flashes in his eyes.

said with a smile.

"Since everyone wants to challenge our majesty, why are you running away like this!"

It was Xu Shu who spoke naturally.

It made Murong Fu and the others stop involuntarily.

The package is different immediately.

"Who are you, are you also the lackey of Emperor Xia!"

When he spoke, there was a look of vigilance in his eyes.

"Master of the Military Aircraft Department of Daxia, Xu Shu!"

When the voice sounded, a trace of murderous intent flashed in Murong Fu's eyes.

said coldly.

"I, Murong Fu, in the land of Kyushu, can be regarded as a person, and this challenge, Your Majesty, has long been known to everyone.

Are you not afraid of being ridiculed by others for intercepting and killing you halfway? "

Seeing the roaring cavalry behind him, he couldn't bear it any longer.

However, when his voice just fell.

A smile appeared on Xu Shu's mouth.

"Our Majesty naturally knows about this matter, that's why I will test Young Master Murong.

Your Majesty is in charge of all kinds of opportunities, if you can challenge any cat or dog, wouldn't it be ridiculing.

Therefore, if Young Master Murong really wants to challenge His Majesty, he must pass the level of our courtiers before entering the imperial city safely! "

This time, Murong Fu didn't know how to reply.

At this time, for the first time, he felt the difficulty of this Xia Huang. This is a hero, not a so-called straw bag.

But the bag is different, but he said as he rolled his eyes.

"No, no, this is unfair, why should Emperor Xia test him if he wants to test? Our son hasn't tested him yet, it's so unfair!"

"You are Mr. Murong's family commander, although you are a bit rude to speak here, but for the first time, I can ignore you.

There is nothing fair or unfair in this world, I'm talking about it.

The identity of your son is not equal to our Majesty, so it will be tested! "

This sentence, Baodi said, his face was red, but he was speechless.

And then, Xu Shu said again.

"Young Master Murong, take the call!"

When the voice sounded, the thousands of chains behind him actually rippling out at this moment, so that the inside of the square tree was full of golden light.

"It's a military officer!"

Bao different exclaimed, as a family general, he has naturally heard of this legendary character, but he did not expect Daxia to have it.

But now I know it's too late.

Xu Shu's formation can suppress anyone in the Heaven-reaching Realm.

Not to mention Murong Fu, who is a nine-layered dharma imager.

At this time, the other party, although horrified, did not capture it.

He jumped up in a leap, and his whole body was rippling with divine light.

"Fighting to the stars!"

The voice sounded, and the stars appeared above the head.

Unexpectedly, endless starlight fell on Murong Fu's body, causing his aura to suddenly increase.

The sword glow in his hand is even more hesitant.

At this time, split towards the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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