Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 3 The Charging Xuanjia Army

Chapter 3 The Charging Xuanjia Army (recommendation ticket for collection)
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the allegiance of Zhu Wu, the military strategist of the magic machine, and the strength is fivefold!

The magic weapon, the earth-level Huangtian Dangyun robe, can bless [-]% of the mana!

The blade, the Earth-level Purple Flame Sun Knife![-]% Armor Break Rate can be added!

The natal formation, the eight-door formation that shakes the earth!Can be a person who has entered the supernatural power for the first time!
Physique, basalt body!
Implant the identity, the hermit who came to defect to His Majesty!

Expect to arrive within three hours! "

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan's eyes flashed a brilliant light.

Zhu Wu, the magic strategist, can be said to be a buried talent. Today, he is serving under his own hands, which is really even more powerful.

After that, he said to Wei Zhongxian.

"Notice, let all the army in the imperial city gather!"

"Old slave obey!"

After receiving the order, Wei Zhongxian did not dare to hesitate, and immediately retreated.

In a short time, the entire imperial city was covered with a layer of chill.

The generals of the Praetorian Guard led their subordinates to the top of the city one after another, and looked at the blood-robed camp not far away with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Xueyihou, but a famous warrior in Daxia, who used to follow the old emperor to fight against the gods in the past, how can he be careless against such a character.

It can be said that every prince in Daxia is a real hero.

When the old emperor was there, they didn't dare to be presumptuous, but now that the old emperor is on the road to heaven and wants to prolong his life for another ten thousand years, these princes naturally moved their minds.

And the general on the top of the city was carefully observing the dynamics in the bloody Hou camp.

Xia Fan also climbed to the top of the city at this time, and Wei Zhongxian was guarding him, so he didn't dare to be careless.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The moment Xia Fan climbed to the top of the city, all the soldiers fell to the ground.

"Be flat!"

Xia Fan waved his hand and said, these generals in the imperial city are all the team left by his father, and they are still loyal.

For them, it is natural to be lenient.

After hearing the voice, the armored generals did not hesitate and stood up directly. One of them, a majestic veteran with a long beard, opened the mouth and said.

"Your Majesty, this time, the blood-clothed waiting to lead the army must have a plan. I am willing to leave the city and order them to leave immediately!"

This old general is named Zhang Kun. He is a famous general in Daxia, and it is also the legacy that the old emperor left to Xia Fan. His strength has reached the peak of the innate.

"The old general doesn't have to be like this. I will deal with this bloody robe personally!"

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered Wei Zhongxian.

"Blood Clothes, come to see me!"

When he gave the order, Wei Zhongxian did not dare to neglect.

Immediately afterwards, he shouted at the messenger.

"Your Majesty has an order to pass the blood and wait for an audience!"

The voice was quite sharp, but there was a touch of chill, and everyone knew that the critical moment was coming.


At the same time, in the blood-clothed army, a loud horn sounded, and then a large army in blood-colored armor slowly moved towards the direction of the city head.

The breath exuded is powerful and shocking.

"Xueyihou actually brought his blood armored army!"

The veteran Zhang Kun exclaimed, "Every Marquis' subordinate has an ace army. The blood-clothed army is the trump card of the blood-clothed prince. It invades like fire and is known as the killing army.

Their warriors are all carefully selected, and they are strong men in the army who have reached the fifth level of the Qi-entraining realm, and are equipped with yellow-level equipment. Such a legion can destroy a medium-sized sect.

Today's Daxia Imperial City, I am afraid that it is powerless to resist.

"If not, send the national teacher back. As long as the national teacher returns, I don't believe that the blood-clothed waiter will dare to be mad!"

Another general said that the national teacher, Lei Po, was the Optimus Pillar of Da Xia, and also the strongest heritage left by the old emperor to Xia Fan, and his strength was unfathomable.

Moreover, the most powerful legion that leads Da Xia, originally had him in charge, and Da Xia will definitely be handed over smoothly.

But who would have thought that the Dali Duan clan, who bordered Daxia, began to station troops at the border after the old emperor left, and also dispatched Zhennan Wang to sit in the town himself, so Daxia had to be careful.

The national teacher had no choice but to lead the elite of Daxia in person.

If it weren't for this, let alone the blood-robed sect, the Five Poison Sect wouldn't dare to forcefully break into the palace.

However, after hearing the voices around him, Xia Fan's face was expressionless, he just looked at all this coldly, which made those generals even more worried.

Your Majesty, won't you fight against the blood-clothed Hou in person, if that's the case, it's probably not good.

Just when they thought so.

The next moment, Xia Fan looked at the army under the city and spoke.

"Xueyihou, when you see me, why don't you kneel!"

His voice sounded, stunned everyone around, Zhang Kun, the veteran in the city, naturally hoped that Xia Fan could swallow the tiger in anger and make all the princes bow their heads, but this was just a dream.

Now that Xia Fan shouted it out, it was terrible, and he might provoke the blood-clothed Hou directly to tear his face.

Sure enough, just when Xia Fan's voice sounded.

The blood-clothed waiter who had just arrived at the bottom of the city, the originally evil and charming face actually showed a little grimness at this time, and a blood-colored battle robe was roaring under the blowing of the wind.

Looking up at Xia Fan, he said slowly.

"Your Majesty, my blood armored army has traveled thousands of miles to escort me.

It's just that you don't condolences to the three armed forces.

He actually closed the city gate and still insulted the last general at the top of the city, but seeing my [-] blood armored army is so deceiving!

Or you never treat us soldiers as human beings! "

In his voice, there was a questioning meaning, and he was accusing Xia Fan of not being considerate to his soldiers.

It has to be said that this blood-clothed waiter can be appointed as a general in Daxia, and he really has the ability of the other party.

As soon as his voice sounded, the veteran above the city couldn't help but feel a chill. As a veteran of the three dynasties of the Great Xia Dynasty, he has been running around on the battlefield, of course, he knows the power of attacking his heart.

And Xueyihou is proficient in this way. His bloody roar, which once made the enemy army of [-] voluntarily discard the weapons, now uses it, which has a fatal impact on the soldiers of Daxia.

Sure enough, some warriors with weak minds showed signs of struggle on their faces.

However, at this moment, Xia Fan gave the order again.

"The Marquis in Blood Clothes can't be ordered to enter the important areas of Gyeonggi without authorization. I was going to spare his life, but I didn't expect that he would dare to contradict me, so rebellious, he really deserves to be killed!

Open the door and fight! "

After hearing Xia Fan's voice, an evil smile appeared on the face of the blood-clothed Hou. He thought that his plan was successful. As long as the city gate was opened, he wanted to see who else in the city could block him. The assault of the army.


Only, at the moment when the city gate opened.


A thunderous roar sounded from inside the city gate.

This is the sound of the galloping army.

Then, a general covered in black flames rushed out first.


"Pan Feng led Xuanjiawei to escort him. Anyone who dares to be an enemy of His Majesty, kill him!"

And behind him, there is a large army dyed like ink, a scaled beast with a height of [-] feet, with bloodthirsty rays of light in its eyes, it seems that it can smash everything.

On its back, the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army covered in heavy armor, holding spears in their hands, let out bursts of roars, as if they were smashed out of hell. They were too strong, and each of them was actually a Release the cultivation of the innate realm.

(End of this chapter)

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