Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 34 The Overlord Fights the Emperor

Chapter 34 The Overlord Fights the Emperor
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning and obtaining Xiang Yu's allegiance.

Strength, unknown!
Weapons, the Dragon Breaks the City Halberd!

Talent, unknown!
Residence time, one day!
Please accept the host! "

After the sound of the sound.

Behind Xia Fan, a figure appeared in an instant.

Then, a suffocating domineering breath swept the whole world.

Profound armor covers the body, and a large halberd is in the palm.

Look at the palm that is about to fall in the sky.

Without the slightest hesitation, it just waved out.

The attack power of this halberd is extremely powerful.

When that bright energy bloomed in the sky.

Almost torn apart the whole world.

The palm of the eldest prince just collided with it.


There was a deafening roar between heaven and earth.

Then, in the unbelievable eyes of everyone, they saw that the eldest prince's palm was instantly shattered.

However, the halberd still kept going and continued to slash towards the eldest prince.

The great prestige makes the sun and the moon dull.

"how is this possible!"

The eldest prince roared.

But the next moment, the halberd was already in sight.

In desperation, he could only gather all his mana to resist.


But Xiang Yu's halberd painting was still in a state of brilliance.

The eldest prince's dharma was completely shattered.

This time, he didn't dare to hesitate, and retreated to the rear in a flash.

Never thought that Daxia would have such a master.

And how can Xiang Yu let him escape easily.

Sit down and gallop out on the horse.

It turned out to be directly chased away.

Xia Fan looked at the scene on the field with a solemn look in his eyes.

Since today is going to be a riot, it would be better to make a bigger riot.

It also made people from all major forces feel a little jealous of Da Xia.

Otherwise, this eldest prince will not die, and I am afraid that it will be even more rampant.

After thinking of this, without the slightest hesitation, he rode the dragon and chased after him at this time.

Such a battle can be said to shake the entire land of Kyushu.

After all, not to mention the power of the emperor, even the eldest prince is also a master. This time he was actually hunted down.

Who can not be shocked.

At this time, the few people in the battle did not know the thoughts of the people of the major forces.

At this time, Xia Fan, majestic and majestic, stood on top of the dragon.

The whole person is like a god.

People of all major forces have awe-inspiring rays of light in their eyes.

After all, Xia Fan is the only one who dares to hunt down and kill the eldest prince of Kyushu and succeeds.

When the two sides were chasing and killing, they entered the boundary of Kyushu.

At this moment, the eldest prince roared.

"Xia Fan, if you dare to hurt me, the emperor will not let you go.

Don't forget, I am the son of the emperor! "

There was a little fear in his voice.

At this time, I was a little scared, mainly because Xiang Yu's strength was too strong.

In front of the opponent, he was almost powerless to fight back.

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan said coldly.

"When you hunted down my father, did you ever think about the punishment of the emperor!"

His voice was indifferent.

This time, the eldest prince lost his voice.

You can only bury your head and run forward.

But how could he outrun that Wuxian?

As time went by, Xiang Yu gradually got closer to the eldest prince.

The halberd in his hand swept across.

The rippling energy is like a mighty wave.

How can the eldest prince resist.


In an instant, his body flew out.

The whole person fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed.

Looking towards Xiang Yu, a trace of fear appeared.

"Xia Fan, you can't kill me, I'm your uncle!"

"My father is your younger brother, and I am your nephew, so don't you do it too.

Today, you should also experience how my father felt back then! "

When the voice sounded, he directly waved his hand to signal Xiang Yu to start.

Without the slightest hesitation, the painted halberd was raised at this moment.


When it was chopped down, it even made the sound of thunder.

At this moment, the eldest prince deeply realized that he was only one step away from death.

However, right now.

A palm came from the sky.


He actually grabbed the halberd directly in the palm of his hand.

The golden light on the palm flashed, filling the emperor's prestige.

Then, a dharma image of the emperor appeared in front of everyone.

"It's the emperor!"

Someone exclaimed, with an incredible look in their eyes.

The original emperor took action and saved the eldest prince.

Then, look at Xia Fandao.

"Go back, something big will happen soon.

This is not the time for cannibalism! "

There was no anger in his voice.

But Xia Fan's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction.

"Then when he killed me, why didn't you say you couldn't kill each other, but now you ran out to stop me.

Just because this eldest prince is the son of your original emperor! "

Xia Fan's voice was incomparably cold, and he did not give any face to the master of Zhongzhou.

The voice sounded, and the expression of Princess Aquarius who had just caught up changed greatly.

She knew her father's temper too well, and Xia Fan got into trouble.

Sure enough, right now.

The original emperor's voice sounded.

"Presumptuous! Don't think that you have a human emperor's body, and I won't do anything to you!
If it does not reach a hundred calamities, it is also difficult to become a great weapon! "

Then, a punch hit Xia Fan.

The huge fist shone with golden light, like a big sun.

When radiating light.

It makes people tremble.

This is the power of the emperor.

At this time, Xia Fan was even more angry.

The emperor was unfair, his father was harmed by others, and he plundered his own opportunities, and he ignored it.

The eldest prince wanted to kill himself and cut down the roots, but he also didn't speak.

Now, the eldest prince was going to be killed by himself, but the emperor suddenly shot.

This made the anger in his heart almost impossible to suppress.

Roared immediately.

, "Xiang Yu, kill me!"

when the order is given.

A red light flashed in Xiang Yu's eyes.

His body also became enormous at this time.

Then, a cold and domineering voice sounded.

"The Overlord's Law!"


At the moment when the voice sounded, a tall body appeared.

Long hair flying like a waterfall.

The halberd in his hand is comparable to a Tianzhu.

Facing the fist of the original emperor, he even slashed over.

Wherever he passed, boundless energy permeated.

The sharpness that is wrapped in it.

Even the original Emperor Venerable frowned.


when the two collide.

In situ, a huge mushroom cloud rose up unexpectedly.

Among them, the golden light and the purple light are vertical and horizontal.

Finally intertwined.

Can't see what's going on inside.

And just when everyone was amazed, the scene in the field.


A thunderous sound rang out, which actually shattered the clouds in the air.

Then, the figure of a god in golden armor appeared above the sky.

Make a cold sound.

"Starting today, the training period for the God Race's Tianjiao Lower Realm has arrived!"

When the voice fell.

Everyone's face changed.

He knew in his heart that catastrophe was coming.

However, there are also people who have eyes flashing brightly. This is a catastrophe, and it is also an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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