Chapter 40 God King Order (recommendation ticket for collection)
After hearing the sound, the cold voice of the Western God King rang out in an instant.

"A mere human emperor, who dares to be so arrogant, today I will impose a heavenly punishment to see how you resist!"

When the voice sounded, there was endless killing intent.

Then, he stretched out his hand and waved, and there was actually a thunderbolt in his hand.

Like a war spear.

There is thunder light blooming above, and the aura of destruction permeates, making people stunned.


Then, the war spear broke through the air at this time.

The target is Xia Fan.

There is invincible power on it.

As if it could destroy everything.

At this time, Xia Fan was also preparing to use a temporary summoning card.

A dignified look flashed in his eyes.

However, at this time.

In the distance, an incomparable sword energy came from the sky.

The flashing light above is like a bright sun.

It's time to dissolve everything.

Not waiting for the God King's spear to fall.


Jianmang is to split it.

Then, a leisurely voice sounded.

"The Western God King, the gods are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the human race, this is the rule established at the beginning.

Don't you want to destroy it! "

After the voice fell, an old man appeared in the field.

On his body, there is Tai Chi light blooming.

The aura that the whole person exudes is extremely terrifying.

After seeing the person coming, someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's Tai Chi Patriarch, Zhang Sanfeng!"

Someone exclaimed, no one would not be in awe of this human race's Optimus Jade Pillar.

At this time, the Western God King stared down.

Senran said.

"Old Taoist priest, my son died within your boundaries!"

"That's your own fault, where my human race is, who made you run around.

At that time, the rules were set, and my human race could go to the sky and get the chance of immortality.

And your Protoss junior can also practice in the lower world, but life and death depend on fate.

Now that your son is dead, you are going to trouble my human race.

On the way to the sky, many old disciples and grandchildren died. Do you want to let the people of your Protoss take their lives to fill it! "

The words of the Taiji ancestor were sonorous and powerful, when the last sentence fell.

In his eyes, a blazing light flashed.

Unparalleled strength.

Let the Western God King be speechless.


Everyone around couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Those who dared to scold a god-king like this were probably only the Optimus Jade Pillars in the human race.

However, the Western God King was obviously not reconciled.

Look at Tai Chi Patriarch Dao.

"Okay, I won't take action, but this Emperor Xia is also going to die!"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Murong Bo and said again.

"You are a master of the human race, your son is also dead, kill Emperor Xia, I will give you a chance to live forever!"

With the sound of the sound.

There was a hint of heartbeat on Murong Bo's face.

However, he still looked at Zhang Sanfeng with fear.

After all, at this time, he still didn't know the relationship between Xia Fan and the other party.

If Zhang Sanfeng made a move, he would not be able to succeed at all.

"Hmph, the internal affairs of the human race, the old man will not interfere!"

Seeing Murong Bo's thoughts, Zhang Sanfeng said disdainfully.

For these people in the Murong family, I was very disdainful in my heart.

But after hearing the voice, Murong Bo breathed a sigh of relief.

He opened his mouth immediately.

"Thank you Zhang Zhenren for making it happen!"

Then, without the slightest hesitation, he rushed towards Xia Fan at a very fast speed.

It was even a little unexpected.

However, at the moment he shot.


In the sky, there was another roar.

Then, another figure came out of the sky at this time.

A man's armor.

The whole person exudes the aura of iron blood.

Immediately after his arrival, he punched Murong Bo with a punch.

The mighty fist, as if it could penetrate the world.

At the moment of collision with Na Murong Bo.


It was the sound of bursts of gold and iron symphony.

Immediately afterwards, Murong Bo's figure was knocked out.

There was an incredible look in his eyes.

It was only when the figure stood and looked forward.

An old man wearing a golden dragon robe stood in the field.

And by his side, the Aquarius Princess was also followed.

Then, a domineering voice came out.

"Murong Bo, this old man has long disliked you. You dare to take action against my junior. Are you trying to court death!"

"The Third Emperor of the Kyushu Imperial City, why are you here!"

Murong Bo said through gritted teeth.

This third emperor is the uncle of the original emperor. He is not weak. He never cares about things on weekdays, but he never thought that he would actually interfere in his own affairs today.

"Xia Fan is my nephew and grandson. I am very optimistic about him. If you do something to him, I will kill you!"

The third emperor's voice sounded like thunder.

Even though Murong Bo was extremely angry at this time, there was nothing he could do.

In the end, it can only be said harshly.

"Since the Third Emperor wants to intervene in today's affairs, I naturally dare not have an opinion!"

Saying this is not doing anything.

As the saying goes, small intolerance can lead to chaos, and the Murong family is thinking of restoring the country.

Although his son died, it made him angry.

But he didn't dare to be the enemy of the Kyushu Imperial City.

And the three emperors said to the treasure bottle princess.

"How is it, little girl, are you satisfied!"

After the voice fell, a smile appeared on the face of Princess Aquarius.

"Thank you Third Grandpa!"

After seeing such a scene, a touch of emotion appeared on Xia Fan's face.

This aunt of my own really sacrificed herself for him.

However, at this moment, the Western God King said coldly.

"Okay, what a human race, do you really think that you can keep this kid in this way?

I want him to die, no one can stop him! "

As he spoke, a golden token appeared in his hand.

There is energy flashing above.

There are also mysterious talismans.

Then, the king of gods said.

"In my name, gather the gods and kill Emperor Xia!"

Just when his voice sounded.

The expressions of the people below changed, because this Western God King actually wanted to summon all the gods from the lower realm to kill Xia Fan.

At this moment, the world changes color.

Hundreds of divine lights soared into the sky.

A man in golden armor showed astonishing murderous intent on his face.

Holding a war spear and stepping on the clouds, he is a son of god, with powerful combat power, and is also the top figure in Tianjiao.

It is a bit stronger than the original Jin Shattering.

On the other side, there is a woman with a beautiful face, with divine light rippling around her body, which is beautiful. This is a goddess with many followers, and her strength should not be underestimated.

At this time, the same murderous intention appeared.

As long as you kill Xia Fan, you can get the favor of a god king, even the most powerful Tianjiao will be tempted.

(End of this chapter)

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