Chapter 45
"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining Wang Chong's allegiance!
Strength, penetrating the fifth level of the realm!

Magic weapon, heaven order, mountain and river pen, one word can suppress mountains!

Supernatural powers, Confucian righteousness!Can kill thousands of demons!
Please accept the host! "

Just after the system sound just dropped.

Beside Xia Fan, a figure appeared.

Above his head, there was actually a cloud of air floating.

Hunting in robes.

The eyes are full of gods, and they seem to be able to penetrate everything.

Just after it appeared, a huge voice sounded at this moment.

"Bold monster, dare to make trouble!"

When the voice sounded, a purple-gold wolf brush appeared in the palm of his hand.

Swipe in space.


I saw that above the sky, a dragon, phoenix and phoenix dance had taken shape, and it slammed into the arrogance of the monster clan.


Falling with a thud.

Before the Tianjiao of the demon clan could make a scream, the whole person was already blown into a blood fog.

Such a scene is in the eyes of the original emperor.

There was a touch of incredible color.

Great Confucianism, this is the treasure of the human race, it appeared in ancient times.

They are the nemesis of demons.

There was a record of the Great Confucian copybook, which suppressed the demon king.

But up to now, the human race is on the sidelines, and the great Confucianism has silenced and searched for traces.

Although the original emperor cultivated intentionally, he still failed in the end.

However, now there is one who actually helps Xia Fan.

This made him feel incredible.

"Could it be that this is the legendary great luck!"

He thought about it in his heart, but his face was calm.

At this time, looking at Xia Fan, he finally spoke.

"Xia Fan, are you willing to return to the Kyushu Imperial City with me!"

There was a rare touch of warmth in his voice. For this grandson, he felt that he really did not fulfill his responsibilities.

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan said coldly.

"What about my father's revenge!"

His voice sounded, and Lei Po beside him raised his heart completely.

In his opinion, it is already very good to be able to return to Kyushu.

You must know that the background of Kyushu is not comparable to Daxia.

However, the original emperor at this time did not mean to be angry at all.

Reach out and wave.


The eldest prince fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

At this time, his cultivation was obviously imprisoned.

Looking at Xia Fan's figure, his eyes showed a touch of complexity.

This junior really made him feel ashamed.

The Emperor's Body of Myriad Tribulations was something he didn't even dare to think about.

"He's at your disposal!"

The original emperor pointed to the eldest prince and said slowly.

"There are others!" Xia Fan was unmoved, and his eyes glanced at the Kyushu royal family.

These people also hurt their father back then.

After hearing the voice, Da Zongzheng laughed.

"Haha, this is the style of a peerless hero.

Xia Huang, I am sorry for your lineage. As long as you promise to return to Kyushu today, I will die in front of you.

Including the rest of the royal family who participated in the siege of your father! "

There was a hint of eagerness in his voice.

At this time, looking at Xia Fan, not only did he not have the slightest anger, but his face was full of hope.

However, after hearing the other party's voice, there was a hint of impatience on Xia Fan's face.

"Only if I join Kyushu, will you kill yourself?

However, I will never do anything under the command of others, and I will never be threatened.

When I am strong enough to kill you, I will kill you myself! "

His voice sounded, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

The original emperor also changed his face and said slowly.

"You really don't think about it!"

In the voice, there was a hint of helplessness, the Emperor of Myriad Tribulations, it should have been the Optimus Jade Pillar of the family, but now he is unwilling to return.

How could he not be helpless.

You can't fight, you can't scold, you can't be coaxed and you're not happy.

Let this dignified emperor not know what to do.

"When my father left, did you think about him!"

Xia Fan said slowly.

Then, his eyes fell on the eldest prince.

"You live well, one day, I will use my own strength to take back everything from my father!"

After the sound sounded, it was walking towards the rear, without the slightest sluggishness.

When the eldest prince heard the sound, he sat down on the ground.

All the energy seemed to be drained.

After seeing such a scene, Princess Aquarius showed a touch of reluctance on her face.

Facing the three emperors.

"Third grandpa, did you really let Xia Fan go like this? Did he not even avenge him in order not to return to Kyushu!"

"It's not that he didn't report it, his arrogance, he didn't allow his enemies, he committed suicide due to other influences.

What he wants is absolute strength to destroy his enemies.

The arrogance of the emperor is not something you and I can understand! "

After the voice sounded, he sighed and left.

At this time, the other people around Lingyun Grotto also retreated.

But in their hearts, there was a little more awe for Xia Fan.

The army comes fast and goes fast.

When Xia Fan left, Hua Xiong and others also guarded around and walked in the direction of Da Xia.

However, just when the news of Xia Fanren's imperial body spread all over Kyushu.

Above the Mingjiao Bright Summit.


As the door to the secret room opened.

A young figure came out at this moment.

He was slender, dressed in a robe, and had a handsome face, but above his body, there was a holy light.

When he saw the figure waiting outside the secret room, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Zhang Wuji, meet the leader!"

"Haha, Wuji, it's just the right time for you to leave the customs, the Holy Body of Light has actually become a big success, and I am the successor of Mingjiao.

If you train hard, you will be no weaker than the Emperor's body in Daxia! "

At the same time, within the helm of the beggar gang.

"hold head high!"

The bursts of dragon roars sounded, and a tall figure came out, his hair fluttering, and he walked like a tiger.

There is a tendency to swallow mountains and rivers.

Below, countless beggar gang disciples fell to the ground.

"Congratulations to the gang master's first battle body!"

The sound rang out, shaking the surroundings.

No need to explain, this gang leader is naturally Qiao Feng.

In just a few days, the rankings on the Kyushu Young Dragons list were changing almost constantly.

At this time, Xia Fan did not pay attention to these.

Now he has returned to his palace.

Sitting on the dragon chair, looking at the ministers below.

"If something happened recently, everyone can play it!"

With the sound of his voice, Duan Zhengming hesitated for a moment before stepping forward.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report. A few days ago, the Tubo national master, Jiu Mozhi, appeared in my mansion and asked me to hand over the Six Veins Divine Sword.

Now, he is rampant in my mansion, and I ask Your Majesty to call the shots for me! "

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan raised his brows. In the original book, it was enough for Jiu Mozhi to bully the Dali Duan clan, but now he dares to go to his own imperial city to show off his power, which is simply courting death.

At the same time, the system sound also sounded at this time.

"Ding, system task, suppress Kumozhi, get a chance to summon randomly, ask the host if you accept it!"


After hearing the voice, Xia Fan said almost without hesitation.

After all, he also very much wanted to meet this, notoriously unreasonable Jiu Mozhi, to see if the other party was really difficult to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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