Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 61 Ten Thousand Clans List

Chapter 61 Ten Thousand Clans List (recommendation ticket for collection)
At this time, Xia Fan, after the voice fell, his eyes flashed with blazing murderous intent.

No matter what goddess or goddess she is, as long as she dares to provoke herself, she will pay the price.

However, at this moment, Luo Feixue's face turned pale.


Kneeling directly on the ground.

She has seen the scene of her own clan being caught in the battlefield of ten thousand clans, and some people were even swallowed alive.

Although she was proud, she did not dare to gamble her own life.

He opened his mouth when he fell to his knees.

"Huang Xia, let me go, I will definitely repay you.

Please! "

Seeing a pitiful beauty kneeling down in front of him, any man would probably feel pity.

But who is Xia Fan? He is the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, and his mind is as firm as iron. How could he be tempted by a mere woman.

Immediately said coldly.

"Go on, put in the prison!"

After the sound of the voice, the master of the East Factory directly dragged the princess down.

Then, Xia Ran said solemnly again.

"All the armies go back.

Self-cultivation, guard against the next Protoss will attack! "

At this time, since it is a war.

The other party will naturally tear his face.

"As ordered!"

And just after his order was given, the surrounding generals retreated at this moment.

However, at the same time.

God Realm, within a mighty Heavenly Palace.

In the main hall, a man with a majestic face sat at the top, his body was wrapped in a golden mist, making people unable to see his anger and anger, and at this time, facing the sky below, the god general said.

"The greedy wolf god will die in battle, and the princess will be arrested.

Moreover, it was destroyed within a small human dynasty.

If you don't have a suitable solution today, don't leave! "

The voice sounded, and the god king and god general below were trembling, because they knew that their majesty was really angry.

After a while, a god general said cautiously.

"Your Majesty, if not, exchange the princess first!"

However, just after the voice of the god general fell, the Luo God Emperor was completely angry.


The table in front of him shattered instantly.

said coldly.

"Do you mean to let me bow my head, like an ant-like human race bowing its head, that's the case.

From now on, how will I gain a foothold in this god realm, and how will other god emperors see me? Is this what you came up with! "

The voice fell, and the god general just stood up before kneeling on the ground again.

However, just when Luoshendi was extremely angry.

A figure stood up at this moment.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, this matter is easy to resolve, and the War of Ten Thousand Races is about to start.

Isn't there a passage in the human race, and it's not far from the Southern Wilderness.

As long as the channel is opened, the demon clan will enter Kyushu.

When they can't resist it, they must still demand us.

Whether it is the original or the Xia Huang, it is not up to you to deal with it.

Moreover, recently, many forces of the human race have come to me.

They can also deal with Kyushu and Daxia, and they are in a hurry. If you want them to die, you don't need us to take action! "

The one who spoke was the chief military advisor of Emperor Luoshen.

After hearing the voice, Luo Shendi's eyes flashed with a hint of satisfaction, and he said immediately.

"Okay, just do it.

I want that human race to kneel on the ground and repent of everything they have done! "

After the voice fell, it disappeared in place.

And just days after they negotiated the result.

At this time, Xia Fan was in his own palace. Recently, he always had a feeling of palpitations.

Maybe something will happen.

Just when he was about to ask Cao Zhengchun if something happened today.


In the southernmost part of Daxia, the space was distorted for a while, and then there were continuous mountains and rivers, and there were shadows flashing among them.

Exudes a powerful breath.

And it was not only Xia Fan who felt all this, the original emperor of Jiuzhou Imperial City.

The old ancestor on the Tai Chi peak all frowned.


Then, with a roar.

In the infinite mountain range, a big demon rushed out.

This is a demon tiger, one leap is to enter a village in Daxia.

In an instant, the blood mist splashed.

The demon tiger is roaming.

What was even more terrifying was that a huge pack of wolves, like a wave, entered a town, and the defenders could not resist it at all.

In a short period of time, the bustling town has become a ghost on earth.

At this moment, no one will not be afraid, no one will not be afraid, the thick demon cloud covers the entire sky.

It even penetrated into the land of Kyushu.

As for Daxia, it instantly became the land of four battles.

Xia Fan, who was in the palace, had a cold brilliance in his eyes.

The killing intent in his heart is difficult to dissipate at this time.

Immediately afterwards, he roared.

"Notify all the princes, return to your own territory and resist the demon clan!"

After the voice sounded, Wei Zhongxian quickly stepped back, his body even trembling at this moment.

It was also the first time for him to see Xia Fan so angry.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Fan walked out of the hall and looked at the demon cloud above his head, his heart was filled with anger.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared above the demon cloud.

"Jie Jie, I really didn't expect that the little human race actually opened the channel of all races.

Your protoss, aren't they protecting you?

In that case, this seat is not polite! "

Then, he saw a blood-colored bat swooping down from the clouds. His purpose was Xia Fan.

Mouth full of fangs, sharp claws like knives, unmatched sharpness.

But at this time, Xia Fan had a cold light in his eyes.

Before he could make a move, the great Confucian Wang Chong, who came in a hurry, moved at this moment.

The mountains and rivers are stroked in the hand.


Every time a stroke falls, there is a sound of thunder.

Finally, when a drop word falls.


The blood-colored demon bat instantly turned into a blood mist.

died on the battlefield.

And in Daxia, when dealing with the demon clan.

At this time, the land of Kyushu was also in chaos.

The world will be domineering, leading the army into Qingzhou, the war is burning, and he wants to seize the throne.

The army of the Sun Moon God Sect also set off at the same time, and the target is also the land of Kyushu.

The evil demons of the human race followed behind.

It became a group in an instant, and even the original emperor couldn't do it if he wanted to rescue Xia Fan.

Such a scene not only shocked the human race, but also shook the ten thousand races. After all, the human race belongs to the weakest existence among all races.

Now, to open the channel of the demon clan directly, in the eyes of everyone, it is tantamount to courting death.

However, at this moment, the system voice sounded in Xia Fan's mind.

"Ding, system task, the host leads the human race to the top of the list of ten thousand races, every time one advances, the host will receive rich rewards from the system.

On the road to hegemony, you should take the lead bravely, please the host to work hard!Today's ranking is 980! "

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get the task reward, a random summon card!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get the task reward, a summon card!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get the quest reward, the top legion's allegiance to the camp!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get the task reward, a giant city card, you can summon a top city!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get the task reward, one side level, you can summon a top level!"

With the sound of the voice, Xia Fan laughed. The God Race's calculations and the Monster Race's attack, since that's the case, let's bear his anger.

Human race, should not be so troubled.

(End of this chapter)

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