Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 69 Entering the God Realm

Chapter 69 Entering the God Realm (recommendation ticket for collection)
At this time, the god general above his head said again.

"The human race should be under the jurisdiction of the Luoshen Emperor. Give the Luoshen Emperor a face, and the others will not be killed, but those who break into our God's Domain must die!"

In the voice of the divine general, there was a bit of ferocity at this moment.

There is also a trace of indisputable color.

After the sound fell, it flew down unexpectedly, and the cold spear in his hand stabbed directly at the old emperor.

The incomparable edge is flashing.

If this blow is real, then the old emperor of Xia is afraid that he will definitely die.

But at this moment, Xia Fan's sensible voice sounded.

"kill him!"

After the order was issued, Yang Lin below did not hesitate at all, and immediately raised the Prisoner Dragon Stick in his hand, and threw it at the general.

"hold head high!"

The dharma appeared, and the dragon roared behind him.

The Dragon Prisoner's stick in his hand shines with unparalleled light.

Compared with the cold spear of the god general, it is all blazing.

Let the other party's pupils shrink.

I didn't expect that someone would dare to stop him.

But then it was too late.


After a thunderous roar sounded.

The prisoner's dragon stick actually smashed the cold spear in the hand of the god general and flew out in an instant.

But Yang Lin still had no intention of stopping.

Xia Fan said that he wanted to kill, and naturally he wanted to kill the god directly.


The prisoner dragon rod swept across and smashed directly on the god general.

At this moment, the other party can't resist it.


Blood spit out from his mouth, and he actually died on the spot.

After seeing such a scene, the royal family members of Daxia in the field all gasped.

In the past, killing gods would only be a matter of legend.

But now, within a short period of time, there are several people who witnessed the killing of the generals with their own eyes.

This made them feel a little flustered in their hearts.

But at this time, Xia Fan didn't take it seriously at all.

Just walked down the steps and looked at his father.

A feeling of blood connection instantly made him feel close to the old emperor.

When the other party saw Xia Fan, he was first surprised.

Then he said incredulously.

"You are Fan!"

As soon as the voice fell, he fainted on the spot.

After seeing such a scene, the killing intent in Xia Fan's eyes could hardly be concealed.

said immediately.

"Send the old emperor to the bedroom, so that he can heal his wounds.

Today, I would like to see how strong this person from the God Realm is, to be so noisy above my head in the Great Xia Emperor City.

And he even wounded the old emperor on the day I ascended the throne! "

When the voice sounded, he didn't wait for the others to react.

Xia Fan's voice sounded again.

"Gather the army and head to the Ottomu God Realm.

I want to see if they can stop the million army of the human race! "

When the voice fell, endless killing intent flashed.

Obviously, Xia Fan is preparing to attack the gods.

This made the old official of Daxia feel a little astonished in his heart.

Lord Tiangang stepped forward.

"I also ask your majesty to think twice. There are countless strong people in the God's Domain, which is thousands of times wider than my land in Kyushu. If you attack rashly, it is too dangerous!"

However, after hearing the voice, Xia Fan's face showed a touch of serenity.

Then said.

"His Protoss dared to do such a thing when I ascended the throne.

If I am still afraid of offending him, what will my human race talk about in the future? "

Just after the voice fell.

When even ordered.

"Gather all the troops and follow me to the God Realm!"

After the voice sounded, Wei Zhongxian was the first to retreat, obviously to gather the army.

When the chilling air permeated the sky above the entire imperial city.

Everyone felt a burst of suffocation, and they seemed extremely depressed at this time.

After a while, the army was assembled.

Under the leadership of Xia Fan, he rushed towards the sky.

The mighty army is like a long dragon between heaven and earth.

It turned out to be killing directly towards the heaven.

At this time, in the Luoshen Domain, the Luoshen Emperor was sitting in his own temple.

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes, because just now he got the news.

The Great Xia Emperor actually led the army into the God Realm.

This is what he didn't want. To say that although this human race is feared by himself, it is only those sacred miracles that are powerful.

So it can only be said to be apprehensive.

Speaking of their strength, they have reached the point where a god emperor is afraid.

But now, he actually dared to enter the God Realm directly.

It's too bold.

When he stretched out his hand and waved, a mysterious mirror appeared in front of him.

Obviously, I want to see what purpose this Emperor Xia has.

At this time, Xia Fan didn't care about this.

Now, after entering the God Realm, he rushed straight into the Yimu God Realm.

The breath that exudes is powerful and scary.

When they approached the city, the people of the Yimu God Clan who were stationed in the city had incredible colors in their eyes.

I didn't expect that the human race would dare to do such a bold thing.

But at this moment, Xia Fan's voice sounded at this moment.

"Kill in!"

There were no extra words at all, just this roar.

Daxia's general charged towards the city in an instant.

The most ferocious one belongs to Hua Xiong.

At this time, the nine-headed lions behind him discovered and appeared.

The whole body flashed a vast light, like an evil god.

Then, the sharp blade in his hand blasted towards that level directly.

The mighty sword gang exudes an incomparable light at this time.

The god general above the city has not yet reacted.


Immediately afterwards, whether it was the level or the god general, they were completely wiped out under this knife.

Instantly died on the battlefield.

And when Huaxiong broke the barrier.

In Xia Fan's mind, the sound of the system sounded at this moment.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Hua Xiong has obtained military merit, and his strength has been improved to the third level of Shenguan!"

However, at the moment when the voice just fell.

In the distance, several figures flew over at this time.

The body exudes a powerful breath, and the whole body is shrouded in a golden haze.

The person at the head, needless to say, is naturally the Emperor Yimu.

After sensing that his domain barrier was broken, he couldn't help but fly over, wanting to see what happened.

When he saw that it was actually a human race and broke through his own level, the killing intent in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

At this time, looking at Xia Fandao.

"You are courting death!"

The divine gate of the dignified god emperor was broken open, which was a great shame for him.

When the voice sounded, the light in the palm of the hand was rippling, and it shot directly at Xia Fan.

At this moment, behind Xia Fan, Bai Qi in black armor appeared Mu Ran.

In his eyes, a brilliant light flashed.


Behind him, a long black sword actually rose, and then rose into the sky.

Directly greeted the god emperor.

Immortality is flashing.

At the same time, the Tie Ying Ruishi behind him also raised their swords in unison.


They let out a roar, and all of them roared in unison.

The sword shadows in the sky actually converged with the swords after Bai Qi got up, exuding endless destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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