Chapter 691
The remaining assassins wanted to escape, but Xia Fan would not give them such a chance.

At this time, he yelled coldly at the guards around him.

"Kill all the assassins!"

His voice was so cold that it was frightening, and just when his voice fell.

An astonishing murderous intent spread out at this moment.

Then I saw that the Imperial Guards around were all heading towards those assassins.

The battle became more intense at this time.

I don't know how long after that.

All the assassins died in the field.

At this time, Wei Zhongxian also walked up cautiously.

After seeing Xia Fan, he said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, I just got the news.

Several armies have now broken through several cities and are about to reach Turing City soon! "

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan's eyes condensed a trace of coldness at this moment.

Then said slowly.

"Okay, let's go then!"

When his voice sounded, there was a trace of coldness.

When the voice fell.

It is to drive the dragon chariot and continue to move forward.

Speed ​​to the extreme.

While walking, there was actually the sound of wind and thunder rippling.

After seeing such a scene.

Many casual cultivators around all retreated towards the rear at this time.

Even the eyes are flashing with fear.

At this time, for the human race, it is a fear from the heart.

The opponent is too strong, making them almost powerless to resist.

But along the way, there were also people blocking the way.

But how can they withstand the enemy's attack.

They were all killed in place.

Where the blade passed, there was blood mist all over the place.

The breath of death pervades everyone.

Almost no one can resist their footsteps.

I don't know how long it took before I came to the city of Turing.

When they looked towards the top of the city.

It was to see the city lord Turing standing on the top of the city.

A cold gleam flashed in his eyes.

The scales on his body were filled with black light.

Just after he appeared, he said coldly.

"Human Emperor, you are really unscrupulous.

How dare you directly attack my city of Turing, do you know the consequences of doing so! "

When his voice sounded, it was threatening.

Even more astonishing murderous intent.

No one has ever dared to do this to himself.

He, Turing City, has always said the same thing in this world.

No one can match it.

Which city owner, after hearing the name of his city of Turing, didn't tremble.

But now, since meeting this human race.

It began to retreat steadily.

The cities under his command were destroyed one after another.

There is simply no one who can resist.

At this time, how can the Lord Turing not be angry.

And just when his voice just fell.

There was a hint of disdain in Xia Fan's eyes.

Then said lightly.

"The reason why Turing City was strong in the past was because my race didn't come.

Now that I'm here, you won't have strong capital! "

The voice was a little muffled.

At this time, Yang Jian and others have arrived, and he is bound to destroy Turing City.

No one can stop it.

This world must also be controlled by the human race.

This is what Xia Fan must do.

And just after his voice fell.

An astonishing light flashed in the eyes of the city lord Turing.

At this time, there was a cold voice.

"Who will kill the Emperor!"

When his voice sounded, there was an astonishing murderous intent.

It spread at this moment.

Then, I saw someone flying directly down from the top of the city.

Such a scene, after anyone saw it, would be shocked.

Because, the strength of this alien is not weak.

On the contrary, it is very powerful.

Just after showing up.

Just staring at Xia Fan.

At the same time as him, Yang Jian also rushed out at this time.

An astonishing murderous intent permeated his body at this moment.

Then, the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand was raised.

In an instant, he slashed towards the alien.

The icy blade released a bright light between the sky and the earth.

The surrounding space is broken at this time.

No one is not afraid of such an attack.

The strong man of the foreign race raised the weapon in his hand at this moment, trying to resist this shocking blow.

However, just when he collided with Yang Jian.


The weapon in his hand was shattered at this moment.

Then, the three-pointed two-edged knife landed on his shoulder.

However, when it's amazing.

This alien race was not split into pieces.


It's just that there is a lot of energy popping up from his body.

Then, I saw the armor on my body, instantly shattered into pieces.

In this scene, not only him, but also the city lord Turing above the city, couldn't help but gasped.

Didn't expect this to happen.

You know, this foreign race who played is very strong.

The most important thing is that he once got a set of treasure armor in a treasure land.

No one has ever been able to hurt him.

Therefore, at this time, he will be the first to fight.

But where would you think.

With just one blow from Yang Jian, not only his weapon was shattered, but even the armor was instantly shattered.

How can people not be shocked.

However, Yang Jian at this time didn't care about this.

He flew up.

He kicked the alien race with one kick.


Kicked the opponent directly and flew out.

Then, the three-pointed two-edged knife chopped down.


A thunderous sound sounded at this moment.

Where the blade passes, endless sharpness blooms.

Then, I saw the person in front of me being split in half.

Blood fog swayed out.

Make people feel shocked.

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the city lord Turing at this moment.

Staring at Yang Jian, he roared angrily.

"how dare you!"

The general who died was his confidant.

Now that it has become a blood mist, how can he not be angry.

But Yang Jian said disdainfully at this time.

"If you are not convinced, you can come down and fight!"

The voice sounded, revealing a touch of provocation.

Let Turing City Lord, the anger in his heart become more and more intense.

Then, he said without hesitation.

"Chilin, you come to fight!"

When his voice sounded, there was endless murderous intent.

Then, Gu saw a foreigner covered in red scales coming out.

There was an icy aura permeating this person's body.

Body bound with chains.

There is a heavy hammer at each end.

When he saw Yang Jian, he rushed out without the slightest hesitation.


Every time a step is taken, there will be a violent roar on the ground.

Even the ground seemed to be cracked.

Then, he came to Yang Jian's side.

It fell directly with a hammer.


A thunderous sound sounded at this moment.

In an instant, the world shook.


And the three-pointed two-edged knife in Yang Jian's hand also greeted him at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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