Chapter 73 Revenge? (Please collect recommended tickets)
The Myriad Tribulations Spirit Race is a very powerful ethnic group, and they are extremely talented.

After all, the big clan that can rank among the top [-] is already a top existence.

What is even more special about the Myriad Tribulation Spirit Race is that they once entered the top 360, but because they were defeated in the Ten Thousand Clans War last time, they fell to [-], but this also shows that they have ranked among the top [-] potential.

Such power is terrifying.

After thinking of this, Kunyu looked at Xia Fan with a hint of fear.

When the flame phantom on the body dissipated.

just opened his mouth.

"I don't know the identity of the son, I was reckless.

Leave today! "

After speaking, he left without looking back.

The friends around him followed closely behind at this time.

At the same time, on a continent in the endless starry sky.

Everywhere was shrouded in a rich golden haze.

If someone sees it, they will be shocked, because this golden spiritual mist is the innate spiritual mist that diffused when the chaos first opened, and a precious medicine can be topped with one breath.

It is invaluable in the outside world, but now, it is scattered at will.

You can see how luxurious it is.

And below that spiritual fog, there is a mighty group of palaces.

Among them, in the highest temple.

A luxurious woman wearing a golden robe, with a touch of pain on her beautiful face, then exclaimed in a low voice.

"Fan Er!"

Then, a strand of hair fell down at this time, and finally ignited slowly and landed on the ground.

After seeing such a scene, the old man sitting on the main seat frowned involuntarily, and the coercion permeated his body.

"Luo He, you are still thinking about that human race!

Do you know that if you weren't disobedient back then, you quietly ran to a remote place to give birth to evil seeds.

Ruined the engagement with Prince Tianshi, how could they become our enemies?

Caused my entire ethnic group to suffer, and now I fell out of the top [-]! "

When he said this, there seemed to be firelight flashing in his eyes.

The woman below pursed her lips, but did not speak.

There was only a miserable look in his eyes.

Seeing this, the old man became even more angry.

"It seems that you still don't change your mind, let me go to the wall in the Tower of Myriad Tribulations, when will you figure it out and when will you come out.

Let me tell you, the War of Ten Thousand Races is about to start again, and there must be no mistake! "

After the stern voice fell, the woman left.

But the anger in the old man's eyes did not weaken, but became more and more fiery.

However, what they didn't realize was that outside the main hall at this time, a guard who had just passed by had a glint in his eyes.

After a while, in a place where there was no one, the jade talisman in his hand was directly crushed.

However, at this time, Xia Fan didn't know this. He looked at the burnt jade talisman with a confused look in his eyes.

What does the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan have to do with him?

However, what he didn't notice was that, whether it was Luoshen or the Flood Dragon King, looking at him at this moment, he became more and more in awe.

And after such a thing, Xia Fan has no intention of staying any longer.

Looking at Luoshendi said.

"I'll say goodbye first, if I have something to do, I'll tell you later!"

After the voice fell, he walked in the direction of Kyushu.

As for Wei Zhongxian, he followed carefully.

His Majesty is in a bad mood now, so it's better for him not to be in trouble.

At the same time, on another vast continent.

There was a middle-aged man with a ferocious look on his face. If anyone knew him, he would know that this person was Prince Shi that day.

Among the 370 ethnic groups, this ethnic group ranks [-]th.

Back then, it was them who turned their backs at the last moment and launched a fatal attack on the rear of the Myriad Tribulation Spirit Clan, which caused the opponent to lose in the decisive battle.

Now, the emperor's eyes exuded an astonishing murderous aura as he muttered to himself.

"After inquiring for so many years, I realized that it is actually among the human race.

The prince of my dignified Tianshi clan is not as good as a humble human clan.

In that case, don't blame me for being rude.

Let me destroy your wild seed with my own hands! "

The voice sounded, and the eyes looked towards the outside world, followed by Dao.

"King Chuanzun is here to see me!"

The voice sounded, with a sense of serenity.

The guards outside the door did not dare to neglect, and immediately retreated, after a while.

A majestic figure appeared in the hall, needless to say it was the king.

He is one of the most powerful people in the Tianshi clan, and his army is even more elite.

Many races have been destroyed.

Now, when he sees Prince Tianshi, he is very respectful.

"Meet Your Royal Highness!"

When the voice sounded, he fell to his knees on the ground.

On that day, a smile flashed in Prince Shi's eyes.

Among the Tianshi clan, the one he liked the most was Zunwang.

"Get up, I will let you do one thing today. After the completion of the matter, I will solve the matter of your son entering the Imperial City Academy!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, I don't know what's going on!"

The king's voice sounded with excitement.

Prince Tianshi's smile became more intense at this time, and he said slowly.

"After destroying the human race, no one is allowed to stay.

If you do it, even if your son is really a waste, I will help you turn waste into treasure! "

"As ordered!"

After hearing the voice, the King, without the slightest hesitation, walked directly outside the hall.

After a while, a large army was rectified.

Then, rushing towards the place where the human race is located, the army is extremely powerful, endless energy ripples everywhere it passes, and even the stars are directly smashed.

After seeing such a scene, a lot of people from the big clan flashed horror in their eyes.

I don't know what the Tianshi family is going to do.

A look of vigilance appeared on his face.

And as they progressed, they finally stopped in the sky over Kyushu.

Not to mention the Human Race, the Luoshen Race, and some of the nearby big clans, are all trembling.

The venerable king of the Tianshi clan, this is it.

Once in the battlefield of ten thousand races, what I looked up to, today I am afraid that the people who come here are not good.

Sure enough, just after they arrived.

The king opened his mouth.

"Encircle the land of Kyushu to this king!"

When the voice sounded, the army dispersed, and the water that surrounded Kyushu turned out to be impassable.

At this time, Xia Fan, who had just returned to the Imperial City, saw a cold light in his eyes after seeing such a scene.

Now, it's really an eventful time.

Really anyone can be presumptuous in the human race.

Then, when even walked towards the outside of the hall.

At the same time, Daxia's army is also rapidly gathering.

But the king in the sky showed disdain at this time.

At this time, he opened his mouth to the army behind him.

"Everyone below, leave none, kill!"

When the order was given, the mighty army was actually rushing towards the bottom.


However, what everyone didn't notice was that the holy light floated on Hangu Pass in the land of Kyushu.

In Xianyang City, there are even more emperor marks flashing.

(End of this chapter)

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