Chapter 75 Shengwei (recommendation ticket for collection)
When this King Ji was in front of the Tianshi clan, he appeared cautious, but when he came to his own human clan, he appeared to be superior.

Such a traitor, anyone who sees it will be ashamed.

But this King Ji did not see this.

At this moment, he stared at Xia Fan, as if he wanted to devour it.

But the other party who saw such a scene was full of disdain.

At this time, Sen Ran said.

"King Ji, for the traitor's sake, I really don't feel ashamed for you!"

Xia Fan's voice was full of disdain.

Just after his voice fell.

The King Ji did not hesitate, and immediately roared.

"Court death, everyone, charge with me!"

As he spoke, he rushed down, and the aura exuded from his body was so powerful that it was shocking.

The king of Ji and the original emperor were collectively called the two heroes of the human race.

At the beginning, everyone put their hopes on the two of them.

But later, King Ji betrayed, and the cultivation of the original emperor also stopped.

This has led to the current human race, which is still in an embarrassing situation.

Now, at the most difficult time for the human race, this King Ji actually led the army to launch an attack.

Anyone who sees such a scene will feel ashamed.

And Xia Fan even more so.

The sacred site of the human race will not take the initiative to attack the human race.

Therefore, when King Ji led the army and launched a charge.

Those holy miracles are of no use at all.

After seeing such a scene, a smile appeared on the king's face.

At this time, it looked terrifying.

"Haha, this time, I want to see how this human race escaped this difficulty!"

In the voice, there is endless killing intent.

On the other side, within the Luoshen Clan at this time, Luoshendi looked at the scene in the field and said with a smile.

"I originally thought that this Emperor Xia was still a figure, but now that I look at it, I am afraid that he will definitely die!"

He spoke with a bit of ease. After all, he was too close to this big summer. If the human race launched an attack, he would not be able to stop him at all. Now the other party is dead.

For him, it was a relief.

But right now.

What everyone didn't expect was that.

Xia Fan moved, and an order was instantly issued in his mind.

"System, I want to summon, use a temporary summon card!"

As the order was issued, the system sound instantly sounded in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, for obtaining the temporary allegiance of Yasheng Mencius!
Strength, unknown!
Magic weapon, unknown!
Supernatural powers, unknown!

Please accept the host! "

Just as the sound fell.

A mighty holy will spread out between heaven and earth.

Then, I saw a human saint appear between heaven and earth.

At this time, his eyes were focused on the body of King Ji.

In an instant, he waved his palm.

"The human race is rebellious and should be killed!"

Just this sound, the torrent created by the endless holy light slammed into the air.

Wherever he went, it was as vast as the sea.

How could King Ji be able to block such an attack, an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

However, everything is too late.

The holy light rippled everywhere, and his body instantly turned into fly ash.

Immediately afterwards, there was the Ji Wang army behind him.

The blood mist was spreading.

It was just one blow, and there was no living mouth left.

At this moment, the venerable king closed his mouth.

He was afraid.

At this time, I want to escape, but above the starry sky, it is filled with holy prestige at this time.

Make him unable to move at all.

After a moment.


The body shattered.

Obviously, at this time, he couldn't stand the oppression of Saint Light and was directly bombed to death.

However, things don't end there.

Since the Tianshi family is looking for their own troubles, it is better to make an end today.

After thinking of this, Xia Fan said without hesitation.

"Go to the Tianshi family!"

Just after his voice fell.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mencius ripped apart the void in an instant.

In the field, only General Da Xia was left, looking stunned.

There was also Luoshendi who was watching the battle, his face full of incredulity.

Then, he muttered to himself.

"It's actually a human saint, and the human race has produced a saint!"

Saints represent power.

Only some superpowers will appear.

But today, a human race, which has always been regarded as weak, has actually appeared, which makes people's hearts not shocked.

At this time, within the Tianshi clan.

That day, the prince of the Stone Clan was gnashing his teeth in his own hall.

King Zun did not kill Xia Fan, which is a shame for him.

However, if there is King Ji to go, there should be no problem.

After thinking of this, a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

If you fight with yourself, those human races will surely die.


But at this moment, a roar sounded within the Tianshi clan.

Let him walk towards the door involuntarily.

The scene that happened next left him heartbroken.

I saw two figures standing above the sky.

One of them, whose whole body was covered by holy light, was walking in the air at this time.

Every step you take, there will be endless lotus flowers on the ground.

Space and time seem to be unable to hinder him in the slightest.

Then, he opened his mouth.

"Tianshi clan, bully my human emperor, kill me!"

Then, a pen appeared in his hand, which was also covered by holy light.

Lingkong wrote a killing word.

This scene is extremely terrifying, and then I saw that the endless Tianshi people were instantly killed without knowing what happened.

This method is too miraculous, who can not be afraid.

Others were even more horrified at this time.

Although the dignified Tianshi clan has never produced a saint, their ranking is not bad at all, and their overall strength is quite high. Now they have been killed.

At this time, Emperor Tianshi couldn't bear it anymore, and led the elders of the clan to fly out.

When he saw Mencius and Xia Fan, he was shocked.

Then, he said timidly.

"I don't know about the saints of the human race, but what is going on with my Tianshi clan?

If there is a misunderstanding, I am willing to accept the saint's punishment! "

The voice sounded, and Xia Fan's figure came out at this moment.

Then, he said slowly.

"Your Tianshi clan's King Ji's army, respect the king's army, enter my human race domain, and want to destroy my human race, Tianshi emperor will give an explanation today.

Otherwise, I will let you Tianshi clan be removed from this endless starry sky! "

The voice sounded, and Mencius stepped forward immediately, and the mighty holy majesty flashed.


All the people of the Tianshi family actually knelt down on the ground, even the emperor was no exception.

How dare he hesitate at this moment, and said to the Great Elder behind him.

"Check it out for me to see what happened and why it alarmed the saints of the human race. After finding out, no matter who it is, kill without mercy!"

At this time, this dignified emperor, when he spoke, his voice was a little incoherent.

(End of this chapter)

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