Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 78 Destroying the Enemy

Chapter 78 Destroying the Enemy (Please collect recommendation tickets)
With the sound of the voice, Xia Fan's eyes flashed with scorching light.

Wind Thunder Clan, then try it.

At this moment, the army of the Fenglei Clan had also arrived at the edge of the Jinling Clan.

To say that this Fenglei clan is not weak compared to the human race in the past.

The Fenglei Army under his command is said to have participated in the Genocide War.

Incomparably powerful.

Now, he has come together with the big clan, and this time he wants to destroy the human race in one fell swoop.

After all, the Golden Spirit Clan was his subordinate force in the past.

Now, it was directly wiped out, and the territory was also robbed.

If this revenge is not repaid.

Who will believe in themselves in the future.

After thinking of this, he said to the general Fengleijun beside him.

"How is the army now, it may start a battle!"

There was seriousness in his voice.

And the general who heard the voice, how dare he have the slightest slight, said immediately.

"Emperor, everything has been arranged!"

The voice sounded, with the slightest killing intent.

And that Emperor Fenglei didn't hesitate. He could win over so many big clans, and he was naturally a hero.

Therefore, immediately ordered Road.

"Okay, everyone, follow me in and avenge the Jin Ling clan!"

When the voice sounded, it rushed forward.

The army behind him followed closely at this time.

The blue-gold armor shone with dazzling light.

The blade in the palm of his hand flashed endlessly at this moment.

At this point they were content.

Don't take the big man to heart at all.

And around Fenglei Emperor.

There are other great clansmen.

The kamikaze clan also galloped here at this time.

The Kamikaze Legion under the Kamikaze Emperor is said to have reached the first level of supernatural powers.

Most importantly, the speed is extremely fast, like thunder.

Back then, the masters who had surrounded and killed the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, they just regarded this attack as a hunt.

But what they don't know is that the human race at this time is no longer the human race of the past.

Just when the two armies came running.

At this time, Xia Fan, who was also leading the army at the same time, appeared in the borderlands.

Behind him, the giants are like clouds.

The army is even more numerous.

When he came to the battlefield, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Seeing the army on the opposite side, killing intent filled the air at this time.

And the Emperor Fenglei said coldly at this time.

"Emperor Xia, take your life!"

As his voice sounded, Feng Leijun rushed towards Xia Fan behind him.

The general of the Fenglei Army, headed by him, has blossomed into the realm of the Immortal [-]st Layer.

At this time, it seems to be very snatch.

But at this time, Xia Fan showed a trace of disdain in his eyes.

said coldly.

"Who will kill this man!"

Just after his voice fell.

Bai Qi rushed out in an instant, and the Iron Eagle Ruishi under his command raised the blade in his hand.

when the two collide.

A shocking scene happened at this moment.

I saw that Daxia's army was photographed like a stormy sea.


Bai Qi roared, and with just one knife, he directly killed the General Fenglei.

And this is just the beginning.

The Iron Eagle Ruishi behind him pushed Feng Lei Jun horizontally.

Wherever he passed, there was a blood mist all over the sky.

Those legendary and powerful Fengleijun, at this time, almost have no power to fight back.

Let Emperor Fenglei change his face.

"How could this be!"

He exclaimed, and then looked towards the Divine Wind Emperor.

In his threatening gaze, it was Emperor Kamikaze at this time. Although he was unwilling to go up, he still faced the big army behind him.


Only, just when his voice just fell.


I don't know when, but a large army came running from the rear.

Their speed is very fast.

The leading general, holding a sharp blade, sat down like a flame.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the kamikaze army.


The sword light flashed across, and the sharp sword in Wei Qing's hand landed directly on the neck of the general of the Kamikaze Army.

The opponent was killed in an instant.

An incredible look appeared in his eyes.

But Wei Qing didn't stop, the sharp sword flipped.

Blood fog filled the air.

Hu Ben followed closely behind him, this was not fighting, but slaughtering.

The people of the Kamikaze Legion faced such an attack.

Made a miserable cry.

But no one will sympathize, the war of all races is like this.

Xia Fan looked at this scene with disdain flashing in his eyes.

Immediately ordered again.

"Yue Fei obey the order!"

"The end is here!"

After hearing Xia Fan's voice, Yue Fei did not dare to neglect, and immediately stepped forward.

On Xia Fan's face, a cold murderous intent was revealed.

Senran said.

"I order you to go to Fenglei Continent immediately, slaughter all the people of Fenglei Clan, and occupy their territory!"

"As ordered!"

After receiving the order, Yue Fei dared to hesitate in the slightest, even when he led the army out.

Then, Xia Fan's order came out again.

"Xiong Kuohai listened to the order and ordered you to lead the Tiance Army, immediately ahead of the Divine Wind Continent, everyone will not be left behind!"

"As ordered!"

After receiving the order, Xiong Kuohai did not dare to neglect, and after responding, he led the army to set off at this time.

This time, Xia Fan will take the initiative to attack.

Because he believes that the best defense is the offense.

Nothing is safer than attacking.

And with the departure of the army.

The battle on the battlefield is more and more exciting.

When the Emperor Fenglei saw that his subordinates were defeated, an angry light flashed in his eyes.

In his palm, a wind and thunder spear appeared, and looking at Bai Qi at this time, it shot out without hesitation.

When the mighty energy collided with the space, it made a deafening roar, like a thunder.

However, how could Bai Qi be afraid of a cultivation base that is also immortal.


With a roar, the sharp blade in his hand fell.

The spear was instantly shattered.

Emperor Fenglei's pupils shrank, but Bai Qi did not stop.

His figure stepped forward.

Intrepid and unparalleled, the sharp blade in the palm of his hand slashed directly.


With just one knife, Emperor Fenglei was killed on the spot.

Immortal light instantly dissipated.

At this time, everyone's faces showed a look of astonishment.

Emperor Kamikaze wanted to escape, but at this time, he didn't think he could win at all.

However, how could Wei Qing let him go.

Immediately he flew up, and the sharp sword roared out.

The speed of the Kamikaze Emperor is actually too late to even dodge.

It was pierced through the body in an instant.

At this time, Xia Fan, the sound of the system sounded again in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Bai Qi has obtained military merit, and his strength has risen to the first level of immortality!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Wei Qing has obtained military merit, and his strength has risen to the ninth level of immortality!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the Terran ranking has advanced five places!

You get a reward, a clan card!
You get a reward, a talent promotion card, and you can get a chance to improve the talent of your generals! "

(End of this chapter)

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