Chapter 84 Shameless (recommendation ticket for collection)
"who are you!"

The general of the Underworld Fire Clan exclaimed.

At this moment, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

But just after his voice fell.

Liu Bowen said coldly.

"Go to the underworld, and you will naturally know the answer!"

When the sound falls.

The palm print was shot at this moment.


Just when the roar sounded.

In the sky, the vast energy gathered, and the endless sound of gods and ghosts sounded.

Those people of the Underworld Fire Clan shattered directly at this time.

The blood mist is surging.

At this moment, the breath of destruction permeates the world.

Everyone looked at the middle-aged man on the battlefield, and the horrified expression on his face could hardly be concealed.

And just when the generals of the Great Xia were all fighting in all directions, the power of the human race gradually began to grow on the battlefield of the real dragon.

There are people from other races, but they have come under the Great Wall.

They are a strong family.

In the outside world, he is extremely fierce, but now he is cautious and respectful.

Looking at Pan Feng who was guarding the city, he said submissively.

"General, I am the general of the Huo Ling family. I want to ask to see the emperor, please inform me!"

After the words fell, Pan Feng's brows couldn't help frowning. He didn't know what these people were going to do, but if they didn't report it, if something really happened, wouldn't it be a delay.

After thinking of this, he ran under the fortress, obviously informing Xia Fan to go.

Sure enough, not a moment later, the other party appeared on the top of the city, looking at the generals of various clans below.

"Wait, there's something going on!"

In the voice, there is a trace of majesty.

And the general of the Fire Spirit clan headed forward hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, I am a member of the Fire Spirit Clan and the general of the Heavenly Fire Army.

The reason why we came this time was because we were hunted and killed, and we had nowhere to go.

I just want to build a shelter at the foot of the Great Wall.

After the enemy leaves, leave immediately! "


After the voice fell, he fell to his knees on the ground at this moment.

After seeing their appearance like this, Xia Fan frowned.

When even prepared to order, let Pan Feng drive these people away.

Just, right now.

Luo Feixue, who was following by the side, said yes.

"Your Majesty, I know the Skyfire Clan, their ranking among the ten thousand clans is not low, and they don't have a bad reputation, so let them avoid it!"

At this time, Luo Feixue was obviously moved by compassion.

However, Xia Fan is still not ready to agree.

Where the couch is, how can you allow others to sleep soundly.

Only, just when he was about to order.

In my mind, the sound of the system sounded at this moment.

"Ding, system task, agreeing to the conditions for the people of the Fire Spirit Race to take refuge, the host will receive a system reward, a random summon card, and you can randomly summon a strong person to come!"

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan even said to the people of the Fire Spirit Race and others below.

"Okay, I agreed to your request!"

Just after the voice fell, the faces of the generals below showed excitement.

They gathered their clansmen and rested under the city.

Many people looked at Xia Fan with expressions of gratitude.

On the other side, the legion that was chasing and killing the Fire Spirit Race and others wandered for a while in the distance of the Great Xia Great Wall.

The leading general opened his mouth.

"Get ready to leave!"

"General, this Fire Spirit Clan killed so many people from our Ancient Moon Clan, so let them go like this!"

There was a hint of unwillingness in the lieutenant's voice.

The Gu Yue Clan was considered a big clan, but this time they were attacked by the Fire Spirit Clan, and many of their clan members died.

Now, how can they be willing to let the people of the Fire Spirit Clan go?

But just after the deputy general's voice fell.

The leading general is the way.

"What can they do if they are not reconciled, they have been sheltered by the human race.

Now in this real dragon battlefield, apart from those super strong races, is there anyone else who can match the human race?

I really didn't expect that when I entered the real dragon battlefield this time, I would encounter such an existence! "

There was a sigh in his voice, and then he walked towards the distance.

But just when they hadn't gone far.


Outside the Great Wall, a large army came galloping at this time.

These people wore blue-gold armor and mounted dragon-scale horses.

The blade in his hand flashed a dazzling light.

At this time, it was like a messenger coming out of hell.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.

The general of the Ancient Moon Clan could not help but shrink his pupils.

It was followed by exclamation.

"It's the 980th ranked member of the Aoki clan.

If I guessed correctly, this army should be the Iron Vine Army!

The existence that claims to sweep the entire real dragon battlefield this time! "

When the sound sounded, he stopped and looked at the scene from a distance.

And at this time.

The Iron Vine Legion stopped outside the Great Wall.

At this time, the general looked at Xia Fandao above the city.

"Daxia Human Sovereign, this general heard that the Great Wall of your human race is unbreakable, and I came here today to see it.

I do not know if it is possible! "

When he spoke, he had a ferocious look.

Everyone in the field couldn't help but be startled, especially the people of the Fire Spirit Race, and there was even more fear in their eyes.

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan said coldly.

"It's up to you, if you want to break through the immortal Great Wall, court death!"

After the voice sounded, before he could give his order, Pan Feng's figure flew out at this moment, and the giant axe in his hand swayed with boundless sharpness.

Directly towards the general of the Aoki clan, he chopped down.

A deafening roar sounded like thunder.

And after seeing such a scene.

The general of the Aoki clan had a look of disdain in his eyes.

In an instant, the cultivation base of Xiaotianjing spread out.

Punch out.


Pan Feng's figure flew upside down, and finally collided with the Great Wall and was seriously injured.

"With such a cultivation base, you dare to fight! After breaking the city today, I will let your human race not leave a single one!"

The general of the Aoki clan, after the voice fell, revealed endless coldness.

However, at this moment, Xia Fan did not wait for a response.

Seeing that the general of the Human Race was defeated, the general of the Fire Spirit Race stepped forward.

"The general of the Aoki clan, our Huoling clan has nothing to do with this human clan.

If the generals want to attack the city, I can tell you everything I know about them.

In today's fortresses, it is said that there are no masters anymore. The generals of the human race go out to fight, and only the emperor of Daxia guards the fortress. "

There was a flattering look in his voice, but he forgot that if it wasn't for Da Xia's protection of them just now, they would have been killed by the people of the Ancient Moon Clan.

The most shameless thing is this.

After hearing the voice, Luo Feixue's face changed greatly, and anger appeared in his eyes.

But there was a smile on Xia Fan's face.

In my mind, the sound of the system sounded at the same time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and obtaining a random summon card, may I ask if you want to use it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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