Chapter 9 Normalization (recommendation ticket for collection)
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning and obtaining the allegiance of military advisor Xu Shu!
Strength, the first level of supernatural powers!
Magic weapon, Bibo shakes the sea robe!

The natal formation, the eight golden lock formations!Within the realm of supernatural powers, it can be suppressed!
Implant the identity, the admirer of the host, come within three hours! "

After the voice sounded, a smile appeared on Xia Fan's face.

Three hours should be almost the same, and if it is only to deal with these princes, I am afraid that Xu Shu will not be used.

The reason for summoning is to prepare to deal with people who look around.

In fact, the current Xia Fan has already discovered the scene of someone secretly watching the battlefield.

After thinking of this, he did not hesitate, and stood on the Nine Dragons Floating Light in a flash.

The spear in his hand stood upright and spoke to the people around him.

"Today is the day of my reunification in Daxia, all soldiers, kill!"

When the sound sounded, Long Huo let out a deafening roar, and the wheels rolled toward the front and collided.

Above the head, a seal appeared at an unknown time, and at this time it spun away.

Let the princes below feel a lot of pressure.

There was even a feeling of breathlessness.

Then, I saw Xia Fan rushing up with a spear in hand.

"How brave!"

Feng Leihou, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, and a long blue sword appeared in his hand, ready to fight.

However, just when his blade was about to collide with Xia Fan.

I just realized what a big mistake I made.

Because, he saw behind the opponent, a golden dharma image appeared, it was the dharma image of the emperor.

The vast coercion even made his hand holding the knife tremble.

Then, a shocking scene happened at this time.


The sound of golden iron symphony sounded.

Then, the blade in Fengleihou's hand was directly smashed and flew out.

Then, his whole person instantly became a blood fog.

Compared with Xia Fan, whether it is magic weapon or strength, he is far worse.

On the other side, in the city gate that had already been opened.


Under the leadership of Pan Feng, the Xuanjia Army had already been killed. At this time, they were rampaging on the battlefield.

The dazzling killing intent almost makes people feel suffocated.

When the giant axe opened, the boundless sharpness flashed.

Anyone who gets close will be instantly killed.

The army led by the major princes was completely panicked at this time.

First, the human emperor's body, which has shocked them, even gave birth to a trace of remorse in their hearts.

Then, he met Pan Feng's army.

Although there are not many people, the most important thing is to look at them.

Under the suppression of the Emperor's Seal, their cultivation has been weakened to varying degrees.

It is almost impossible to resist now.

A Marquis just flew up, and the spear in his hand made a thunderous sound like a thunderbolt.

Go towards Pan Fengthorn.

However, just when he was just approaching each other.


Pan Feng's giant axe struck horizontally, and the Hou Ye was directly killed and died on the battlefield.

This is a one-sided slaughter.

No one can resist Pan Feng and Xia Fan's charge.

The two of them are vertical and horizontal, like a pair of scissors, harvesting the army of the princes from all sides.

Let the deputy general of the national teacher show an incredible color in his eyes.

It's also incredible.

The new emperor is actually a human emperor, and the most important thing is.

This strength is too strong.

One is Pan Feng. When did such a strong man appear in this big summer, that is his own father, I am afraid it is nothing more than that.

And just when he was shocked, an even more shocking scene happened at this time.

Zhu Wu's figure flashed in the air.

Above his head, the giant gate flashed, and the golden light was very dazzling.

Every time it was suppressed, someone fell.

A prince in the realm of the law, with a vast divine light permeating his body, revealing his own law, and a god-man standing behind him.

At this time, his hands were raised, trying to tear the Golden Gate apart.

But how can be an opponent.


Just one word, it is to make the figure of the princes shatter in an instant.

Finally fell to the ground and died in the battlefield.

At this moment, grief is everywhere.

The arrogant princes were pushed horizontally by Xia Fan, and they all fell in the end.

Outside the imperial city, too many people died in battle.

At this time, Xia Fan, the system voice was ringing in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Wei Zhongxian has obtained military merit, and his strength has been improved to the first level of supernatural powers!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the Xuanjia Army has obtained military merit, and its strength has been improved to the third level of innate!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Zhu Wu has obtained military merit, and his strength has been improved to the eighth level of the law!"

With the sound of the sound.

The Daxia generals in the battlefield were filled with vast aura, and their blood was soaring to the sky.

In Xia Fan's mind, the system voice sounded again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the achievement Thousand Kills, system rewards, emperor-level exercises, and the emperor's dragon-fighting technique! Please accept the host!"

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan instantly felt that many memories that did not belong to him appeared in his mind.

Moreover, in a short period of time, he has already mastered it.

He waved his palm and grabbed it forward.

"hold head high!"

At this moment, the outstretched palm actually turned into a dragon claw at this moment.

The golden light is bright and dazzling.


Then, a boulder was directly crushed by him at this time.


Before he was happy, the system sound rang again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, this battle has accumulated [-] crit points, and the strength has been improved to the sixth level of the law!"

Without waiting for Xia Dan to ask, the system responded. The critical hit value was the number of enemies Xia Dan killed in seconds on the battlefield.

With [-] crit points, you can get a chance to break through.

The successive news made Xia Fan excited.

Now, all the princes who disobeyed the order have been cleaned up.

Daxia's masters, although compared with the past, have decreased a lot.

But the cohesion is stronger.

After thinking of this, he opened his mouth.

"Zhang Kun listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

Zhang Kun didn't dare to neglect, and hurried forward.

At this time, he is a five-body worship to Xia Fan. In a short period of time, he suppressed all the princes. Since then, the biggest hidden danger of Da Xia has finally been eliminated.

You must know that the old emperor of that year was a headache for these princes, and often sighed that the tail was too big, but now it was easily erased by Xia Fan.

But Xia Fan didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, he looked at the veteran in front of him.

"I order you to immediately rectify all my armies in Daxia, take back the territories of these great princes, and kill those who resist!

Remember, anyone who dares to block the unification of my Daxia must die! "

"As ordered!"

After receiving the order, Zhang Kun respectfully retreated.

At the same time, within the border of Daxia, the powerful demon god Fan Song, led by hundreds of thousands of subordinates, has arrived.

At this moment, bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to the subordinate beside him.

"Jie Jie, now the day of Daxia is afraid that he has already been beaten by the princes below, and he has lost his temper, and it is time for us to take action.

Everyone is ready, kill with me! "

When the voice sounded, it turned out to be a giant axe, running directly towards the territory of Daxia.

(End of this chapter)

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