Chapter 1010

Xu Beiyou's attack on Molun Temple this time was not only a temporary idea, but also can be regarded as his and Zhang Wubing's established strategy. It depends on whether Xu Beiyou can destroy the Molun Temple, but to force the Molun Temple to withdraw the troops of Nahachu. Finish.

But now, the fundamental strength of Molun Temple is far beyond Xu Beiyou's expectation. Although it is not as good as Taoism and Buddhism, after using the Great Riyinlun and even Songtsan Living Buddha to invite the extraterrestrial demons at all costs, Xu Beiyou was completely at a disadvantage.

Xu Beiyou's miscalculation was that he underestimated both the strength and determination of the four Living Buddhas of Molun Temple. He never expected that the four would rather pay such a heavy price than submit to Xu Beiyou.

Up until now, Xu Beiyou was in a dilemma.

However, he didn't have much fear. Since the death of Old Taishan Xiao Xuan, he was used to carrying all the heavy burdens by himself, and even tied the life and death of millions of people to him. Xu Beiyou grew up rapidly, and he really didn't look like a young man in his prime.

Xu Beiyou, who was being suppressed fiercely at this moment, suddenly smiled, and raised his head to look in the direction of the Molun Temple with difficulty. Now that he has come to this point, the four living Buddhas are unexpected, and I am afraid they will also miscalculate.

At this time, the main hall in the Molun Temple was struck by wind and thunder. Qiu Si used one against three. In fact, there were three people. Jingong Living Buddha and Ge Zeng Living Buddha had already suffered a lot after fighting Xu Beiyou, and then they joined forces to start the battle. In this large formation of four Buddhas and eight dragons, the vitality of the whole body is almost exhausted. At this time, the only real threat to Qiusi is Saga Living Buddha.

At this time, the whole situation was tied to the body of Saga Tulku, and he used desperate means, only to see that his physical body became full at a speed visible to the naked eye in the blink of an eye, no longer dry and thin, and at the same time, his body began to crack , making a series of crackling sounds continuously, as if rejuvenated, the bones and flesh of the whole body are like an old tree in spring, and it begins to grow in reverse.

But in an instant, the skinny old monk had turned into a handsome young monk.

There is a saying in Taoism that "the real person does not reveal his face". This is the case with Saga Living Buddha. He does not show his true face to others on weekdays, and he did not call out his real body until this moment.

At the same time, another woman appeared out of nowhere, charming and charming, naked, wearing only a thin layer of tulle, with skull beads on her neck, and bells on her wrists and ankles.

Qiu Si was not surprised when she saw this scene, and said calmly: "It turns out that it is your concubine who is a double cultivator. I don't know how much your Dahuanxi Chan has improved? Over the years, you have relied on Lin Han's power to absorb the vitality of countless women on the grassland. In your own body, it's ridiculous that you still can't step into the realm of the seventeenth floor of the earth immortal."

Living Buddha Saga was expressionless, but frowned. Seeing the beam of light in the sky outside the temple as if connecting the heaven and the earth, he clearly had reached the most critical moment. He no longer hesitated, and a golden lotus emerged from under him, sitting cross-legged On Lian Shang, the concubine Ming sat on his body, hugging him face to face.

I saw Saga Living Buddha first showing a dharma crown on the top of his head, holding a vajra in his hand to show Bodhi enlightenment, and the female concubine held Buddhist scriptures and ingots in her hands to show integration of Canaan.

At this time, the two are the Great Joy Zen of the Esoteric School of Molun Temple.

Qiu Si slightly stomped her feet, and trampled the entire hall until the ground shook. She took advantage of the momentum and went straight to Saga Tulku.

Saga Tulku raised his hand, and the vajra carried a trace of faint gold, and the Buddha's light flowed and flew straight to Qiusi, causing her body to be reflected with a layer of faint gold.

The two crashed into each other in mid-air, each slightly stagnant.

Saga Tulku clasped his palms in front of his chest, and made the immovable king seal.

"Come on!" At the same time as the handprints were formed, a mantra also sounded.

The golden light suddenly appeared, and a pure and bright Buddha light flew out from the Buddhist scriptures and ingots in the hands of the concubine Ming, and fell straight into the Vajra Pestle. It is clearly visible that golden lotuses are blooming around.

Living Buddha Saga remained expressionless, his handprints remained unchanged, and he said word by word: "Om, ban, zha, er, sa."

For a moment, the Buddha's light shines, and all the small golden lotus flowers around the vajra merge into one place, turning into a huge golden lotus flower, and on this golden lotus flower slowly manifests a statue of Fudo Mingwang with a head and eight arms, holding a sword in his right hand, Holding Luo Suo in his left hand, there is also a coquettish Concubine Ming in front of him, with both hands embracing King Ming's neck, and the two sit cross-legged on the golden lotus together.

Countless Buddha's lights fell, Qiu Si was not moved at all, her face was as cold as the moon, and her black eyes were as cold as frost, without any emotion.

She didn't know when there was a strange dagger in her hand.

"Psychic and endowed with spirits, blue sky and nine secluded places." The woman opened her mouth lightly, and saw that the dagger in her hand changed with the sound, turning into a long knife with a blade about three feet long.

Different from the scimitar on the grassland, the blade of the long knife is extremely long, and the blade is thin and thin. With a light wave, countless Buddha lights are instantly split into two halves.

And almost at the same time, Qiu Si's cultivation base skyrocketed.

Sometimes it is easy for an Earth Immortal cultivator to break through a realm, just watching a scene or hearing a sentence, but sometimes it is difficult, and it is not uncommon to be stuck on the threshold of a certain realm for a lifetime.

Qiu Si's breakthrough was very simple, she just took out the long knife named Tongyou, and she temporarily became an earth fairy in the seventeenth floor realm.

A chill burst from the slender knife, mixed with a palpitating and frightening aura.

Qiu Si's eyes were closed tightly, the white monk's robe was windless and automatic, her face was suddenly pale, almost bloodless, and the veins and veins underneath were clearly visible, but her expression was still calm, as if she didn't care about the changes in her body at all, let alone the changes in front of her. King Ming of terror.

Ke Saga Living Buddha's face became more and more solemn. He looked at Qiu Si, who had broken the situation in an instant, and was both shocked and angry. "Why is the shamanism's Tongyou in your hands?"

Qiu Si didn't open her mouth to answer, but suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were icy cold, she gently held the hilt of the knife engraved with flowers, birds, fish and insects with her two pure white jade palms, and slashed towards Ming Wang Fudo Zun in front of her.

A dim light flashed across the body of Tongyou's knife, which was fleeting, and then the blade's brilliance was completely hidden, and it became without any sharpness or danger at all.

But Saga Tulku's heart trembled suddenly. At this moment, he seemed to be under the water and couldn't breathe.

The next moment, Qiu Si mercilessly chopped off the head of King Ming Fudozun.

This knife did not have the power of wind and thunder, but it had an undisguised murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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