Chapter 1053

Buddhism naturally has a large array to protect the mountain, which can keep a piece of snow from falling, but Buddhism rarely does this, even if the Obon Festival is about to be held, it is still the case.

But after a while, the wind and snow became stronger and stronger, covering this thousand-year-old Buddhist ancestral home with a layer of white clothes.

At this time, no matter inside or outside the temple, there are monks with cultivation bases, none of them are afraid of snow, and none of them are afraid of cold, so today's Buddhism has not become silent because of this sudden heavy snow, it is still There was a lot of voices.

The snow scene lies in the two characters of movement and stillness. The falling snow is the movement, everything is stillness, and the combination of movement and stillness is the first-class beauty in the world. Therefore, literati and scholars of all dynasties love to travel in the snow. It is a great joy in life.

At this time, the depths of the Buddhist ancestral courtyard are still sparsely populated, and the falling snow has accumulated a thin layer. People walking on it leave a string of footprints, and then they are quickly submerged by the continuous falling snowflakes.

Wang Kaizhi walked with his disciples in the vast expanse of snow, and a disciple said: "It's really strange, but in the middle of July, the sky is already covered with snow. I really don't know what it will be like after the cold winter months."

Another disciple said: "I heard someone mention it before, saying that the snow on the grassland crushed people to death. I didn't know what it was like. Now it is really eye-opening."

The youngest disciple pulled Wang Kaizhi's sleeve and asked, "Master, doesn't it snow only in winter? Why is it snowing now?"

Wang Kaizhi looked down at the youngest apprentice, and smiled wryly in his heart. This little apprentice was extremely intelligent since he was a child. He was enlightened at the age of three, recited the Four Books and Five Classics at the age of four, and could write poems at the age of five. I am very helpless, always like to ask the bottom line, and I still ask the bottom line, and I will never give up until I understand it.

In this way, it is difficult for him as a master, and in order to answer all kinds of weird questions from the young apprentice, the nearly hundred-year-old man has to read by night, which is exactly what the sage said.

Wang Kaizhi was about to answer when a rough voice suddenly sounded, "Boy, let me tell you why it's snowing now."

The master and apprentice heard the reputation, and saw a group of people walking towards them. The leader was a man and a woman. The man was tall and tall, and he was not dressed like a Central Plains person. He was wearing various decorations. Standing in front of a group of people is like a giant bear, so that the woman standing beside him looks extra petite and weak.

In fact, this woman is not petite, let alone weak, she is a typical Northland woman, tall and slender, she looks young, and there is a forehead ornament on her forehead that is not common in the Central Plains. In the latter's attire, there is a luxurious machete inlaid with precious stones hanging crookedly from his waist.The well-informed Wang Kai could tell at a glance that the woman's attire should be a female princess from the Jianguo Dynasty, with a noble status.

In addition to this pair of men and women, there were four other figures following behind them.

Wang Kaizhi's expression was a little dignified. What kind of status is a woman who can bring four masters from the Immortal Realm to serve as guards in the Great Qi Dynasty? Only the dignified Regent Princess Xiao Zhinan has this honor.

The big man first looked at Wang Kai and his group, and then stared at Wang Kaizhi's youngest disciple, he laughed and said: "Because your Central Plains emperor did not practice virtue, so that the sky was furious, so it snowed heavily in autumn as a warning. "

Although the child was a little afraid of the guy in front of him who could crush him to death with one hand, he still didn't back down and said, "All the emperors of Daqi have Daoming Lords, you are talking nonsense!"

"I'm talking nonsense?" The tall man snorted, "If I was talking nonsense, why would there be heavy snow in July? Why did the two emperors of Daqi die suddenly one after another? By the way, what kind of princess is left now, little girl, You have to face the south and back the north, in the words of you people from the Central Plains, that is, the rooster starts the morning, and it violates the principles of ethics, so it arouses the wrath of the heavens and rains heavy snow."

Wang Kaizhi, who was silent, frowned slightly. This seemingly rough man was actually a man with a rough exterior and a delicate interior. What he said was not only aimless, but also hit the point. The court's slander and doubts, coupled with Xiao Jin and other three vassal kings making waves, really makes people feel that the Daqi court is already in turmoil and is dying.

Although Wang Kaizhi's youngest disciple was extremely intelligent since he was a child, he didn't know how to answer at this time, so he could only look up at his master who seemed to him to be almost omniscient.

Wang Kaizhi pulled the little apprentice behind him, and said slowly, "Have you asked your names?"

The big man said hesitantly: "My surname is Wanyan, and my name is Wanyan Zongbi."

Then he pointed at the woman beside him, "This is my sister, Concubine Wanyan Yu."

Surrounded by a few valiant warriors like stars and moons, the arrogant woman curled her lips slightly after hearing the words, as if showing disdain.

Wang Kaizhi said calmly, "So it's Princess Wanyan."

In the Houjian country, there are many princesses, but there is only one princess who can be named Wanyan alone, and that is Concubine Wanyan Yu, who is regarded as the jewel in the palm of the country's master Wanyan Beiyue.Said to be a princess, but in fact it is no different from a princess.

Concubine Wanyan Yu then said: "Concubine Wanyan Yu has seen Mr. Wang Da."

As we all know, there is a "great relationship" between Xuanjiao and Confucianism. As early as the Great Chu Dynasty, there were only three religions in the world, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and Confucianism ranked first among the three religions. thousand.Later, in the last years of Great Chu, Houjian and Xuanjiao rose up. Xuanjiao followed in the footsteps of Houjian cavalry and invaded the Central Plains. , stepped on the head of Confucianism and was listed among the three religions.

Although Xuanjiao was later defeated by the alliance of Buddhism and Taoism, the enmity between Confucianism and Xuanjiao was thus forged, and it has not been resolved until now.

Both Wanyan Zongbi and Wanyan Yufei were from Xuanjiao, so naturally they would not have any good looks with this Confucian gentleman.

The two brothers and sister Wanyan are like this, and so are Wang Kaizhi and his disciples.

Suddenly there was a tense atmosphere.

And on a snow-falling path not far away, a young couple was walking hand in hand, looking carefully, the two of them stepped on the snow-covered path, but they did not leave half a footprint, and their clothes were not stained with snow. Slowly walking in the falling snow, like a fairy.

Suddenly, the husband and wife stopped.

The man said: "I said earlier that we have a predestined relationship with this old gentleman, but I didn't expect it to be so predestined."

The woman said: "Actually, don't worry about it. This is the pure land of Buddhism. No one dares to fight in this place. Otherwise, they will not sell the face of Buddhism. Even the leaders of Confucianism and Xuanjiao leaders don't have the guts, otherwise they will be mobbed." As for attacking, Buddhism has the right time, place and people, so there is no reason for it to be invincible, but since we have met, we might as well help each other, it can be regarded as a favor that will push the boat along."

She spoke eloquently, with a soft voice and elegant utterance. Although there was a bit of cunning and calculating in her words, it was not disgusting, but rather admirable.

The man said a good word.

After all, the couple moved on.

(End of this chapter)

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