Chapter 1056

For ordinary people, the three characters Xiao Zhinan may be unfamiliar, after all, it is the boudoir name of Her Royal Highness, the common people know Her Royal Highness and His Majesty the Emperor, but they may not know the names of the Princess and the Emperor.But for Wanyan Zongbi and others, this name is very familiar, especially after the woman formally took charge of the Daqi Temple.

The expression on Wanyan Zongbi's face stiffened for a moment, and then gradually softened. He didn't see the sly and violent moment just now, as if he was just a bold man with no intention of scheming.

He laughed and bowed his hands to the woman, and said loudly: "It turns out that Her Royal Highness Princess Qiyang is here, Wanyanzong must be polite."

Xiao Zhinan herself is not scary, what really makes people afraid is her status, identity, and power, even if she is just a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken, she can still make countless martial arts monks kneel in front of her, even The [-]th-floor Earth Immortal who moves mountains and seas will inevitably become a subject under his skirt. Isn't the Sect Master of the Sword Sect an example?

Therefore, when Wanyan Zong must face this Princess Daqi, he put a lot of thought into it.

Xiao Zhinan asked straight to the point: "I don't know what is the relationship between your Excellency and the late Founder?"

Wanyan Zongbi replied bluntly: "The lord of the country is my uncle."

Xiao Zhinan didn't have too many surprises, and said clearly: "Since the alliance of Daliang City, the Emperor Daqi and the founder of the country have been called brothers, and later generations are treated as teeth. In this way, your Excellency and this palace are of the same generation. .”

Wanyan Zongbi laughed, "What Your Royal Highness said is true, not to mention that the Emperor Taizu of the Great Qi also married Princess Chongning to the lord of the country. Our two families are even more intimate, and we are already a family."

Xiao Zhinan said noncommittally: "On the 22th day of the twelfth lunar month in the [-]nd year of Taiping, the Circular Mound Altar was changed, and the ghost palace and Taoist sects attacked in a large scale. The Lord Wanyan left Daliang City, where he had been imprisoned for decades, and personally visited the Circular Mound Altar outside the imperial capital to help his father. Defeating powerful enemies, this kind of friendship, I will keep it in my heart."

Wanyan Zongbi still smiled and said: "What Her Royal Highness said is very true."

Xiao Zhinan laughed lightly, and changed the subject abruptly, "However, just now someone said that the snowfall in July was the reason why the Emperor Daqi did not practice virtue, and that the death of two successive emperors of Daqi was a proof. In my heart."

The smile on Wanyan Zongbi's face froze suddenly.

Concubine Wanyan Yu hesitated to speak, she wanted to open her mouth to defend herself, but she didn't know where to start.

Xiao Zhinan smiled again, and slightly increased his voice: "Such words that slander my father and brother, this palace will definitely not forgive lightly, unless..."

At this time, Xiao Zhinan's back was straight, and there was an awe-inspiring aura from top to bottom.

Different from Leng Meiren's cool demeanor that keeps people away from thousands of miles away, Xiao Zhinan is more like standing high in the air, overlooking the people on the ground, making people feel untouchable.

Wanyanzong must bow his head.

If Xiao Zhinan was the only one, he might have developed a lot of covetous thoughts that could not be put into words. After all, a man eats to the end, and what he eats is the identity of a woman, especially a precious woman with such an awe-inspiring and inviolable posture, which can make many men give birth. Conquer the mind, but at this moment, he didn't dare to have the slightest thought, or forcefully suppressed the unstoppable thought in his heart, lest he would show any clues and be noticed by the white-haired man beside the woman.

Concubine Wanyan Yu said softly: "I also ask Your Highness the Princess to enlighten me."

Xiao Zhinan said slowly: "If it's just an unintentional remark, then for the sake of Lord Wanyan, as long as I personally go to the imperial capital's Taimiao to plead guilty, I don't have to worry about it, if not..."

Concubine Wanyan Yu's face was serious, and she asked, "What else?"

Xiao Zhinan stared at the post-built Hongguang Princess, until the Hongguang County lord was a little bit on his back, and suddenly smiled, "Otherwise, I didn't think about it, after all, the post-Jianguo is the The great-uncle of the palace, and the Daqi court today is not as good as it was back then, with King Wei in the southeast, Grassland in the northwest, and King Mu in the northeast, so you can’t take care of yourself, think about it carefully, this palace really can’t do anything to you.”

Hearing these words, Concubine Wanyan Yu didn't feel the slightest bit ridiculous, on the contrary she felt chills all over her body.

Wanyan Zongbi raised his head, and it was the first time he looked directly at the young princess, or the first time he looked directly at the young woman, his eyes were clear and free from any other emotions, but he did not rush to speak.

Xiao Zhinan looked at him without fear, and said with a light smile: "Brother Wanyan seems to have some objections to what I said? Whether I am in the Weiyang Palace in the imperial capital, or in this Buddhist pure land at this time, Can allow others to speak, you might as well speak out now, so as to seek common ground while reserving differences."

Wanyan Zongbi shook his head, there was no savagery on his face, nor did he see any scheming bold gesture, under Xiao Zhinan's long gaze, he finally restrained his funny manner that seemed to be a reckless man with a stupefied head, and smiled, Conceited and arrogant, there is a bit of gloomyness in his smile.

It wasn't until this moment that those Confucianists who had become spectators realized that this barbarian who seemed to be a rough man was actually a person with a real danger in his heart.But after thinking about it carefully, this is reasonable. After all, only such a person can complete the establishment of the Yan family's family after Wanyan Beiyue has been in charge for a hundred years.

Wanyan Zongbi said slowly: "What Her Royal Highness said is of course a golden mouth, and it is a joke, so how dare I have any objection? It's just..."

He breathed out lightly, "It's just that there must be something unclear about Wanyanzong. I want to ask Her Highness the Princess, and I hope that Her Highness will not hesitate to enlighten me."

Xiao Zhinan said calmly, "But it's okay to ask."

Wanyan Zongbi glanced at Concubine Wanyan Yu next to him, and after the siblings exchanged glances, they asked, "If Zongbi said something wrong, no matter whether he meant it or not, he should be punished, but if Zongbi didn't say anything wrong If so, should you be punished?"

Xiao Zhinan said: "If there is no mistake, it is natural that there is no punishment."

Wanyan Zongbi nodded, and continued: "Since this is the case, then Your Highness means that Zong must be wrong. Zong must ask His Highness, where is Zong must be wrong? What is the reason for the heavy snow in July?"

Throughout the ages, any phenomena in the sky, such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, solar eclipses, plagues, or white disasters, can be attributed to the emperor's lack of virtue. practice.

At that time, Emperor Xianzong of Zhengzheng insisted on deposing the prince regardless of the opposition of his officials. As a result, Mount Tai was earthquake-stricken and landslide. Then discuss the abolition of the prince.

If the heavy snowfall in July this time was placed on Taiping, it would probably cause a shock in the temple. The chief minister would resign, and the emperor would issue an imperial edict.It's just that in today's troubled times, starvation is everywhere, and the army is overwhelming, the court is no longer able to care about this matter, but even so, there is still a lot of controversy among scholars.

Xiao Zhinan was naturally aware of this, glanced at Concubine Wanyan Yu, smiled and said: "This is a warning from the heavens to the three rogue ministers and thieves."

Wanyan Zongbi laughed loudly, his eyes were serious, "What a traitor!"

Suddenly, Xu Beiyou, who had been silent all this time, took a step forward.

At the same time, Wanyan Zong must have drawn his sword and started violently.

In an instant, there was a loud sound of wind and thunder.

The brilliance of a knife is shining brightly.

Moment of youth.

(End of this chapter)

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