Chapter 1070

Xiao Zhinan naturally understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "If he doesn't want to talk to us, why bother to go to such great lengths, after all, he is a majestic Buddhist abbot who rules thousands of monks in the world, and he is almost a Buddha in the world. Well, regardless of the head teacher of the Taoist sect, it is not enough for him to deliberately cater to him."

Xu Beiyou joked: "The emperor of the court can't do it, but Her Royal Highness the eldest princess of the court is different. It may not be impossible."

Xiao Zhinan knew that he was teasing him on purpose, but he was not angry, he just pursed his lips and smiled.

Then she seemed to think of something extremely interesting, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

It is said that poor children are rich and daughters are raised. She is different from Xiao Bai. When Xiao Bai was young, he had to go to the southern border with the governor Wei Jin to accumulate military merits. Step by step, he went from county king to prince. As a princess, her status is extremely honorable, and no one dares to disobey her. When she gets older, she knows the power of power, and she is even more arrogant, and she can do whatever she wants. No one dares to disobey her. In addition, she has always been dignified and courteous, self-respecting, even Duanmuyu, a noble son with a very high family background, should be cautious and respectful when talking to her, and even joking like this is even more unnecessary. think.At this time, she and Xu Beiyou were joking with each other, which was really a rare joy in life.

After a while, Xiao Zhinan turned his gaze to the Baiyun copper stove that was still burning, "I don't know if we are right or wrong when we come to the ancestral court of Buddhism this time. It is not something that can be easily agreed to, I am worried that there will be wolves before and tigers behind, and if I am not careful, I will just leave the tiger's den and enter the wolf's den."

Xu Beiyou comforted her softly and said, "Since Emperor Taizu established Daqi, how many years has the Daoist sect flourished? During this nearly sixty years, the Daoist sect has had no children left and no rivals, and that's why it gave birth to such a rebellious thought." , It was a delusion to think about the change of dynasty, but how can Buddhism be compared with Taoism? During this Jiazi period, Buddhism has always played the role of the second person. What they are thinking about is not changing the dynasty, but replacing it with Taoism, so They will want to borrow the power of the imperial court, as for whether Buddhism will become the second Daoist sect, it will be a matter of decades, and with the lessons learned from the Daoist sect, it will never be where it is today."

Xiao Zhinan sighed softly: "I understand the truth, but I always feel a little uneasy."

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and said softly, "You've really been worrying too much these days."

Xiao Zhinan shook his head and said, "There are indeed a lot of worries, but fortunately, there is you, and there is no word 'worry'."

Xu Beiyou laughed and said, "That's really kind."

"However." Xiao Zhinan changed the subject, "Don't talk about me all the time, think about yourself, has the murderous aura on your body been a little too heavy these days?"

Xu Beiyou was slightly taken aback, then shook his head and said, "Zhinan, you don't have to be so euphemistic. At the beginning, Mr. warned me that if you have a sharp weapon in your body, you will kill yourself. Now I am in charge of Zhuxian, and I have the sword fairy cultivation level of the eighteenth floor , It's almost people blocking people from killing people, and Buddhas blocking people from killing Buddhas, so this is not a murderous intent, but actually a breath of tyranny that holds the power of life and death, and there are quite a few of them. But don't worry, I will try my best to restrain myself, and I will never do anything to You have a seizure."

Xiao Zhinan smiled and said, "Thanks to the Great Sword Immortal for looking at me differently, the little girl thanked you in advance."

After the two laughed and fought for a while, Xu Beiyou felt that his thoughts were much clearer, and he no longer felt tired as before.

Xiao Zhinan saw that his face had improved, and asked in a little surprise: "Since stepping into the realm of the earth fairy, there have been various mysteries, such as not eating the grain, eating the wind and drinking the dew, seeing things in the dark, not being invaded by cold and heat, rejuvenating, youthful forever, sleepless It doesn’t stop, but you can recover from your injuries after a night’s sleep, what’s the reason for that?”

Xu Beiyou explained: "This is not the magic of the realm of immortality, but the method of alchemy in the Taoist school. Back then, there was a patriarch named Fuyaozi in the alchemy school of the Taoist school, also known as Dazheng Qingxu. The two major methods of "Xijue" and "Zhixuanpian" are known as the method of great dreams for thousands of years, and the method of small death and deep sleep. Later, Daoist Tianchen sorted out thousands of volumes of Taoism, and based on the Taishang Danjing, he created the Dragon and Tiger Pill Dao, which also includes the method of Fuyaozi. Jianzong and Daomen belonged to the same family. My foundation-building method is the Dragon and Tiger Alchemy. Later, I learned the Xuangong from Zhang Binghu and went to the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal. After the realm, one method is mastered and ten thousand methods are mastered, and naturally mastered the method of this great dream for thousands of years, it may not be very good to use it to defeat the enemy, but it is a first-class thing to use it to heal the wounded."

Xiao Zhinan said with a smile: "Is there such a good thing? Zhang Daban is the successor of the Dragon and Tiger Alchemy. After I return to the imperial capital, let him teach me."

The fundamental reason why Xu Beiyou fell into a drowsy sleep earlier was the lack of energy in his body. The dragon and tiger alchemy operated on its own, making him feel drowsy so that he could fall asleep as soon as possible. After a short rest, he got up from the bed and left the guest room with Xiao Zhinan. At this time, the heavy snow had not stopped, and the outside was already completely white. The two walked hand in hand on the snow, making a creaking sound. Leave a string of footprints.

Xiao Zhinan wore a sapphire blue cloak. After putting on the hood, the big snow-white fringe wrapped around her face. It was a little less bright and powerful, and a little more petite and cute. On the other hand, Xu Beiyou was still the same as before Wearing a white robe, Bai Xue fell on her body at this time, Bai Xue's white robe was hard to identify, but it became bloated.

The two were not in a hurry to go to Qiuyue's abbot's room, but walked slowly to enjoy the scenery.

The so-called abbot was originally an inherent title in the Taoist school. In the Taoist school, people pay attention to the squareness of the heart. Suzerain, the Taoists of the Yuqing sect claim to be the Dazheng in charge, and the Buddhist sect Xilai borrowed the title of abbot. Over time, the world only knows the abbot of the Buddhist sect, but they don't know the theory of the abbot.

As for why Buddhism borrowed the title of abbot, there is another saying in Buddhism. It is said that the first abbot of Buddhism lived in a stone room with one foot in each of the four directions. They are all named after the abbot, and the place where they live is still one foot in each direction.

Each of the four sides is one foot long, which is really not that big, at least it cannot be compared with Ganquan Palace and Zixiao Palace.

In such places, penance is more important, and the husband and wife are not in a hurry to "see" it, but the scene in the snow of the Buddhist ancestral courtyard is rare to see, if you don't take this opportunity to take a look, goodbye I don't know when it is.

It snowed heavily.

Husband and wife join hands.

For a moment no one spoke, no one made a sound.

The two were speechless, just walking side by side hand in hand.

Xueluo, eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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