Chapter 1073

Xu Beiyou and Xiao Zhinan walked side by side in the vast expanse of falling snow. Xiao Zhinan took Xu Beiyou's arm and suddenly asked, "Did you do anything to Li Qingyu?"

Xu Beiyou was slightly surprised, but did not deny it, "You have seen all this?"

Xiao Zhinan wrinkled his delicate nose, "At least I have the realm of the twelfth floor of the earth fairy, and I am surrounded by you masters, don't you have this knowledge?"

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "It's really not there. My finger is hidden very deeply. I'm afraid even Chen Ye couldn't find it immediately."

"Yo yo yo." Xiao Zhinan teased deliberately: "As expected of a majestic sword fairy, what he said is different, even the black-clothed head teacher of the Taoist school is not in his eyes, so I, a mediocre little Women, let alone fall into the eyes of the Great Sword Immortal."

"Nothing." Xu Beiyou smiled and shook his head and said, "It's just that I really put some thought into this finger. After all, this is a Buddhist gate, and it's the critical time to hold the Obon Festival. The rules can't be broken, Li Qingyu can't die in the Buddhist ancestral court, so I spent a little more time when fighting him, by breaking the gap in his golden body with a single finger, I also planted a sword energy in his body."

Xiao Zhinan asked: "Are you going to use this sword energy to blackmail Li Qingyu? Make him abandon the dark and turn to the bright?"

Xu Beiyou still shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about whether Li Qingyu will obediently submit because of a sword qi, but just say that this sword qi must be sent into Li Qingyu's body without anyone noticing, so the weight of the sword qi is destined not to be too heavy , it can't be compared with the Zhuxian sword energy I injected into Chen Ye's body, and it can't be too deeply involved with me, so that Chen Ye will be aware of it, it's like the two of us playing chess, and I put it down An idler, I don’t know when this idler will be useful, in other words, I am not sure when the sword energy will break out, so there is no way to talk about threats.”

Xiao Zhinan suddenly felt a little chilly, subconsciously wrapped the cloak around his body, and asked again: "Can this sword energy kill Li Qingyu?"

Xu Beiyou pondered and said: "It's hard to say, if it happened early and was discovered by Chen Ye, then it would not be difficult for Li Qingyu to suppress this sword energy with Chen Ye's cultivation base. When they return to the south, there will be Murong Xuan and other experts , it can naturally dissolve my sword energy."

Speaking of this, Xu Beiyou paused for a moment, and said hesitantly: "But if when the sword energy in Li Qingyu's body erupts, it happens that Chen Ye is also trying his best to dissolve my sword energy of killing immortals, and he can't take care of himself, then Li Qingyu can only resign himself to fate, after all To put it bluntly, this sword energy is my conspiracy, and without any precautions, this Confucian gentleman whose golden body has just been broken by me may not be able to resist it."

Xiao Zhinan didn't object to Xu Beiyou's move, but just sighed lightly.

It is true that such assassinations are definitely not the actions of heroes, nor are they acts of a hero with integrity, and they are not even in line with Xu Beiyou's current status as a master.But there is another sentence, do extraordinary things in extraordinary times, now is the time when the imperial court is fighting with Taoist King Wei and others, and people are dying every day, what is this?This is not an ordinary grudge, nor is it a simple battle of spirits, but a struggle that concerns the rise and fall of the entire world, and the death of countless lives.

This is a life-and-death struggle with no way out. There is no room for a woman's kindness.

When you die, you die. These four words are both for yourself and for the enemy.

Li Qingyu, as the patriarch of the Li family and Murong Xuan's confidant, contributed a lot in Huzhou's first battle, which led to the easy fall of Jiangling Mansion, one of the three important towns in Huzhou. He's all damned.

According to the law of the imperial court, his participation in the rebellion is a serious crime of treason, and he can even implicate the nine clans.

Logically speaking, he is a great gentleman of the Confucian school. What the Confucian sage Master said is loyalty, filial piety, propriety and righteousness. What is loyalty?Loyalty.He disregarded his father's court, and it was even more unreasonable.

It really deserves death.

So Xiao Zhinan understood what Xu Beiyou did.

Perhaps disgraceful, but absolutely true.

The two continued to walk slowly, Xiao Zhinan asked curiously: "How did you send that sword energy into Li Qingyu's body?"

Xu Beiyou made a fool of himself and said, "You might as well make a guess."

Xiao Zhinan thought for a while, and said: "You hid the sword energy in your index finger, and when you pointed at Li Qingyu's eyebrows, took the opportunity to send this sword energy into it?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "Although this method is feasible, it's still a little too much, and it's easy to be noticed by others. If Chen Ye sees the clue, it won't be easy for me to repeat the old trick when I fight against Chen Ye."

Xiao Zhinan patted him lightly, pretending to be angry and said: "I can't figure it out, tell me quickly, if you don't tell me, I will kill you."

Xu Beiyou explained: "Our Jianzong has always said that everything is a matter of one sword. This is not an exaggeration on purpose, but that all means are in this sword, and the outcome is also in this sword. If you can't beat this sword, then it will be difficult to win later. I made a bet with Li Qingyu, using one finger to represent one sword. Even if Zhu Xian and Jian 36 are not used, Li Qingyu is doomed to be defeated, so I can easily I defeated him with one finger, but why did I deliberately use Taiyi's lightsaber to transform into one hundred and eight finger shadows?"

Xiao Zhinan was originally a smart person, when Xu Beiyou mentioned something, he immediately understood the key trick, and asked in surprise, "You mean you hid the sword energy in those one hundred and eight finger shadows?"

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "That's right. I turned the sword energy into zero pieces, and turned the Taiyi lightsaber into one hundred and eight finger shadows. Then, when I pierced Li Qingyu's golden body, the one hundred and eight swords The Qi will silently sneak into his body from the position between his eyebrows. At that time, Li Qingyu broke his golden body with my finger, his Qi was in chaos, and his mind was taken away. It's hard to find when all the power is put on my body. After the sword energy enters the body, it first hibernates, and then breaks into pieces, and it will probably be Li Qingyu's death at that time."


In the cabin of the white dragon boat, there were still only two people because Chen Ye ordered everyone not to approach.

At this moment, Li Qingyu was already covered in blood, his fingers were scratching the floor of the cabin, drawing out ravines, his expression was ferocious and stiff, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and he no longer had the demeanor of a gentleman in normal times.

It can be described as extremely miserable.

He crawled towards Chen Ye bit by bit, his body rubbed against the ground, making rustling noises, but at this moment, Chen Ye was too busy to take care of himself, he couldn't move, so how could he come to rescue him.

Of course, with Chen Ye's level of cultivation, it's not impossible to save him if he has to, but in this way, all his previous efforts to suppress the sword energy of Zhu Xian in his body will be in vain. How could he put himself in the In the realm of Dust Leaf back then?
In the end, Li Qingyu crawled up to Chen Ye, tremblingly stretched out his bloody palm, grabbed onto Chen Ye's cloud shoes, leaving a scarlet and glaring palm print on it.

After an unknown amount of time, silence returned to the cabin.

This Mr. Li Da was full of unwillingness to die, and he still didn't close his eyes after death, his bloodshot eyes were wide open, staring at the motionless Chen Ye.

To the end of his life, he couldn't figure out how Xu Beiyou did what he did in full view.

He still has too many plans that he hasn't put into play. He still wants to be a man of the dragon, and he wants to replace the Jiangzuo Xie family.

If you can regret it.

Li Qingyu will definitely not fight Xu Beiyou.

As for his last thought before he died, it wasn't that he hated Xu Beiyou's insidious scheme, but that he hated Chen Ye for not helping him.

(End of this chapter)

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