Chapter 1080

Xu Beiyou turned his head and glanced at the back that couldn't hide his loneliness, but didn't speak.

The reason why he and Xiao Zhinan appeared here was because of Qiuyue's previous promise that he was invited to find a chance in the Buddhist scripture pavilion.Speaking of the Sutra Pavilion of Buddhism, it is as famous as the Daomen Taoist Hall. It is known as the two holy places most yearned for by thousands of monks in the world. Xu Beiyou still remembers that he followed Zhang Xueyao to the library in the East Lake Bieyuan. Zhang Xueyao From it, he found "The method of consolidating the eight meridians and twelve meridians, forging the body into a sword, and reborn it", which is the supreme sword body he practiced later. Although Jian 36 is the fundamental method of Jianzong, he followed Gongsun The Four Nine Platinum Sword Qi, Wusheng Sword Qi, and even the Dragon and Tiger Alchemy that Zhongmou learned, all come from this library, just like the Supreme Sword Body.

Because of this, Xu Beiyou has a special feeling for the library. The Daomen Daozang Hall, which claims to contain ten thousand volumes of Dao Zang, may not be able to see it in this life. There is no reason not to take a look.

Xu Beiyou gladly accepted Xia Qiuyue's invitation and came to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

This stay lasted for three days and three nights.

The Sutra Pavilion of Buddhism seems to be only three stories high, but it is actually like the magic well of Taoism. said.

As for why the Sutra Pavilion of Buddhism and the Five Immortals of Taoism echo each other, this is a public case that no one can explain. Throughout the past history, there are many outstanding figures who combined the three religions. It is this Taoist expert who is praised by Zichen, the old head teacher of Taoism, as holding Buddha in one hand and Taoism in the other. It can be seen that Buddhism and Taoism have a profound influence on each other, just like the entanglement of turtles and snakes in Xuanwu. It has become a mess that no one can sort out.

If you look at this Buddhist scripture pavilion with the eyes of the Buddhists, you will find that this Buddhist scripture pavilion is actually an eighteen-story pagoda. Stay below the tenth floor, and above the tenth floor, only the six heads, the masters of the eight departments, and the abbot can enter. The eighteenth floor, the highest, is not allowed to enter without the abbot's permission.Only the bottom three floors can be opened to ordinary disciples and outsiders, but these three floors already contain [-]% of the scriptures in the entire Sutra Pavilion, which is enough for ordinary monks to use for a lifetime.

However, for Xu Beiyou and other earth immortals in the [-]th-floor realm, ordinary supernatural powers are useless, and Qiuyue naturally understands this, so he opened up the entire [-]th-floor Sutra Pavilion and let him find an opportunity in it.

With the approval of Qiuyue, the abbot of Buddhism, Xu Beiyou was able to enter the fifteenth floor of the forbidden area. He first went to the highest eighteenth floor. As a result, there were no scriptures here, and there was only one big Buddha, which was the Western The seated Buddha statue of Reception Buddha has low eyebrows and compassion. It is said that this Buddha was created by the founder of the Pure Land Sect. The big Buddha has a compassionate face and a soft outline.

Xu Beiyou sat quietly in front of the Buddha for half a day, looked up at the Buddha, and finally realized a method of chanting the Buddha, just like the six-character mantra of "Om, Ma, Ni, Ba, Mi, Hum" in Molun Temple. The seated Buddha is a sutra, the six-character "Namo Amitabha" sutra. When Xu Beiyou was a child, he heard that there were good men and women chanting sutras, and it was this sentence "Namo Amitabha". Amitabha." Later, he read some Dharma, only then did he realize that it is the Dharma door of reciting Buddha of the Pure Land Sect, a branch of Buddhism. Because it is simple, it has been widely spread, and it can be practiced by men, women, old and young, literate or illiterate.

The Dharma door that Xu Beiyou enlightened from this Buddha is a "shortcut to the end" for Buddhist disciples. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a great fortune. You only need to recite these six-character scriptures for a long time. However, rebirth in the Pure Land of Maitreya can be described as a convenient method. If it falls into the hands of any Buddhist disciple, just like the Shui Jue who is in charge of sorting out the classics, he can set foot in the realm of the earth fairy in just a few years, and even in the world. At the age of knowing the fate, stepping above the realm of the twelfth floor of the earth immortal.

But for Xu Beiyou, it is useless, because he does not believe in Buddhism, nor does he practice Buddhism. Although the method is good, it is not his chance.

So Xu Beiyou did the opposite, came to the first floor, searched through countless scriptures, but still couldn't find what he was looking for, so he had to go back to the seventeenth floor again, from top to bottom, without sleep for three days, to read There are countless Buddhist scriptures, that is, the Dadi Xianfang of the [-]th floor realm has this confidence, not only does not sleep and rest, but also can see ten lines at a glance, and even has a photographic memory.

Of course, even so, it is impossible for Xu Beiyou to look through all the scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion. More often than not, he just scans them, and finally finds the Diamond Sutra in the corner of the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion. .

Although Xu Beiyou couldn't tell the reason, this Diamond Sutra gave him a very special feeling, so he took this Diamond Sutra as his final chance.

After the three of them left the Sutra Pavilion, they walked slowly on the white snow. Qiuyue glanced at the Diamond Sutra in Xu Beiyou's hand, and praised, "Sect Master Xu's insightful eyes were able to find this Diamond Sutra."

Xu Beiyou was not in a hurry to open the Diamond Sutra in his hand, and asked, "What does Master Abbot say?"

Qiuyue said: "Sect Master Xu should know the theory of the four great golden bodies, namely the Immortal Golden Body of the King Kong Temple in Baozhu Kingdom, the Immovable Golden Body of the Molun Temple in the Grassland, the Undefeated Golden Body of my Central Plains Buddhism, and the later The Immortal Golden Body of the Jianxuan Sect."

Xu Beiyou nodded.

Qiuyue continued: "These four kinds of golden bodies are actually derived from the four major Buddhist teachings. They are the Diamond Sutra of King Kong Temple, the Great Sun Sutra of Molun Temple, the Heart Sutra of Buddhism in the Central Plains, and the Future Star Sutra of Xuanjiao. Except for the future stars In addition to the robbery scriptures, the other three scriptures are very common and widely circulated, but apart from Buddhist disciples, few other monks can realize the supernatural powers of the golden body. The fundamental reason is that these scriptures are all copied by later generations. Buddha's true meaning."

Xu Beiyou questioned: "Didn't Master Abbot say that the Dharma does not lie in external objects, and the Dharma does not depend on words?"

Qiuyue smiled and said: "Buddhism does not need to rely on words and external objects, but it needs supernatural powers, so if you want to realize the supernatural powers of the Buddhist golden body, you need the scriptures written by the Buddha himself. Passed down from master to disciple, from generation to generation."

He pointed to the Diamond Sutra in Xu Beiyou's hand, and said: "This scripture is the Diamond Sutra written by the Buddha himself. Although my Central Plains Buddhism respects the Diamond Sutra, the Diamond Sutra written by the Buddha himself has remained in the origin of Buddhism. King Kong Temple."

Xu Beiyou said in amazement: "Then how could it be in the Buddhist scripture pavilion?"

Qiuyue sighed softly, "Although Baozhu Kingdom is the place where my Buddhism originated, in the past few hundred years, the Brahmanism in Baozhu Kingdom has become more and more prosperous, which made the King Kong Temple more and more weak, so the King Kong Temple gradually went astray. , only focusing on supernatural powers and ignoring Buddhism. After the last abbot of the Vajra Temple passed away, Liumian and Qier competed for the presiding position. The scriptures were brought out, and after several twists and turns, the old monk got them and put them in the scripture-depositing pavilion."

(End of this chapter)

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