That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1082 Who Is Not A Caged Sparrow

Chapter 1082 Who Is Not A Caged Sparrow
At the end of July in the 24th year of Taiping, when the battle between Liangxiang on the border of Jiangnan was in full swing, the people of Jianzong were very busy. As the suzerain, Xu Beiyou stayed in the ancestral court of Buddhism, as if he had really become an ascetic monk who escaped from the world, studying the volume of the Diamond Sutra written by the Buddha himself every day.

At the same time, Buddhism, which has always seemed to be an outsider, finally took action, but this action was not aimed at Jianzong or the court, nor was it aimed at the Taoism that had always overwhelmed Buddhism, but pointed at the close relationship between Buddhism and Buddhism for nearly a hundred years. Northeast Mu family.

Of course, this matter was carried out in absolute secrecy, and there were only two insiders, including Qiuyue, the abbot of Buddhism, the two chief seats, and Emperor Shitian, Da Brahma, and Asura of the Eight Divisions of Heaven. .

It is said that there are three major secret institutions in the world, which make people frightened by the news. They are the secret guards of the imperial court, the demon suppression hall of Taoism, and the eight tribes of Buddhism.As for Jianzong's Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, after being destroyed by Xiao Shen, it is still difficult to compare with these three schools.

In the current situation, after the battle in the south of the Yangtze River in the Town of Demon Palace, the elite masters were completely damaged. In name only.The Imperial Palace’s Secret Guard Mansion was not much better. The original three hall officials, Duanmu Ruisheng, were beheaded by Xu Beiyou’s sword because of his involvement in treason. Fu Zhongtian was defeated and fled. , In addition, since the start of the war, the manpower of the major branches has been severely damaged, and their vitality has also been severely injured.

Only the eight tribes of Buddhism, although the Dragon King was imprisoned, the overall combat power remained intact.

According to Buddhism, there must be Bodhisattvas with low eyebrows and compassion to spread the Dharma widely, and there must also be Vajra protectors with angry eyes and fearful eyes. The abbot master and the heads of Buddhism are naturally low-browed and compassionate, so the eight groups are Vajras with angry eyes.

At this time, this kind of thing is naturally taken care of by the Babu people.

The so-called eight tribes refer to the eight heavenly dragons in the Buddhist scriptures, and respect the two tribes of heaven and dragon. Now that the Dragon King who is both the master of the dragon tribe and the master of the eight tribes is absent, the master of the heavenly tribe, Di Shi, is not here. The sky rises up to issue orders on its behalf.

In fact, it has always been like this. Emperor Shitian of the Heavenly Division is the leader of the eight divisions, taking charge of the overall situation, and Da Brahma is the leader of the Heavenly Division. Take the head of Emperor Shitian and become the master of the eight departments.

In addition, for other matters, Qiuyue or the two chiefs should come forward. For example, when negotiating with the Daqi court, Qiuyue would personally come forward. On the other side of Houjian, the head of the Arhat Hall went to Daliang City in person to meet Wanyan Beiyue, the late founding lord.Fomen's movements are neither fast nor slow, like weaving a big net, and then slowly shrinking, making people in the net like birds in a cage, unable to escape or break free.

When there is no more objection from all parties, the big net of Buddhism is woven, and the next step is to close the net.

As the saying goes, the wind starts at the end of Qingping, although the actions of the Buddhist sect are already very concealed, there are still some clues. Many people with a keen sense of smell have already left early, fearing that they will be affected by the fish in the pond.

Buddhism doesn't care about these "little bugs". Whether they fly out of the net is irrelevant, let alone the direction of the overall situation. Only the bird in the net is the key.

As long as this bird is caught, the overall situation of the three northeastern states will be settled.


Because Xu Beiyou was stranded in the Buddhist ancestral court, it was difficult for Xiao Zhinan to return to the imperial capital for a while, so the shadow from the Tiance Mansion ran back and forth between the Buddhist ancestral court and the imperial capital, responsible for delivering news.

At this time Xiao Zhinan was sitting cross-legged in a side hall, carefully reading the letter in his hand by the candlelight in the hall, behind him was a statue of a three-faced venerable.

After a long time, she looked away from the letterhead, looked at the shadow in front of her and asked, "Have you found out what I asked you to investigate?"

The woman who is exquisite but can't see her face hesitated for a while, and said softly: "Reporting to Your Highness, my subordinates have traveled to many places in the past few days, and with the assistance of Buddhist Asura, I have sent many people to investigate this matter. The clues have been found."

Xiao Zhinan asked: "What look?"

The shadow replied: "After Chen Ye and his party went down the mountain, they boarded the ship and left through the arrangement of the Liao Palace, but the only people accompanying them were Li Qingyu, Shangguan Yun and Qingye, and the second chief deacon of the Temple of Demon Suppression, Emperor Fengdu was No boarding."

Xiao Zhinan asked, "Where did Emperor Fengdu go?"

After a little hesitation, Shadow replied: "Although I haven't found his exact trace, according to my speculation, he should have gone to King Liao's residence."

"Prince Liao's Mansion?" Xiao Zhinan, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, was slightly shocked.

Shadow lowered his head and said: "That's right. After Mutang's separation from Buddhism, it seems that he has some ambiguity with Taoism."

"Okay!" Xiao Zhinan clapped his palms lightly, "The master abbot of the Buddhist sect wants to use the sword of Jianzong to kill the Taoist sect, so that he can reap the benefits of the fisherman, but there is no such good thing in the world. This time, it is from the Taoist sect. People come to the door on their own initiative, but the Buddhist sect can't do without their hands, only two people have blood on their hands, and that's the way."

Shadow didn't speak, and wisely kept silent.

Xiao Zhinan continued: "As for whether King Liao took the initiative to collude with the Taoist sect, or whether the Taoist sect came to collude with Mu Tangzhi, it still needs to be considered, but it has nothing to do with the overall situation. Next, you go to see Zhao Wuji, pass on the order of the palace, and tell him that you are ready to counterattack. The matter, the three northeastern states, must be in our own hands to be at ease, as long as he can successfully take over the three northeastern states, he will be indispensable to the seat of a king with a different surname afterwards."

Shadow solemnly agreed.

Xiao Zhinan turned the letter in his hand into flying ash, patted the remaining ashes on his hands, and said, "Go, but be careful, although the three northeastern states are the territory of Buddhism, the situation is uncertain at this time, once you leave the Buddhist ancestor Ting, it’s hard to say.”

Shadow saluted respectfully and said, "This subordinate understands."

After speaking, the whole person exploded into a shadow and disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Zhinan got up from the futon, wanted to go out, but suddenly stopped, turned subconsciously to look at the statue of the venerable behind him, and whispered to himself: "Mutangzhi, what exactly do you want?"

She was silent for a while, and then exhaled: "The bird in the cage is still fighting like a trapped animal."

Xiao Zhinan suddenly remembered something, and laughed at himself, "Who isn't in a cage?"

(End of this chapter)

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