That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1091 This knife is a heavenly knife

Chapter 1091 This knife is a heavenly knife
Before Chen Huanzhi finished speaking, the roof above his head was shattered inch by inch, revealing a clear night sky with a bright moon hanging. With the sound of the word "Sword Falling", a faint red light slowly scattered.

Immediately afterwards, a unparalleled giant sword fell from the sky, dividing the hall used for banqueting guests into two.

Chen Huanzhi's figure rose accordingly, standing vacantly above the night sky, with a black Taoist robe fluttering in the wind, the so-called immortal demeanor was nothing more than that.

At the same time, Chen Huanzhi's voice came from all directions at the same time, echoing in the night, "Can Nanli, the Nine Great Swords of my Taoism, kill you, the Dragon King of Buddhism?"

Then he didn't wait for the Dragon King to answer, he put the index and middle fingers of his right hand together to form a sword finger, and slashed down suddenly.

Nanli's dharma sword fell with a bang, and slashed directly at the Dharma figure of Buddha sitting on the lotus platform.

The Dragon King's face was slightly pale, and there were several small cracks in the Buddha figure on the top of his head.

Chen Huanzhi sneered, and then formed a sword art.In an instant, the red glow on Nan Li's sword was full, like a fire burning the sky, and the cracks on the Buddha's Dharma image expanded rapidly, and finally shattered inch by inch.

The dharma collapsed, and the Dragon King had no choice but to unfold his undefeated golden body.

I saw that his whole body burst into golden light in an instant, like a golden arhat.

It's a pity that his six-foot-long golden body was smashed by Xu Beiyou's sword, and it would be difficult to restore it to its original state in a short time. Otherwise, at this time, there is no need to be afraid of Nanli's magic sword, which is only ranked last among the nine great magic swords.

The Dragon King used his great power to lift mountains and lifted the falling Nanli Fajian on the shoulders of his undefeated golden body. The two were at a stalemate.

Chen Huanzhi took a deep breath, biting the tip of his tongue, and spurting out the blood known as "True Yang Saliva" from the tip of his tongue, the Baizhang sword of Nanli Fajian burst into flames instantly, like a flame dragon Come to the world, burn everything.

Real fire makes real gold.

The Dragon King, who was holding the Baizhang Fajian on his shoulders, instantly turned into a burning man.

He stretched out his hands vigorously and clasped them together in front of his chest, like an arhat listening to the Buddha's lecture.

Under the blazing flames, golden light continued to shoot out to disperse the flames, and the Dragon King seemed to be reborn from the ashes, reshaping his golden body in an instant, and the golden color was brighter without any dilapidation.

At the same time, Sanskrit sounds burst into my ears.There are celestial maidens who scatter flowers, chant sutras, and dance in the sky.

The Dragon King said slowly: "The Great Daoist is really good at supernatural powers and good means, but he just wants to kill the poor monk with this, it's still a bit taken for granted."

"It is said that coming and not reciprocating is indecent. Since the Great Master gave the poor monk a sword, the poor monk should return the courtesy to the Great Master."

Before he finished speaking, the Great Vajra Wheel imprint formed in the Dragon King's hand, and all the fragments of the lotus platform and the dharma image were melted into himself, and they became one with himself. Backlight, like a mountain like a mountain.

This is the true meaning of the undefeated golden body of Buddhism. As the saying goes, if you have a vajra heart, you can realize the golden body by yourself, you can enter the Buddha's body, and the Buddha can enter your own body, and you can prove the vajra body.Transform the dharma phase into oneself to achieve the dharma body, using the diamond as a metaphor, its body is solid, like a diamond gem, it is not damaged by all afflictions, all internal demons, and all external objects, it is unbreakable, so it is called invincible.

The situation of the battle changed in an instant. The Nanli Fajian, which was like a fire dragon blazing the sky before, suddenly wilted, and the flames on the sword flickered from time to time.

It seems that the five fingers of the dragon king, who is as high as a hundred feet, are bluffing, and in his palm is a small thousand worlds, which is a self-contained Buddha kingdom.

Then his palm turned over, as if the Buddha in myths and legends suppressed the great sage of the monster race, his five fingers turned into five mountains and fell down, causing ripples in the surrounding void.

In an instant, this world became blurred, as if it had left the Great Thousand World and came to a Small Thousand World.

Chen Huanzhi finally showed a look of panic, and said in amazement: "Dragon King, how did you use the supernatural power that should be able to be used only at the eighteenth floor?!"

The Dragon King didn't answer, but just kept palming out, and the six palm prints blasted out at the same time, hitting the upper, lower, east, south, west, and north directions of the world, leaving six huge palms in these six directions. The palm prints condensed and did not disperse. They seemed to take root and sprout, and they penetrated deeply into the void like iron nails, completely imprisoning Chen Huanzhi in it, and there was no escape.

The Dragon King's figure also began to fluctuate, but then a bodhi flew out by itself, shining brightly, helping him stabilize his figure.

Seeing this scene, Chen Huanzhi finally stopped having any illusions, and crushed a purple-gold talisman that had been hidden in his sleeve for a long time.

This taoist talisman is one of the few celestial character talismans in the Taoist school. It can be used to protect the enemy's life, because it contains a pure yang purple energy left by the ancestors of the Taoist school. This purple energy is the rising of the sun. The innate first ray of pure yang energy at that time was pure and flawless. The ancestors who refined this talisman had to climb to the Tianfeng Peak, the highest peak in the world, to collect a ray every day. Turnips remain, leaving only a trace of pure purple. It took three years to refine such a talisman.

If you use this talisman to fight against people, it is not as powerful as the thunder talisman, but it is better to use it to climb the realm.

At this time, Chen Huanzhi crushed this talisman, which would help him break through his current state in a short time, so that he could fight for the last chance in his narrow escape.

In an instant, a torrent of purple air enveloped Chen Huanzhi.

In this purple air, Chen Huanzhi's body began to grow reversely at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the purple air dissipated, he had changed from a middle-aged man to a child with long hair, but his own realm was breaking through all the way. Opened the threshold of the sixteenth floor of the earth fairy, and successfully entered the seventeenth floor of the earth fairy, and has only entered the seventeenth floor, and it is almost the peak of the seventeenth floor.

Chen Huanzhi, who had turned into a child, was no more than three feet tall, but his whole body was surrounded by purple air. He lifted his hands up vigorously, and said in a deep voice, "Get up!"

His state of cultivation was poured out as if he didn't need money, causing the entire Liao Palace to shake, and even the entire northern capital was slightly shaken.

The six palm prints, which were deeply carved into the void like iron nails and long fibers, also began to sway under this almost terrifying force, as if they would be uprooted at any time.

At this time, the Dragon King was unable to strengthen the six palm prints, so he could only watch as Chen Huanzhi was about to pull out the six palm prints, and escaped.

At this moment, a knife appeared out of thin air in the Xiaoqian world that was forcibly imprisoned by the palm prints of the six directions, as if it was not hindered by half of the stagnation at all, and then the knife came to Chen Huanzhi's side silently.

Chen Huanzhi, who was at the most critical moment of wrestling, had no way of resisting it, and could only watch helplessly as the knife chopped him off in the middle.

The person who drew the sword was Zhao Wuji who said earlier that he had no strength to use the sword anymore.

This sword is called Heavenly Sword.

(End of this chapter)

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