That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1100 Let's See What He Wants

Chapter 1100 Let's See What He Wants

The two sisters sat side by side on a huge reef on the beach, watching the dark blue sky gradually brighten. At the place where the sea and the sky meet, the belly turns white first, and then a bright light shoots from below the sea level, illuminating the sky. It also illuminates the surface of the sea, so that the sea is no longer dark, and the sea and sky are the same color.

In the end, a round of red sun slowly jumped out of the sea, illuminating the sky and the earth.

Zhiyun turned his head to look at Qi Xianyun who was deep in thought, and asked softly, "Senior Sister Xianyun, are you thinking of Senior Brother Ling Yun?"

Qi Xianyun was startled for a moment, then a suspicious blush suddenly appeared on his face, he subconsciously turned his head away, and did not speak.

Zhiyun sat on the edge of the reef, hung his legs out of the reef, swayed leisurely, and said softly: "Senior brother Lingyun is indeed an excellent person, just like him, he is the kind of person who sticks to one goal, once you identify a person People, they will not change, let alone change. On the contrary, some men say that it is the most difficult to accept the favor of a beauty, and they say that they don’t want to let the beauty down. They, because other women like them, they say no Willing to live up to this woman's banner, to live up to his wife as a matter of course and openly, such a man seems passionate but actually ruthless, the most hateful."

Zhiyun turned his eyes to the blue sea in front of him, she was a little girl who had never experienced anything unforgettable, but she was full of old-fashioned, "Some people, even if they become prostitutes in a brothel, they still set up a chastity memorial archway, thinking about people from Qi Zhifu and the big quilt sleep together, but on the surface they say that they don't want to disappoint and are the most uncomfortable. It seems that he has to do it, but it seems that the woman is forcing him to be bothered. They want women to be magnanimous, but who wants Having an affair with his woman, but wanting to kill the whole family. Two sets of rules, two sets of principles, one for yourself and one for others, do you think it's strange?"

Suddenly a soft voice sounded from behind the two of them, "That's right. There are two sets of rules and principles, treat them differently. Your eyes are always fixed on others, but you don't know to look down at yourself. In the end, the crow landed on the coal pile. You can see other people's blackness, but you can't see your own blackness."

The little nun turned her head abruptly, and when she saw the beautiful woman standing behind her, she immediately got up from the rock.This woman is obviously 80 years old, but judging from her appearance alone, she is only about [-] years old. Not only does she still have a charming charm, but she is still a peerless beauty, especially her aura, which has the appearance of Taoism. Dust, there is also the compassion of Buddhism, and even a bit of Confucianism. The advantages of the three schools are perfectly integrated in her. Why did God favor this woman so much? Before Jiazi, she was a well-deserved number one beauty in the world. After Jiazi, she stood with Xiao Zhinan, Wu Yu and other younger generations, and she was not inferior.

Zhiyun respectfully said: "I have seen Madam."

Qi Xianyun also stood up, without being too close or distant, and said flatly: "Mother."

Hearing the title "mother", the woman's face flashed a complex expression, but she was more pleased, and smiled: "What are you two little sisters talking about?"

Zhiyun lowered his head subconsciously, pinching the hem of his clothes, he lost his old-fashioned attitude just now, and really had the shyness of a little girl being caught by her elders.

Qi Xianyun's expression was still the same, nothing unusual.

Murong Xuan teased: "Could it be a man? But it's human nature for a girl to miss spring, there is nothing embarrassing about any girl who doesn't cherish spring."

Zhiyun's head drooped even lower, and he was even more afraid to speak.

Qi Xianyun couldn't take it anymore, so he had to change the subject and asked, "Why is mother here?"

Murong Xuan said: "I've been a little restless recently, and I don't have any clues. I'm bored, so I came out for a walk."

Qi Xianyun asked softly: "Is mother worried about things in the sect?"

Murong Xuan shook her head and said: "Qiu Ye is in charge of the sect's affairs. Tianyun and the others can't make any waves. Don't bother me to worry about it. Xiao Jin and Lin Han really worry me."

Qi Xianyun was puzzled and said: "Xiao Jin and Lin Han, each with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, are both powerful and unrestricted by sects, and will never follow the old path of the Mu family, and after this incident, they have long been with each other. The imperial court is at odds, so is it possible to surrender to the imperial court?"

Murong Xuan chuckled lightly and said: "The things in this world, in the final analysis, still lie in the word 'benefit'. Some people say that the general trend of the world is that if it is divided for a long time, it must be united for a long time. Things in this world are all gathered because of profit, and they are all scattered because of profit. The reason why Xiao Jin and Lin Han turned against Da Qi was because of a word of profit. Xiao Jin wanted to be the emperor, and Lin Han didn't want to stay In the Bitter Cold Grassland, by the same token, as long as the word "benefit" is big enough, it is not impossible for Xiao Jin and Lin Han to return to Daqi."

Speaking of this, Murong Xuan felt a little emotional, "We monks are not like this. We use our own realm and cultivation as our capital, just like scholars who use their knowledge as their capital, or goods with the emperor's family, or small Boda, what do you want? It’s not just a word of profit.”

Qi Xianyun was still somewhat puzzled, "Even so, they have caused such a great disaster, how can the Great Qi court tolerate them?"

Murong Xuan said with a smile: "It depends on the game between the two sides. We have to take into account their respective situations. After all, besides the word 'benefit', there is also the word 'harm'. Take the current war as an example. War is the most costly of money. Even if Daqi doesn't want to accommodate them, can his family's money and food continue to support this war? If they can't support it, then they have to tolerate it. First stabilize the situation, and then talk about the future. In fact, both sides So, the reason for the peace is that in the final analysis, both sides have no certainty of victory, so they have to make peace for a safe solution."

Qi Xianyun nodded thoughtfully.

Murong Xuan smiled again and said: "Of course, I have said so much, but I don't conclude that Xiao Jin and Lin Han will have a quarrel. It's just that the current situation is unpredictable, and we must be aware of it, and even more so, we must guard against it."

Qi Xianyun asked again: "Then...Xu Beiyou?"

Murong Xuan sighed, and said with emotion: "Who would have thought that the young man who seemed likely to be drowned in the strong wind and waves at any time, not only did not drown in the rivers and lakes, but instead grew into today's confidant's serious trouble Let's see, Xu Beiyou will make other moves after this Northeast incident, and he won't stop there."

Murong Xuan stood with her hands behind her back, looked towards the direction of the Central Plains across the sea, and said softly: "In the future, you will be on your own, and you should ask why when encountering these things. After all, most things in this world are all about profit. If you think about what they want, you can roughly understand why they do what they do, and if you understand this, even if you don't take the initiative to plot others, you won't be deceived."

Qi Xianyun murmured: "What do you want...Xu Beiyou wants to revive the Sword Sect, and wants to help the Great Qi court to calm down the world..."

(End of this chapter)

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