That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1105 A Link Between the Past and the Future Song Qingying

Chapter 1105 A Link Between the Past and the Future Song Qingying

The middle-aged man whose identity was exposed by Fu Zhongtian smiled, and motioned to the white-clothed woman, one of the twelve hall masters beside him, to step back temporarily, and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, I just used a small trick of imperial things, just Master Fu saw through the clues and guessed my identity."

Fu Zhongtian said softly: "Senior Brother Chen Ye mentioned Mr. Song many times when chatting with me, saying that Mr. Song is one of the few people in the world who are most likely to step into the realm of the eighteenth floor of the Earth Immortal."

The middle-aged man laughed it off.

Song Qingying, whether this name is placed in the Central Plains or Houjian, it can't be said to be resounding.Not to mention that compared with the three saints of the Tianji list like Xu Beiyou, even compared with the ten people on the Tianji list, they are not outstanding. Only a very small number of people know the existence of this person. The leader is a direct disciple of Murong Xuanyin, the leader of Xuanjiao. As for the name, state, and supernatural powers of this deputy leader, I don't know at all.

This can't be blamed on Murong Xuanyin suppressing his personal disciple, it's true that Song Qingying has a meek nature and doesn't like to compete for fame. When he was young, he traveled around the world, never acted chivalrously, and never relied on his cultivation to bully others. More often than not, he is like a spectator, coming without a trace and leaving without a trace. Compared with his peers, he is really inconspicuous.

After her cultivation was successful, Song Qingying spent most of her time in the Qingming Palace in Dabai Mountain, helping Murong Xuanyin handle the teaching affairs of Xuanjiao, which allowed Murong Xuanyin to wander around the world.

In Xuanjiao, Song Qingying can be said to hold great power, but he often hides behind the scenes and attributes credit to his teacher or other people. The disciples knew Yuguanyin, the head of the twelve hall masters, and Wanyan Yufei, the princess who was loved by Wanyan Beiyue and Murong Xuanyin, but Song Qingying was the only one who was hiding behind the scenes.

After Murong Xuanyin's general situation was gone, Wanyan Beiyue became the master of Xuanjiao. Many confidantes who originally belonged to Murong Xuanyin were in panic all day long, thinking that the world would be turned upside down. The Daoist Tianchen Daoist had done a lot of things, which made the Daoist Zhanyan sect almost extinct, and after Murong Xuanyin got the position of Xuanjiao leader, he first deposed the five elders.Now that it is the Wanyan leader, I am afraid that he will be implicated in the restructuring, and there will be a big storm.

As the direct disciple of Murong Xuanyin, Song Qingying is the first to bear the brunt. No matter how you look at it, he will be implicated. The best result is that he will be abolished as the deputy leader, and the worst result is that he will be directly killed by Wanyan Beiyue From now on, there will be no such person as Song Qingying in the world.

At that time, everyone in the Xuanjiao was paying attention to Song Qingying, no matter whether they were sweating for him or waiting to see his jokes, in short, no one was optimistic about him, but this usually mild-mannered vice-rector was alone with him. After Yan Beiyue had a face-to-face meeting, the situation changed abruptly. Not only did Wanyan Beiyue not do anything to implicate Xuanjiao, but he also didn't take too many actions against Xuanjiao. He still appointed Song Qingying as the deputy leader and took charge of the teaching affairs.

The only change is that Wanyan Yufei, a disciple of Song Qingying, took over the position that originally belonged to Yu Guanyin. In this way, the context of Xuanjiao is very clear. The old leader has not had much time in the world. Two years, no one can say that one day they will break through the sky and fly away. After the old leader ascends, it will be the deputy leader who will take over the position of leader logically, and then Wanyan Yufei. The chaos of competing for the position of the first disciple can be described as an orderly inheritance.

As for why Wanyan Beiyue left Song Qingying behind, Fu Zhongtian and Chen Ye once speculated that the current Xuanjiao is no longer the Xuanjiao that single-handedly fought against the alliance of Buddhism and Taoism, especially when the previous leader died in the After Zichen and Shangguan Xianchen joined forces to calculate, the entire Xuanjiao fell apart, and the five elders criticized each other endlessly, and even supported a Houjian vassal king each, which made Houjian and Xuanjiao continue to grow for decades. Internal friction.

It wasn't until Murong Yan was born that the five great elders and the five later kings joined forces. Later, although Wanyan Beiyue wiped out the five kings and unified the Xuanjiao, the Xuanjiao's vitality was already severely damaged at this time. According to Wanyan Beiyue's vision, in the next few decades, Xuanjiao should recuperate and not participate in the battles among the major sects. Not only did Wanyan Beiyue imprison himself in Daliang City, but it also completely disrupted his plans.

After Murong Xuanyin stole the position of Xuanjiao leader, he not only got involved with the Taoist sect, but also conspired with Xiao Jin, Lin Han and others. Although he gained a lot in these years, he also lost a lot.Today's Xuanjiao has gradually shown signs of failing. Among the people of the same generation as the Taoist "Yun", there is only one Song Qingying who is still outstanding, and is expected to support the overall situation of Xuanjiao after Wanyan Beiyue's ascension.Back then, Tianchen dared to implicate people wantonly because of the strong background of Taoism. Even if he killed a few, he would still have the grand occasion of thirty great masters in the future, but Xuanjiao was not. Small and small, who will support the overall situation in the next few decades?

Does it depend on the little girl Wanyan Yufei?
One must know that there is only one Xu Beiyou in the world, even if he is as stunning as Qi Xianyun, so what?With the protection of Qiu Ye and Murong Xuan, she has been in danger several times, and now she is in a mess, making it difficult to gain a foothold in the Taoist sect.

If Concubine Wanyan Yu is really forced to be the leader of the Xuanjiao, Wanyan Beiyue will be fine when she is alive, but if she is not around, let alone foreign enemies, even members of the Xuanjiao will be dissatisfied, and many troubles will inevitably arise. I'm afraid it was the scene of the "Five Kings Rebellion" back then.

You can't just look at the present in everything, and only plan for the moment, you have to plan for the long-term, but also for the future, so no matter what Wanyan Beiyue thinks of Song Qingying, as the leader of Xuanjiao, he has to stay behind for the sake of Xuanjiao. Song Qingying must be entrusted with an important task.

As for Song Qingying himself, as Fu Zhongtian said, he is one of the few people in the world who are most likely to step into the realm of the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal.Although he is only about the fifteenth floor of the Earth Immortal now, his potential and vision are so high that he is second only to Wanyan Beiyue in Xuanjiao. One of the three people who climbed to the top of the 20th floor, the other two were Qi Xianyun, an exiled immortal, and Zhao Qing, a great master of martial arts who had been trapped in the realm of the seventeenth floor of an earth immortal for decades.

Although Qi Xianyun and Song Qingying are of the same generation, there is a huge age difference, so the three of them happen to be three generations, one old and one young, plus Song Qingying, who is in his prime, a link between the past and the future.

(End of this chapter)

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