That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1110 The Nine Emperors and Two Years After the Construction

Chapter 1110 200 years after the Nine Emperors

After a brief stay in Julu City, Xu Beiyou continued northward. The three-foot-deep snow could stop countless caravans, but Xu Beiyou, the Great Sword Immortal, soon went all the way north into Houjian Chaozhou.

At this time, Chaozhou is no different from Liaozhou. It is also snowing heavily. It is hard to believe that this is the Mid-Autumn Festival in August, but it looks like the twelfth lunar month of winter.

During Xu Beiyou's post-construction trip this time, he naturally also knew the news that Wanyan Beiyue was not in Daliang City. He originally wanted to go directly to Tianhai City to meet Wanyan Beiyue, but after talking with Xiao Mohe in depth, He changed his decision and planned to take a walk in Houjian territory first to see what the current situation of Houjian is, whether it is really as Xiao Maha expected, so that after he sees Wanyan Beiyue, Know how to speak and have something to say.

Houjian was founded in the period of Great Chu. At the beginning, it was similar to other tribes in the grassland. Emperor Taizu of Houjian formally founded the country, with Daliang City as its capital, and it was called King Khan.It was not until Emperor Taizong of the Later Jian Dynasty led his army south to the Central Plains, destroyed the Great Chu, and began to emulate the Central Plains dynastic system, that he formally ascended the throne in the Jiangbei imperial capital and changed his name to Khan.

Houjian was in its heyday and almost won the world of Dachu, but it didn't last long. First, Jiangdu was defeated in the first battle, and then Emperor Taizu of Dazheng led an army to launch a northern expedition. Defeated again and again, retreated to the imperial capital, and Emperor Taizong died in depression.

At that time, the generals in the imperial capital supported his son to succeed him as Emperor Jian Sejong. Faced with the menacing Dazheng army, Emperor Sejong had no choice but to abandon the imperial capital, withdraw from the Central Plains, and even invaded the three northeastern states for many years. The land of Kyushu had to be given up, leaving only the land of Kyushu today.

Even so, the Central Plains system inherited by Houjian was passed down, and because Houjian was originally a nomadic people, in order to separate nomadic and farming, the emperors of successive generations advocated the system according to customs, forming the "North and South Two Courts". The layout is also known as the King of the South Court and the King of the North Court.

Before Xu Beiyou left the imperial capital to go to Houjian, he had read the volumes and classics about the temple system of Houjian. When it came to the temple structure of Houjian, in addition to the kings of the northern and southern courts, he had to mention the descendants of Houjian.

As we all know, today's Xiao family is divided into two branches. As early as the Great Chu period, the Xiao family, which had been rooted in the imperial capital for generations, was already a prominent family. Later, a large army was built to conquer the imperial capital, and the Xiao family was divided into two branches One branch followed many aristocratic families across the south, went to Jiangdu, and later returned to the imperial capital from Long Yu Dazheng Taizu Emperor, and became the founding hero of Dazheng, that is, Xiao Yu's branch, known as the direct lineage.The other Xiao family was coerced to Daliang City and took root in Daliang City, that is, the Xiao Zheng, Xiao Shu, and Xiao Mahe branches, known as the Suzong.

When Emperor Muzong of Houjian reigned, the Xiao family of Houjian had become a large family of Houjian. After Emperor Muzong died of illness, Xiao Siwen, the patriarch of the Xiao family who was already an important minister of Houjian, did not mourn in secret, and supported Emperor Jingzong of Houjian to ascend to the throne. Emperor Jingzong reciprocated At that time, Xiao Siwen was granted the title of Great King of the North Courtyard, and his daughter Xiao Chuo was summoned into the palace. First, she was named a concubine, and after three months, she was named a queen.

The empress and empress had a very close relationship. After Xiao Siwen's death, Emperor Jingzong was weak and gradually handed over the power to Xiao Chuo. He did not intervene, and even sent an order to the bachelor of the History Museum. After that, all the words of the queen were recorded, which were also called Shangyu, and they were written as a set formula to raise the status of his wife to the same level as himself.

Later, Emperor Jingzong died of illness on the way of hunting, leaving a will, King Liang succeeded to the throne, and the military and state affairs were ordered by the queen.After Shengzong succeeded to the throne, he respected Xiao Chuo as the Empress Dowager, that is, the famous Empress Dowager Xiao, who was regent by the Empress Dowager Xiao.

From the beginning of Jingzong until Daozong, that is, the little emperor who died in the rebellion of the five kings, the queen of Houjian always came from the Xiao family of Houjian, and the Xiao family became a well-deserved family of Houjian, second only to the Wanyan family of the royal family.

When Emperor Jian Daozong succeeded to the throne, the young master was lonely and weak, and his biological mother Xiao Nanxian was respected as the queen mother, and Xiao Nanxian's younger brother Xiao Zheng was appointed as the king of the North Court to take charge of the government.Later, Xiao Nanxian was suddenly thrown into the deep palace, and then the five kings headed by Wan Yande set up troops to drive out Xiao Zheng. Xiao Zheng took his son Xiao Shu and grandson Xiao Mohe and fled to Julu City. Xiao Yu.So far, the two Xiao clans have been unified again.

Later, after the well-known Northern Expedition, Xiao Yu teamed up with Murong Yan to quell the rebellion of the five kings, supported Wanyan Beiyue to ascend to the throne of God, formed an alliance of brothers, and made his sister Chongning grow up. Princess Xiao Yue married Wanyan Beiyue, and thus, the Xiao family once again became the descendant family of Houjian.

From this point of view, the relationship between the Xiao family and the Wanyan family is not too deep, the origin is not too far away, and the relationship is not too deep. In addition, the relationship between Wanyan Beiyue and Xiao Yue's husband and wife is very good, so this Xu Beiyou The next post-construction trip is not completely uncertain.

At this time, Xu Beiyou had already arrived at the Chaozhou Prefecture. There were tens of thousands of people in the city. Even in the Central Plains, it was one of the largest cities. In today's prefectures, the so-called distinction between farming and nomadism is no longer so clear. It is mostly mixed. Living together, generations of people have been intermarried, and it has long been difficult to distinguish each other. Xu Beiyou chose an inn in the middle of the downtown area. The shopkeeper and clerks were all from the Central Plains. Like the original Houjian Xiao family, they were surrounded by the army of later generations. When they came to Houjian, they took root in this land, and it has been for several generations.

Xu Beiyou walked around the city during the day, looking at all walks of life, traffickers, pawns, and dignitaries. What is the situation of Houjian now? Whether this heavy snow will push Houjian into a desperate situation like the grassland is not about the temple dignitaries. A few words, but in the many subtleties of the folk market, just like Xiao Mahe's wine brewery, through the quality of the wine business, you can infer all kinds of current conditions, the so-called one leaf knows the autumn, but that's it.

When night fell, Xu Beiyou returned to the inn. This "visit" has gained a lot and touched a lot. This heavy snow must have had an impact on the future construction. Fortunately, it will not be like the white disaster on the grassland. The key is that the grassland is a pure nomadic people, and after so many years of evolution, it has become half farming and half nomadic, and there is no disaster of war. There are always some harvests, although the life of the people is already very rough at this time. It's hard to bear, but it's not so desperate, and it's far from the people's grievances. This makes Xu Beiyou feel a little bit more at ease, and there is still room for change in the general situation.

After all, people's hearts are changeable. It is said that people's hearts are like water, and the ripples repeat. There is also the second half of the sentence, which is called people's movements are like smoke.

Xu Beiyou didn't feel sleepy, it just so happened that the heavy snow that had fallen for many days stopped this afternoon, so he simply opened the window and looked at a new moon.

At this time, he accidentally discovered two familiar figures he hadn't seen for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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