Chapter 1112

The young monk looked down in a daze. The number beads made of Vajra Bodhi seeds on his wrist had been completely broken, and the bodhi seeds fell to the ground one by one, rolling on the ground under his feet. There was a very slight sound in the silent night. But it is very clear.

After a moment of silence, he slowly raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man standing on the corner of the eaves, with a resolute expression on his face.

Song Qingying put her hands behind her back and chuckled, "Mr. Lan of Tianji Pavilion has a list of secrets. In addition to the main list known to the world, there is also a secondary list. The young talents listed on it are all young talents from all walks of life. Song Mouxiu Because of the superficiality, I am ashamed that I failed to be on the sub list when I was young, and I am not on the main list now."

He paused for a while and continued: "On the contrary, you, little monk, have been on the sub list of Tianji list at a young age. You used to be on par with Xu Beiyou from Jianzong, Qi Xianyun from Daomen and others, but you are far stronger than me. Duo, when you reach my age, you will definitely be able to be on the top of the list of secrets, whether you can reach the top of the list of the three saints is hard to say, but there are still ten people in the world."

The young monk said in a deep voice, "Mr. Song is too famous."

"Excellent reputation?" Song Qingying smiled and said, "It's not too much reputation. The reason why I said this is to tell you that you still have a long way to go in the future, and it can be said that you have a bright future. Don't ruin your future for the sake of the momentary enthusiasm in front of you." , There are some things I should not say, but since I have said it here, let me say it together. When you were young, many things that were regarded as treasures may not be worth it. When you are old, the world you have experienced Too much, looking back, it’s actually nothing more than mediocre.”

The young monk said slowly: "When the young monk left the sect, the master had repeatedly told him that if the young monk was lucky enough to meet Mr. Song from Xuanjiao, he must treat each other with courtesy and listen to Mr. Song's teachings. The words Mr. Song said just now The little monk has already remembered it in his heart."

Song Qingying narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "It's good to write it down, but it's one thing to write it down, and it's another thing to actually do it. Little monk, I've already talked so much, I think you should also know how to do it." gone."

The young monk didn't answer, but just stood with his feet on the spot, as if an old tree had taken root, motionless.

The smile on Song Qingying's face gradually faded, and he said coldly: "It seems that you don't want to listen to persuasion."

The young monk clasped his palms together, bowed his head and said: "Mr. Song's teachings, I will keep in mind, but I have my own way. As the saying goes, the way is different, and I don't conspire with each other. I hope Mr. Song will forgive me."

Song Qingying said a good word.

The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared three feet in front of the young monk, with just one finger, he placed it lightly on the monk's forehead.

In an instant, the monk's figure trembled violently, and his monk's clothes swayed even more.

Song Qingying said with a blank expression: "Jin Chan, you are the best among Buddhist disciples. For the sake of Zen Master Qiuyue, I am courteous to you, but it doesn't mean that you can ignore me. You know, If my finger advances one more point, you will die immediately?!"

Jin Chan had a resolute face, neither speaking nor flinching.

Song Qingying snorted coldly, spewed air from her fingertips, and wanted to blow up the head of this young junior directly. As for the Buddhist side, they would not really tear their skins apart for a junior and Xuanjiao, as long as they made corresponding compensations, the matter Then big things can be turned into small ones, and small things can be turned into small ones.

After all, not everyone is like Qi Xianyun who has a biological father who is the head teacher of Taoism.

At this critical juncture of life and death, Yan Ruyu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly appeared behind Jin Chan, reached out and grabbed his shoulders, and wings formed of blood-colored thunder grew from behind. Before pointing at the head of Sweetheart Broken Heart, he sprinted backwards and opened a distance of nearly a hundred feet in an instant, leaving afterimages on the long street.

Yan Ruyu looked at this idiot angrily and annoyed, she didn't expect that he really wanted to fight his master. He just entered the realm of the earth fairy for the first time, but the master is already in the realm of the sixteenth floor of the earth fairy. Is it the difference between cloud and mud?Wouldn't such a frontal hard top be a death in vain!Furthermore, the sky is big and the earth is big, life is the biggest, as long as it is left to a useful body, there will be a future, if the body dies and the way disappears, then there is nothing left.

Thinking of this, she wished she could leave this elm-headed guy to fend for herself, but when she thought that he did this for her own sake, her cold and accustomed heart suddenly softened, and there was infinite tenderness in her heart, with Eye sockets turned red again.

Song Qingying, who failed with one finger, was not angry. If he really wanted to kill that little monk, how could Yan Ruyu's cultivation base save people under his hands?He just didn't want to offend the Buddhist sect because of this kind of thing. After all, the Buddhist sect is still powerful, and it's not as far away as the Taoist sect, but it's close in front of us. Policy.

Buddhism is not scary, because he has the Xuanjiao behind him, and the one who really makes him fearful is the old man who is in charge of the Xuanjiao again.

Song Qingying didn't continue to attack, and didn't even take the initiative to pursue. She just put her hands on her back again, and said to Jin Chan: "I'll keep my hands again and again. You don't know what to do, and force me to kill you."

Then he turned his gaze to Yan Ruyu, and his voice was slightly slower, "The reason why the two saintesses Yan and Qin were able to leave the Xuanjiao was because someone spoke for them. Take Uncle Qin as an example, the majestic Xiao Huang personally interceded If you want to put an end to this matter, even if you are the leader and an old man, it is not good to say no to this matter, but you do not have the blessing of Master Qin, so you must obediently accept your fate and return to Qingming Palace with me to become The current saint."

Yan Ruyu's face suddenly turned pale, she didn't open her mouth to refute like Jin Chan did, she lowered her head, as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

Jin Chan, who was seriously injured just now, took another step forward, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Song, since Miss Yan is unwilling, why do you have to make trouble? After all, she is also your disciple, why do you have to force her to go?" To be that saint?"

Song Qingying was finally a little angry, her face darkened, and she snorted coldly: "She is my disciple, this is a matter of my Xuanjiao, when will it be your turn for an outsider to point fingers? Who do you think you are? It's a sword The invincible Xu Beiyou, or Xiao Zhinan who holds the power of a country?"

It is said that people in Buddhism are eloquent, but Jin Chan is an exception, otherwise he would not be called an idiot by Yan Ruyu. At this time, when he was questioned by Song Qingying, he didn't know how to speak, and was speechless.

Yan Ruyu suddenly raised her head, looked at her teacher who was also her father since she was a child, and then looked at that idiot, smiled sadly, her voice was a little choked, and said softly: "Master, I'll go back with you..."

Song Qingying's expression softened slightly, and he regained his composure.

With his energy-raising skills, he would not get angry because of such a trivial matter, but Yan Ruyu was raised by him since he was a child. He is also a disciple and a daughter, and he treats her almost like a half-daughter. Now she is repeatedly disobedient because of a young Buddhist monk. As for him, how could he not be angry if he defended this person in front of him?
But at this time, Yan Ruyu had given in, and he didn't care about it anymore, so the matter came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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