That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1115: Building Sky Sea City after Approaching

Chapter 1115: Building Sky Sea City after Approaching

Xu Beiyou was about to inform Song Qingying when he suddenly remembered something and asked again, "By the way, is there anything unusual in Houjian's territory recently? Like today's heavy snowfall, do you need imperial relief?"

Yan Ruyu was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect Xu Beiyou to ask about such a trivial matter, and she was not a member of the later imperial court, so she usually didn't pay much attention to such matters of people's livelihood, after thinking hard for a while, she hesitated Said: "Although the heavy snow was very fierce, the previous years were good. In addition, the ruler of the country was in charge of Qingming and did not impose harsh taxes. Therefore, every household still has surplus food. I haven't heard of it. Civil unrest was born."

Xu Beiyou heaved a sigh of relief, things finally didn't turn out to be the worst. It seems that Houjian's country is fairly peaceful, and it won't be forced into a desperate situation like the grassland.As long as people have not come to a dead end, as long as there is a way out, they will not fight with their backs.Thinking about it, Wanyan Beiyue is not someone like Xiao Jin who has ambitions for the world. A person who is about to ascend to death should not pay too much attention to these worldly fame.

Xu Beiyou thought for a while, and then asked, "Aside from me, is there anyone else who has visited Lord Yan?"

Yan Ruyu said softly: "I don't know all about some things, but not long ago, Tiefutu was mobilized in Tianhai City to surround an inn, and Master and Uncle Chi went to deal with it personally. not sure."

Xu Beiyou hummed, "It seems that someone went to see Yan Guozhu before me. If I don't guess, the reason why Monk Jin Chan came to build later is also under the order of the master?"

Yan Ruyu nodded.

Xu Beiyou said softly to himself: "I'm very curious, whoever went to see Lord Wanyan, it can't be from Buddhism, then there are only two possibilities, people from Taoism, or people from King Wei, no matter what the possibility is, yes It’s not good news for me.”

Before Yan Ruyu could speak, Xu Beiyou stopped asking, turned around and walked towards Song Qingying.

Yan Ruyu subconsciously asked curiously: "Mr. Xu, are you also here to persuade the king to send troops to the Central Plains?"

Xu Beiyou paused for a while, glanced at her, shook his head and said with a smile: "The matter of the Central Plains has been settled, and now the Northeast has been settled, the grassland and the king of Wei are gradually declining, why bother to borrow troops from Houjian? I just don't want anyone to be on Houjian's side." It's just a matter of thinking."

Yan Ruyu hummed.

Xu Beiyou said: "Nowadays, the world is full of wars, and Houjian is a rare pure land. If it is possible, you'd better stay in Houjian. There is a Lord Wanyan, who is ranked among the three sages in the list of heavenly secrets, sitting here. No one dares to make mistakes. , at least it was the case before his ascension, and when he passed away, the world will be almost peaceful, and it will be fine for the two of you to go to the imperial capital or Jiangdu."

Yan Ruyu half hugged and half supported Jin Chan, with complicated eyes, she said solemnly: "Thank you Mr. Xu for your teaching."

Xu Beiyou laughed it off and strode forward.


In today's world, there is still a so-called distinction between good and evil.

What is righteousness?Taoism is right.

The Taoist sect has been the leader of the monks in the world for many years, and sets the rules for the monks in the world, so it is naturally righteous.

Those who are hostile to Taoism, or who do not obey Taoism, are evil.

If you put aside the conflict of interests among the big shots at the top, and just look at it from the perspective of an ordinary Taoist disciple, Taoism dares to be the first in the world, for the common people in the world, to support the righteous army of the king of Wei, to resist the innocent court, and to support the righteous way in the world.

All Daomen Dazhengs are naturally upright seniors, while those who oppose Daomen Dazhengs are demons and heretics, even the imperial court is fatuous.Among them, the lord of Jianzong is the most important. This lord of Jianzong can be said to be the number one devil in the world. He not only killed many Taoist seniors, but also willingly acted as a running dog of the imperial court, wantonly killing innocent soldiers who died in his hands. I don't know how many things happened, but it was because of him that this life was overwhelmed and the common people were left hanging.

Buddhism, because Buddhism and Taoism have joined forces many times, can also be classified as the right way, but after the change in the Northeast, Buddhism has become a sanctimonious fake mercy. , To actually take refuge in the imperial court and join hands with the devil of Jianzong to assassinate several righteous seniors.

Just like what the Xuanjiao Li Xu and Qingchen said when they discussed Taoism, those who are good to themselves are good, and those who hate themselves are evil. This is the way of good and evil, righteousness and evil.

Speaking of Xuanjiao, in the eyes of Taoists and other righteous people, it is not very good. One is because of the destruction of the Great Chu, and the other is because many of Xuanjiao's magical powers are indeed against human ethics and common sense, and are not for the world. Accepted, so it was also called the Devil's Cult.

It's just that now, the Taoist sect, the leader of the righteous way, condescended to come to the territory of the demon sect, asking the demon sect to help the Taoist sect. If this matter spreads, wouldn't it be a big joke in the world?

As for Xu Beiyou going to see Wanyan Beiyue, it wouldn't be a big deal, after all, it was only reasonable for a "devil" to meet a "devil".

Xu Beiyou went to Tianhai City this time, because he happened to meet Song Qingying, so he couldn't continue to hide his identity. As soon as the group entered the Gyeonggi territory of Tianhai City, there was already a large group of cavalry waiting. It was not to attack Xu Beiyou, but to line up Guard of honor, welcome to Xu Beiyou, the just-canonized King of Nanping County of Daqi.

After all, due to emotion and reason, both the Daqi Xiao clan and the Houjian Wanyan clan had broken bones and tendons. After so many years of the Xiao clan, which Wanyan clan doesn't have some Xiao blood?
However, there are a few exceptions in Wanyan Beiyue. It is true that he has the blood of the Xiao family, but his father is Murong Yan who was born in the Murong family. His father, Murong Yuan, kicked out the Murong family, but it is hard to say that Wanyan Beiyue has no feelings for the Murong family, let alone his younger sister, Wanyan Yingzhu, married Xiao Jin. Is it his wife Xiao Yue who is important, or his younger sister? Whether Yan Yingzhu is important or not is something outsiders can guess.

As they approached Tianhai City, there were more and more cavalry troops in groups. Horseshoes were rumbling and dust was flying. They followed Wanyan Beiyue to Tianhai City and many dignitaries who had rooted in Tianhai City. Naturally, they could guess If there is some insider information, Song Qingying, the deputy leader of Xuanjiao, can accompany him personally, and thousands of cavalry will escort him on the way. This must be some important person, and anyone can guess it.

As for which big shot it is, it is actually not difficult to guess, even if you look at the whole world, there are only a handful of people who can make the lord of the country take the initiative to order and put on such a formation, but now the one who is most likely to come to Houjian, There is only one person.

That is the Great Sword Immortal of Jianzong who just teamed up with Buddhism to pacify the three northeast states, the emperor-in-law of the Daqi court.

(End of this chapter)

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