That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1125 I have a Sword Killing Immortal

Chapter 1125 I Kill Immortals With One Sword

Xu Beiyou looked at this dharma figure, took a deep breath, and changed his hands to lean on the sword.

Since Wanyan Beiyue compares this dharma figure with Qiuye's one-qi transforming three cleanses, it must not be comparable to the few great dharma figures Xu Beiyou has seen before. I am afraid that even the Buddhist dragon king's dharma figure is just earth in front of this dharma figure. Chicken tile dog in general.

In the face of this method, even if Xu Beiyou has learned similar methods from Buddhism, after all, the time is still short, and he is not proficient in this way. Instead of forcing it to make a fool of himself, it is better to focus on the way of swordsmanship that he is proficient in.

Xu Beiyou shouted softly: "Get up!"

Behind him appeared another sword, its shape was the same as Zhu Xian's, but the color was slightly different.

This sword is called Killing Immortal.

It is also Zhu Xian's second change.

As the saying goes, killing immortals is beneficial, killing immortals is dead, and trapping immortals glows red everywhere.The changes of the Juexian are infinite, and the clothes of the Daluo Immortal are blood-stained.

The sword of Zhu Xian lies in the word "benefit", which is invincible.

The Immortal Killing Sword went one step further, but it was about to kill people.

Wanyan Beiyue smiled and said: "The four swords of Zhu Xian are formed into a sword formation. Don't say that you are a monk in the world. Even the realm of heaven among the five immortals of the Taoist sect has to be avoided by three points. I didn't expect that the old man will be able to survive during his lifetime in the world." Seeing Xu Nangui, one of the other three swords besides Zhu Xian, you really gave me a big surprise."

Wanyan Beiyue's smile deepened, "Crimson lights glow everywhere, and the blood of the immortals stains the clothes of the immortals. Today, the old man will have a try. Can you kill the immortals and let the old man's clothes be stained with blood?"

The huge Dharma figure standing behind Wanyan Beiyue took a step forward, as if a huge mountain was pressing down on his head, making people suffocated.

The Immortal Killing Sword behind Xu Beiyou moved accordingly, and the sword soared into the sky.

Wanyan Beiyue restrained her smile, and said calmly: "Back then, when Shangguan Xianchen was invincible in the world, he could use Zhuxian's four transformations and use four swords to forcibly suppress the Taoist heavy weapon Linglong Pagoda. Now you have only just penetrated the second transformation. It’s still far from the Shangguan Xianchen back then.”

Before he finished speaking, Faxiang's ten fingers interlaced to form a fist, and he slammed it down heavily. Around the fist, thick and strong auras like beams and pillars appeared continuously. Wherever they passed, ripples appeared, and the scene outside Chongning Palace appeared again, but this This time it was clearer, and even the subtle expressions on Song Qingying's face were clearly visible.

After the pair of fists slammed on the Immortal Killing Sword, countless cracks appeared immediately.

The Immortal Killing Sword hanging in the air is only shaking slightly, but the sword energy and intent contained in it are still vast and soaring into the sky.

This was the first time that Xu Beiyou gained the upper hand since the two fought against each other, and it was not easy.

However, Wanyan Beiyue's aura has not diminished, and her body is safe and sound, obviously far from being injured at all.

The next scene just proved this point.

The huge dharma face actually directly shattered the hands that were already full of cracks, and then gave birth to a pair of identical palms again with a steady stream of golden energy, shining golden light.

Xu Beiyou holds the Sword of Killing Immortals with his right hand, and the middle finger and index finger of his left hand form the sword fingers, pointing at the Sword of Killing Immortals hanging in the air.

Killing Immortal suddenly made a hearty sound, and the sword energy oscillated in all directions.

This time, he didn't expect to be able to beat Wanyan Beiyue, he only wanted to force [-]% of Wanyan Beiyue's shot, and let it go. If he couldn't even do this, why would he talk about going against Qiuye? Higher and lower, and even divided into life and death.

Wanyan Beiyue said: "The old man might as well say clearly that this dharma is formed by the luck of the old man's future construction. Now that he is in the post-construction, the energy flow is almost endless. With your own aura, even the whole Jian Zong's aura is hard to resist. But the old man can't figure it out, why don't you use Daqi's aura? After all, you and Xiao Zhinan are husband and wife, and husband and wife are one. With her current status, you can borrow it, yes Won't rather than can't?"

Xu Beiyou didn't make a sound, but concentrated on running the Qi machine in his body.

At such a critical juncture, Xu Beiyou suddenly had an indescribable feeling in his heart. Between victory and defeat, for some reason, he remembered all kinds of things in the past.

Four years, whether it is long or short, is not short. During these four years, many people came and went, some died, some left, and some are still alive. .

The stunningly beautiful woman who gave birth to an unattainable heart at the beginning has now married him.

When Xu Beiyou recalled it now, before he knew it, the two had known each other for four years.From the first meeting in Danxiazhai, to the acquaintance at the Liao Palace, to the later meeting in the south of the Yangtze River, and finally the appointment in the imperial capital, they became husband and wife.The wind and sand in the northwest, the white snow in the northeast, the words in the south of the Yangtze River, the fireworks in the imperial capital, all flashed through his mind one by one like a horse watching flowers.

Although many people said that he married Xiao Zhinan in order to revive Jianzong, even Han Xuan and others thought so, but no one thought that he was just a young man of the crown age, and the love between men and women is what he is. From the beginning to the end of what he should do at his age, he never thought about taking the initiative to get anything from Xiao Zhinan, and even in a sense, everything he got today is the reward that the Daqi court should give him That's right.

Just like the Fang Chuan Guoxi, if Xiao Zhinan hadn't insisted on borrowing it, making it difficult for Xu Beiyou to refuse, otherwise he would never have taken the initiative to ask.

Wanyan Beiyue stared into Xu Beiyou's eyes, and slowly said: "It doesn't matter if you don't borrow it, the old man doesn't need the luck of the later build to bully you, and simply relies on his own cultivation level to decide the outcome with you."

Xu Beiyou said slowly: "The sword of killing immortals, the junior is not yet proficient in mastering it, and the way to control it is not proficient. Senior Wanyan, be careful."

Wanyan Beiyue laughed and said: "You can do whatever you want, it's just a sword that kills the immortal, but it can't kill the old man, at most it's a loss of morality, it's okay."

Xu Beiyou nodded, and assumed a slightly strange posture. He took a step forward, and at the same time took another step back with his other leg. His knees were slightly bent, causing his figure to fall, and Zhu Xian in his right hand lost Behind him, he pointed directly at Wanyan Beiyue with the sword finger of his left hand.

Immortal Killing Sword moved in response to the sound.

Almost at the same time, Wanyan Beiyue didn't see any movements, but the huge Dharma figure started to stride forward, raising both fists, and doing a big drum-beating gesture.

In front of the huge Faxiang, the Sword of Killing Immortal seemed very small, but this sword passed through Faxiang's majestic fist without a moment's stagnation, and stabbed fiercely at the position between Faxiang's eyebrows.

In an instant, the world was silent.

Where the sword fell, countless cracks spread rapidly, and golden light burst out from the cracks.

Immediately afterwards, Faxiang began to tremble violently, and the crack between the eyebrows began to spread rapidly, covering the entire face in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, Wanyan Beiyue, who was connected with Faxiang's mind and spirit, also had a bit of glaring scarlet in the center of her brows.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou swept his sword forward.

Divide the dharma phase into two.

Wanyan Beiyue had no expression on her face, but the aura in her body was gradually becoming unstable.

Since the two fought against each other, Wanyan Beiyue smelled the smell of life and death for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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