Chapter 1132

"Keep me safe?" Murong Xuanyin laughed loudly after hearing the words, "Boy Xu, I admit that you are very powerful now, even if I still have the peak cultivation level back then, I may not be your opponent, but your current situation , far from the word "Taiping", what you have to face is the real person who is the head teacher of the Daoist sect, and the No.1 in the world who has been at the top of the list of secrets for decades, what are your chances of winning?"

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "Even if Qiuye's Taoism is damaged, my chances of winning against him now will not exceed [-]%."

"That's it." Murong Xuanyin pointed to Xu Beiyou and said, "If you can't protect yourself, how can you keep me safe?"

Xu Beiyou smiled, "If I say that I can only rely on three feet in my hand, you will not believe me, then I will tell you the truth, autumn leaves are about to ascend, and he may not dare to leave Xuandu easily, as long as he does not leave Xuandu, the world will Who can do anything to me? Be it Xiao Jin or Lin Han, they are all dead bones in the grave after all, and sooner or later they will be chopped off by my sword."

Murong Xuanyin clicked his tongue and said: "It's really a big tone, and I'm not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue."

Xu Beiyou didn't take it seriously, and said flatly: "Since Mr. Murong doesn't believe it, let's see what happens in the future."

Murong Xuanyin put his hands on his knees, and said slowly: "What are you doing here to see Wanyan Beiyue this time? Is it a lobbyist, with the intention of building a future, or do you have other plans?"

Xu Beiyou said bluntly: "There are both. The most fundamental reason lies in the Lord Wanyan. Not long ago, I met Zen Master Qiuyue in Buddhism. The Zen Master bestowed on me two major methods, namely the Buddha's Invincible Golden Body and Vajra After I returned to the imperial capital, I wrote another letter to Qiu Si, the master of the Molun Temple. Senior Qiu Si will go to the imperial capital in person in a few days. In this way, there are three of the four great golden bodies. This post-construction trip is to bring together the four golden bodies."

Murong Xuanyin suddenly said: "So you want Xuanjiao's immortal golden body."

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "Exactly."

Murong Xuanyin patted his knee lightly, "The Immortal Golden Body, Wanyan Beiyue has it, and I have it too. My current body is a perfect Immortal Golden Body, but I am now Without half of the energy in the body, this pair of indestructible golden bodies known as 'if the energy is not exhausted, the body will not be destroyed' is useless."

Xu Beiyou remained silent.

Murong Xuan said with a smile: "With Wanyan Beiyue's intelligence, he must know the reason for your visit, but he asked you to come to see me, his intention is obvious."

Xu Beiyou tentatively asked, "Does Lord Wanyan want to ask Mr. Murong to teach me the Immortal Golden Body?"

Murong Xuanyin nodded and said: "After all, Wanyan Beiyue and I came from the same body. I can still guess a little bit of his thoughts and thoughts. He wants me to teach you the method of indestructible golden body, and then use your Temperament, you must rescue me from this place, so if you repay your kindness with kindness, you will be able to settle both grievances and grievances. I have a home to return to, and you are worthy of this trip."

Xu Beiyou asked: "Since Mr. Murong already understands, I wonder if Mr. Murong is willing to teach it?"

Murong Xuanyin sneered, and asked back: "Do you think I will fulfill Yan Beiyue's wish?"

Xu Beiyou said softly: "In the world, you can go with anyone, but you must not go with yourself. Mr. Murong is just being angry for a while, even if it can make Lord Wanyan feel a little bit unhappy, it is limited to this. What is different about Mr. Yu himself?"

Murong Xuanyin sneered even worse, "Then let me ask you, now that I am a useless person, is there any difference whether I am alive or dead?"

Xu Beiyou said softly: "From the moment the monks in the world set foot in the realm of the earth fairy, they have opened up the bridge of heaven and earth, and the vitality of heaven and earth has poured into their bodies, and they have been reborn as if they were reborn. Therefore, the monks of the earth fairy have a lifespan of two hundred years. If it doesn’t exist, the state will no longer exist, but the lifespan will not be damaged, and a life span of seventy is rare in ancient times. According to this calculation, Mr. Murong has not completed half of his life, so why be so negative and pessimistic.”

Murong Xuanyin remained silent.

Xu Beiyou continued: "I once heard the story of Daoist Daoist Daoist Tianchen from my ancestors. He had outstanding aptitude in his early years, and he was known in the world with my family's Shangguan ancestor. However, my family's ancestor had a smooth journey, and fell short at the last moment. But this Daoist Tianchen had a bumpy journey, and finally got a good death. When the ancestor of Shangguan crossed the sea and landed for the first time and killed the Quartet, the Daoist Tianchen became obsessed because of studying alchemy, and his cultivation base plummeted. Falling directly from the realm of the Earth Immortal to the realm of the Ghost Immortal is miserable."

Murong Xuan said: "Of course I know about this old incident. After Tianchen fell into the realm, he left the Taoist Xuandu, traveled around the world, and finally returned to the Earth Immortal Realm 20 years later, and then returned to the Taoist Xuandu to suppress Qingchen's rebellion , took charge of the Taoist power, and then spent another ten years, finally proving the Dao Ascension on the Taoist Profound Capital Ascension Platform."

Having said that, Murong Xuanyin paused, looked at Xu Beiyou, and said word by word: "Boy Xu, you are asking me to learn from Tianchen."

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "The sages of Confucianism have a saying, choose the one who is good and follow it. Although I am not at odds with people from the Taoist school, it is not bad to learn from the master of the Taoist school and the peak master."

Murong Xuanyin said with a smile: "Boy Xu, do you know what I admire most about you? It's that you can bend and stretch, I can't learn it, even if you have been reduced to someone else's prisoner, you still wear this pair of arrogant Smelly airs, but who cares? It's just a joke."

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "This is the strength of character."

Murong Xuanyin smiled even more, waved his hands and said: "Don't flatter me, what kind of character is a gentleman, neither humble nor overbearing is a gentleman's character, blindly impassioned, on the contrary, he has fallen into the lower class, it's just a show."

Xu Beiyou still shook his head in disapproval, but he did not refute it.

There was silence between the two.

After a long time, Murong Xuanyin said slowly: "Do you really want to learn the immortal golden body of Xuanjiao?"

Xu Beiyou replied: "For the sake of my teacher's last wish, and for the sake of gratitude and hatred, I have to learn."

Murong Xuanyin said slowly: "Take your body as a boat, cross the sea of ​​suffering, reach the other shore, and be immortal. This is a clear sentence at the beginning of Tianmo's policy. The meaning is not deep, but it is the fundamental meaning of the immortal golden body."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak.

At his level, it is said that if one law is universal, all laws are universal, and most of the time it is "one point is instant". At this time, does Murong Xuanyin have the realm of the eighteenth floor of the earth fairy, and does he have enough energy in his body to activate the immortal golden body? It doesn't matter if he masters the profound qi mechanism, as long as he hands over all the essentials of the immortal golden body to Xu Beiyou, Xu Beiyou already has two golden bodies as the basis, but it will take a little time to master it.

Murong Xuanyin took a deep look at Xu Beiyou, "Since you want the immortal golden body, then I will give you the immortal golden body."

Xu Beiyou folded his hands and saluted respectfully, "Thank you, Mr. Murong."

(End of this chapter)

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