That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1138 Xiao Zhinan and Poppy Poppy

Chapter 1138 Xiao Zhinan and Poppy Poppy

The two women on horseback traveled all the way, as if entering a land without people, from the outer city to the inner city, and then to the foot of the imperial city.

In the imperial palace, no one is allowed to ride a horse. Only senior and virtuous officials will be rewarded by the emperor to carry their husbands with two people. Therefore, before the two women reach the palace gate, they have dismounted and led the horse along the imperial road. .

At this time, the night was getting darker, the woman in the blue cloak led Sa Luzi, looked up at the stars all over the sky, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I haven't ridden a horse for a long time since my father and brother passed away. Firstly, because I don’t have time, secondly, because it’s unnecessary, and thirdly, after all, I’m a woman, if I go out on horseback in a fair manner, I’ll always be criticized by some old masters, saying that I’m not dignified.”

Having said that, she paused slightly, looked at the woman in white who was slightly behind her, and said with a smile: "This time, thanks to my sister, I have another chance to gallop on horseback."

The woman in white was silent, and after a long time, she spoke softly: "Isn't the feeling of Yujian being above the nine heavens better than riding a horse?"

The woman in the blue cloak was silent for a while, and said slowly: "These are two different things. I think the reason for riding a horse is not because of the matter itself, but because of its extension. To put it mildly, I don't want to be surrounded by this deep palace." I don’t even want to be bound by this city, and to put it bluntly, I just want to get rid of these rules and regulations on my body, so that I can feel at ease.”

The woman in white said in a slightly austere voice, "Your Highness whipped you inside, Wu Yu has been taught."

The two women were Xiao Zhinan and Wu Yu. This time, Wu Yu was ordered by Zhang Xueyao to secretly go to the imperial capital to meet Xu Beiyou, but the journey was delayed due to other things. For some unspoken reasons, Wu Yu's identity is very special, and others dare not deal with it without authorization. In addition, Han Xuan is ill, so he reported the news to Xiao Zhinan, which was beyond everyone's expectations. Xiao Zhinan went out of the city alone to meet Wu Yu who came from afar, and that's why the two rode into Beijing side by side.

Today's Xiao Zhinan is not an emperor who is better than an emperor, and there are very few people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the emperor. This inevitably reminds people of an allusion. Back then, Xiao Yu teamed up with the Taoist Qiuye to set up a big formation to change the sky. In winter, it rained heavily for ten days. For the rest of the day, the water of the Qinghe River swelled and overflowed, eventually flooding Xu Lin's 23 troops. This battle forced Xu Lin to surrender to Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu was able to enter the Central Capital.When entering Zhongdu City, Xiao Yu once invited Qiuye to ride into the city with him on horseback to show the close relationship between the two.

But who would have thought that the two people who used to walk side by side many years ago turned against each other in the end, and their friendship for many years also came to an end after a long-distance confrontation in Meishan Mingling.

Wu Yu was born in a family of officials and eunuchs for generations, so she is proficient in these allusions, and knows that ruthlessness is the most important principle of the emperor's family. Even leaving aside Xu Beiyou's relationship, she also has a kind of almost instinctive guard against Xiao Zhinan, so Xiao Zhinan called her his younger sister. , but she honored Xiao Zhinan as His Highness, and she never really walked side by side, always a little behind.

Xiao Zhinan saw all this in his eyes, but didn't say much, after all, she had already shown her sincerity, and if others didn't appreciate it, she couldn't force them to admit it. That would make Wu Yu's suspicions confirmed. .

She has heard about Wu Yu for a long time. After all, the two are often compared, and she can't do it if she doesn't want to know.Jiang is no better than the imperial capital, there are mostly monks wandering in the rivers and lakes, they don't care about anything, and Princess Qiyang, who used to be Daqi, is the only one who stands out. After Wu Yu replaced Xu Beiyou as the master of Jianzong and became famous, she simply put the two together It was not until Xiao Zhinan became Princess Xunzheng that Xiao Zhinan was in the north, and Wu in the south, this kind of statement was restrained.

After this meeting, Xiao Zhinan had to admit that in terms of appearance alone, this Jiangdu's "Yu Meiren" is indeed not inferior to her, the Princess of Daqi, she is really a fairy-like person, so it is no wonder that rumors spread so much. There are so many gossips, in all fairness, with such a beauty by his side, which man would not be tempted?What's more, this beauty is also somewhat secretive, so it is even more difficult to accept the beauty's favor.

Xiao Zhinan couldn't help but think of all the rumors that have spread along with Xu Beiyou's fame all over the world.

To be honest, these rumors are really not very pleasant, most of them are speculations about the relationship between Xu Beiyou and Wu Yu.

Some people swear by it, saying that Xu Beiyou has already won the moon by Xu Beiyou. The emperor has a maiden in the palace, and Jiang has a maiden in an outhouse. , only the Great Sword Immortal can appreciate it.

Some people also said that Xu Beiyou was a charming woman in the golden house. In fact, that princess was a veritable jealous woman. Sect Master Xu was not allowed to take concubines, but there is no cat in the world that does not steal. The junior sister puts it in the bag to hide the eyes and ears.

These rumors made Xiao Zhinan angry and funny, and everyone in the world knew that Xu Beiyou had stolen the fish, but she, the princess regent who held a sharp weapon of surveillance and detection like the Secret Guard Mansion, was kept in the dark?

what is this?Everyone wakes up and I get drunk alone?
Generally speaking, no one believed that Xu Beiyou would guard such a beauty instead of guarding herself from stealing, so Zhang Xueyao, an elder, was also afraid that Wu Yu would follow Qin Mumian's old path, so she specially invited Tang Shengyue to discuss this with Xu Beiyou. For this reason, he wrote a special letter to express his heart to Xiao Zhinan, and this is how he came up with the words "a man is open-minded" and "don't worry about looking at his wife, a husband must respect himself".

But these messages have never stopped, but there is a trend of getting darker and darker.

Xiao Zhinan came to see Wu Yu in person this time, so why didn't he want to clear up these misunderstandings?
It's just that she didn't expect that the two marriage lottery would be so unlucky, but it made her suspect of taking the opportunity to protest.

This episode was really beyond Xiao Zhinan's expectations, and it seemed to be God's will in the dark, but now that he thinks about it, Wu Yu's encounter with Xu Beiyou can indeed be regarded as "unlucky to meet people".

If Xu Beiyou didn't have to take on the heavy responsibility of the Sword Sect, and didn't have a righteous father who was an important minister in the temple, but was just a prodigal son who was free in the world, then it would be impossible for him to have any intersection with Xiao Zhinan. From this point of view, he can be regarded as Wu Yu Without Xiao Zhinan, the two of them might not be able to become a fairy couple in the eyes of the world.

But there are not so many ifs in the world, Xu Beiyou must shoulder the heavy responsibility of Jianzong, and Han Xuan's return to the temple is also the general trend, so it is logical that he and Xiao Zhinan have an intersection. Xu Beiyou could only "fail" Wu Yu.

From this point of view, Xu Beiyou is indeed not a good man, that is to say, he is not a good man as mentioned in the marriage lottery.

(End of this chapter)

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