Chapter 1144

Chenyou Valley is not a straight line, but a slightly curved arc in the middle. The arc is not large, but after more than a hundred miles of extension, the arc is a bit large, making it impossible to see each other when entering and exiting the two valleys. Even if you are walking in the valley, It is also difficult to see the head at a glance.

So when Min Chun's three thousand cavalry rushed into Chenyou Valley, Shangguan Tan's vanguard cavalry marching in the valley only heard the sound of horseshoes, but no cavalry was seen.But soon, the vanguard army at the forefront could see the menacing Min Chun cavalry army with just their eyesight.

Almost at the same time, Min Chun's three thousand cavalry's bows and arrows rained, and Shangguan's Tan cavalry's three-eyed blunderbuss fired at the same time, and the arrows and projectiles rained. The momentum is still unabated.

The ground trembled continuously under the hammering of horseshoes, and smoke and dust rose in all directions.

The two tides moved forward with lightning speed, and then crashed into each other like the majestic tide during a flood, as if the tide was hitting the shore, sweeping up thousands of layers of white waves.

The first time the two parties met, they were deeply involved.

A cavalryman from the Shu Army and a cavalryman from the State of Wei pierced their spears through each other's breastplate almost simultaneously. The horses continued to charge forward, and the spears passed through their hearts, and the two pierced each other.

Two cavalrymen brushed past each other, and each of them slashed with a sword. The Shu army cavalry chopped off the head of the Wei cavalry soldier, but his lower abdomen was also slashed desperately by the opponent. It flowed out, but he didn't care, he covered his lower abdomen with one hand, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and continued to ride the horse forward silently.

Two cavalrymen and horses collided with each other. The two horses fell to their knees on the spot, and the two cavalrymen on their backs were also thrown out and landed heavily. One died on the spot, and the other hadn't gotten up yet. He was trampled to death by the rolling horseshoes that followed.

A warrior of the Shu army stabbed his opponent with a spear, then abandoned his spear and drew his sword, and cut off the entire shoulder of another enemy with a single blow, but before he could continue to strike, a cavalry of the Wei State roared Then, he hit his head hard with the three-eyed blunderbuss that had already been fired, causing his brain to burst immediately.

When the charge gradually fell into decline, the two armies began to strangle each other. Min Chun took the lead, and no one was his enemy, which made him feel like no one was in the land. It is not that there were no cavalry in the Wei State who specifically dealt with monks and generals. Master, at this time there are more than ten monks from the ghost palace hidden in the army formation, all of them have the realm of ghosts and immortals, and the leader is even more in the realm of human immortals. They are proficient in assassination techniques. It's a pity that their united enemy met Min Chun, who had already set foot in the realm of the earth fairy. As long as he dared to attack Min Chun, he would be beheaded with a single knife, without exception.

Don't think that Earth Immortal monks are Chinese cabbage on the street, there are as many as you want, there are only a hundred Earth Immortal monks in the world today, and there are only more than [-] people in even a dignified Taoist sect.Throughout the past few years, more than a dozen Earth Immortal cultivators died at the hands of Xu Beiyou. In addition to those who escaped the world, there are very few Earth Immortal cultivators who can really appear on the battlefield. There are only a handful of them here.

At this time, Min Chun ignored the spear of a Wei Guo cavalry soldier, and cut off the head of a Wei Guo captain, and let the blood splash, the spear pierced Min Chun's heart, and the Wei Guo cavalry soldier was shocked. The famous Qi general was clearly wearing ordinary armor, but no matter how hard he tried, the spear in his hand couldn't penetrate the flesh at all.

After Min Chun swung the sword, before the soldier dropped his spear, he cut the cavalry soldier in half from the waist, blood and dirt spilled all over the ground, and the lower body was still sitting on the horse. , but the book had already fallen backwards, fell to the ground, and was still alive, crawling forward with both hands, dragging a long trail of blood behind him.

The steed that Min Chun was sitting on neighed, and the whole person stood up, trampling down with two front hooves, directly crushing the person's arms and head, making him dead beyond measure.

After the two armies strangled each other, more and more people died. The corpses of both sides fell to the ground together with the horses. It is impossible to get on the horse and charge. At this time, there are many people who dismount and fight on foot. Naturally, the army of Wei State with the advantage of firearms has an advantage. However, it is also the natural barrier formed by the accumulation of these corpses that seriously delays the advance of the army of Wei State. Walking footsteps made it more difficult for Wei Guo's army to move forward.

Because of the narrow and long valley, Shangguan Tan, who was in the middle army, had only gone halfway to Chenyou Valley when the striker had already started the battle, but soon a horse galloped over, rolled over and fell off his horse, and knelt down on one knee. The report reported: "Twenty miles ahead, a cavalry army entered the valley and started fighting with our army's vanguard."

finally come!

There was a haze in Shangguan Tan's eyes, he let out a long breath, clenched his fist and raised his arm, and said in a deep voice: "Except for the rear of the baggage camp, the rest of the ministries gave up all their baggage and moved forward with all their strength, and must rush out of Chenyou Valley."

Giving up their luggage means that even if they rush out of Chenyou Valley, they will lose the capital to attack Baidi City, but if they don't give up their luggage, they are likely to be blocked by others in Chenyou Valley.

Shangguan Tan has led the army for many years, and he is a decisive person. He has made up his mind in an instant to fight with his back.As for the possible enemies behind, Shangguan Tan has also considered it, but he is not too worried. The real core combat power of this elite Wei State does not lie in the thousands of vanguard cavalry at the forefront, but in the last supply camp, the supply camp It is called luggage, but it is actually a deceptive word. There is no food, only half of the firearms of the entire army. After forming a chariot formation, it is supplemented by artillery and bird guns.

Back then, Xiao Yu followed Xiao Jin's suggestion and established a firearms battalion to deal with the remnants of the Red Scarf Army in the Jiangnan states. At that time, the Red Scarf Army had only the most elite cavalry. At that time, although there were only more than [-] soldiers in the Northwest Iron Cavalry, they had once broken through the [-] or so remnants of Lu Qian's troops gathered by Xiao Yu head-on.

In the second year of Huanglong, the Firearms Battalion was formed, led by Shi Le, Xiao Jin's confidant, and entered Xiangzhou to quell the chaos.After being ambushed by the Red Turban Army, Shi Le formed a chariot formation and stood by for reinforcements. With no more than [-] troops, he faced the [-] elite cavalry army. At night, he only injured more than [-] people, but killed nearly [-] enemies. He successfully held out until the reinforcements arrived, successfully wiped out the Red Turban Army in one fell swoop, and wiped out the Red Turban Rebellion that lasted for nearly ten years in Jiangnan.

At this time, the supply battalion in the army of the Wei State was reorganized based on the firearms battalion of that year, and its combat strength was even greater than that of that year.

This is also where Shangguan Tan rushed out of Chenyou Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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