That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1150 A single spark can start a prairie fire

Chapter 1150 A single spark can start a prairie fire

The winter nights in Houjian were extremely cold, colder than the Emperor, colder than the Northwest, and even colder than the snowy Northeast three states, not to mention the warm and pleasant climate in the south of the Yangtze River.

Some people say that the cold in the south of the Yangtze River is wet and cold, while the places in the north of the Yangtze River and further north are dry and cold.The damp and cold are like poisonous insects that penetrate into the marrow. It is difficult to resist if they want to penetrate into the bones of a person. However, no matter how cold the damp is, most people will not be able to freeze to death. The cold in the north can kill people.

In fact, the countryside is fine, and you can gather firewood to keep warm, but if the residents in the cities and towns do not have money to buy carbon and firewood, this winter will be difficult.

In such a freezing cold night, two figures walked on the deserted street defying the severe cold. As the distance from the brightly lit restaurants got farther and farther away, the street became more and more gloomy. Fortunately, there was no cloud tonight. A round of bright moon hung high in the sky, sprinkled a piece of quiet and silvery white on the street, and at the same time dragged the backs of the two people for a long time.

To an outsider who doesn't know the inside story, these two people are really weird, but the one with white hair is actually okay, except that the white hair is a bit eye-catching, and the crane cloak on his body can be regarded as corresponding to the season, but the other person It's really unreasonable, in this cold and windy winter night, I was only wearing a thin white robe, or the white robe with wide sleeves, the collar was so wide open that I could almost see my chest, There is really air leaking from all sides, which makes people feel cold when they look at it.

Fortunately, they each held a jug of wine in their hands. As the saying goes, the more you drink the water, the colder you drink, and the more you drink the wine, the warmer it becomes. Wine is a must-have to keep out the cold in winter. When the two drink at this time, they finally no longer seem so abrupt.

A man in a white robe, with black hair loose, face like a crown jade, eyes like cold stars, male body and female appearance, really looks like an exiled immortal who fell from the sky to the world, walking on the long street is like walking in a pair of In the random graffiti that can't be used in the elegant hall, a lady figure with superb drawing skills suddenly appeared, which was very abrupt and out of place.

He took a sip of wine from the jug, then wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth with his big sleeve, and said to the people beside him: "Boy Xu, it was because of you that you seriously injured me that Wanyan Beiyue With an opportunity to take advantage of, from this point of view, Wanyan Beiyue owes you a favor. The reason why Wanyan Beiyue gave you everything this time is that, to put it bluntly, she hopes that you can treat him well after he ascends. Xiao Yue and the others took care of him for one or two, these are two things, after all, Wanyan Beiyue owes you a favor, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can even ask him to help you once, but you put Is it worth it to use this hard-to-find favor for such a shitty thing as getting me out of trouble? I'm not worth it for you, what do you think you're trying to do?"

The two were exactly Xu Beiyou and Murong Xuanyin who had just left Chongning Palace. Xu Beiyou also took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "What is worth in this world? It's all about whether you want to or not. There is a saying that money is hard to buy." I'm happy, this is a favor owed to me by Wanyan Beiyue, I can use it however I want, as long as I like it, don't bother you."

Murong Xuan smiled angrily: "Well, you boy Xu, it's not the time to beg me in the Jiangdu Theater, you are really hard-spoken."

Although Murong Xuanyin and Wanyan Beiyue looked very similar when they were young, their demeanor was worlds apart. No matter what happened to Murong Xuanyin, his tone of voice was soft, far from Wanyan Beiyue's neutral tone. Full of anger, this is the case with these words at this time, there is not much sarcasm, but a bit of self-pity and self-pity, which makes Xu Beiyou shudder.

Xu Beiyou pretended to ponder and said, "I don't know if Mr. Murong has heard such a sentence before."

Murong Xuanyin asked: "What are you talking about?"

Xu Beiyou said softly: "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty."

Murong Xuanyin was startled for a moment, then stretched out his hand to pinch Xu Beiyou's earlobe, and said with a soft smile, "So it's been 30 years? I think it's only been three years."

Murong Xuanyin is worthy of the word "Yin" in his name, but at this moment, he has a bit of feminine and charming demeanor, which is breathtaking.

Such "peerless beauty" is even rarer than women of the same appearance. At the beginning, Murong Xuanyin said that if he fell into the hands of some former enemies, his life would be worse than death, and he was definitely not aimless.

Xu Beiyou looked helpless, so he reached out and patted Murong Xuanyin's slender and fair woman's hand.

Murong Xuanyin withdrew his palm, put it behind his back, and put his face close to Xu Beiyou, exhaled like a blue, and said, "Why, I'm not right?"

Xu Beiyou coughed lightly, didn't move his footsteps, but stepped back a little straight, and said helplessly, "Mr. Murong, please respect yourself."

Murong Xuanyin laughed loudly, quite proud of how easily he had driven back a great sword fairy.

After Xu Beiyou separated a certain distance from Murong Xuanyin, he didn't dare to stand side by side with him anymore, and said from a distance: "Speaking of seriousness, I have done all the things that should be done during this post-construction trip, and the things that should not be done I did it too, so now is the time to go back."

Murong Xuanyin squinted his long Danfeng eyes, and cast a sidelong glance at Xu Beiyou.The so-called thing that should not be done is naturally to rescue this useless man from the Star Picking Tower. He can still hear the implication, but he is not a child, and he will not say "Who wants you?" Get me out of trouble" and that sort of thing.

Xu Beiyou seemed unaware of Murong Xuanyin's gaze, and continued, "Calculating the time, Master Qiu Si should have arrived at the imperial capital. I will rush back at this time and make up the last immovable golden body. To return to one body, I dare not say that it is extraordinary, but it is also a rare feat in ancient and modern times."

Murong Xuanyin said noncommittally: "It is indeed a feat, and it has the demeanor of Xiao Yu back then, but don't forget why Xiao Yu ruined his own cultivation and then turned to Shinto. You must know the so-called combination of three religions. One, they are all deceptive. If it is really possible to become one, then Zichen, Shangguan Xianchen, Tianchen, Qingchen, and even later Qiuye, Wanyan Beiyue and others, why didn't they take this path? So I kindly advise you, don’t make big mistakes because of small things, and don’t let things go to waste.”

Xu Beiyou's eyes were firm and he said: "It's natural, that's why I want to destroy the golden body with one sword, and I hope that one will not be broken or established."

"Ambition." Murong Xuanyin praised without any sincerity.

Then he suddenly asked: "I said it in advance, there is no other meaning, I was just always curious, why did Gongsun Zhongmou choose you back then, and bet the final capital on you, even though the word "gambling" doesn't sound good, But that's the thing, isn't he afraid of losing his last capital?"

Xu Beiyou smiled, "You asked my master why he chose me back then, I can't answer you, but according to my guess, it should be that the master has reached a point of no return, so he can only hand over Jianzong to In my hands, it is now also proof that Master, the old man, is indeed as wise as a torch, and he has chosen me, the master of ZTE, and maybe he will be able to fulfill his unfinished will."

For Xu Beiyou's bragging, Murong Xuanyin gave him a supercilious look and a soft snort.

Xu Beiyou didn't take it seriously, and said softly to himself: "Some people, in the prosperous world with thousands of miles of clear sky, may be just an insignificant tiny flame, but in the dark and chaotic world, maybe a single spark can start a prairie fire. Master , you speak very well."

(End of this chapter)

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