Chapter 1154

This year's climate is abnormal, the grasslands, northeast, Houjian and other places snowed early, and the climate is extremely cold, but the imperial capital city is uncharacteristically, although the weather is still extremely cold, but it has not snowed since winter, so many people who are concerned about the affairs of the world People of insight couldn't help muttering in their hearts, the snow fell too much, and it became a white disaster, which is naturally not a good thing, but if there is no snow in the winter, next year there will be a massive infestation of insects and locusts, and famine is imminent, people are panicked, folk rumors Rufeng, in the words of ordinary people, means that God is going to accept people.

If one is handled carelessly and causes a civil uprising, it will be a catastrophe.After all, the imperial court today is no better than it was in the past few years. If it were in the past few years, some hungry people would be fine. Just send a doctor in charge of the household department, and the local county magistrate will cooperate with the disaster relief. But the current imperial court has just experienced the San Francisco chaos. To provide disaster relief, it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice-there is no money and food in the treasury. This is not a problem that can be solved by being full of scholarly enthusiasm. Since ancient times, there is no reason to set up a pot to cook rice.As Zhang Jiangling, the first chancellor of Dazheng, said, the books and principles of the saints are for people to read, to read, to do things, and useless.

In the 24th year of Taiping, on the first day of the twelfth lunar month, at dusk, the sky finally darkened. This made the civil and military people all over the city, who were looking forward to the snow, finally heave a sigh of relief, hoping that the joy would not be an empty joy.

At about three o'clock you o'clock, it was time to hold the lamps. Two eunuchs carried a wooden square platform with densely lit candles placed on it. Take out the candles, and then replace them with new candles that are burning on the square platform. At this time, the sky is already dark, and Da Qi also admires the black color, which makes the shadows of people hard to see clearly, but if you look up, you will see all The lanterns under the eaves of the palace are lit one after another, gradually sticking together to form continuous red clouds, against the dark and deep sky, like the official uniforms worn by court officials, black on the top and red on the bottom, black clothes and red clothes.

After the two young eunuchs with extremely low seniority in the palace finally finished changing the lamps and candles, they returned the wooden square platform. On the way back, one of them kept rubbing his hands, breathing into his palms, and complained in a low voice. He said: "God, it's cold and cold, those of us in the palace, thanks to the grace of His Royal Highness, can have a cotton coat to wear, the people outside the palace, this winter will be very sad."

Both of them cut off their children and grandchildren early because of the difficult livelihood at home, and went to work in the palace to seek a way out. After hearing his words, the other felt the same, and had a look of sorrow on his face.

He also took a breath of hot air on his somewhat numb hands from the cold, and was about to speak when the tip of his nose suddenly felt cold.

His whole body froze, and after a long time, he wiped lightly on the tip of his nose with his stiff fingers, and then looked up.

In the black night sky, snowflakes like goose feathers fell from the sky.

"It's snowing!" the little eunuch shouted in his unique high-pitched voice, which was full of surprise.

"Yes, it's snowing." A moderate voice sounded from not far away, startling the two young eunuchs. Looking in the direction from which the voice came, a big red lantern was slanted. Under the eaves of the palace stood two figures, a man and a woman, and the person who spoke just now was the man among them.

The two young eunuchs didn't dare to speak for a while seeing the extraordinary demeanor of the two men.

At this moment, the "woman" next to the man stretched out a palm from the eaves, caught a piece of snowflakes that were falling one after another, looked up at the night sky above, and said with a chuckle: "Two sides in everything, just take this one." As far as Xue is concerned, it is a great thing to put it in the imperial capital, but it is a bad thing to kill people if it is placed outside the pass and other places."

This person's voice was soft and peaceful, but not entirely like a woman's voice, which made the two young eunuchs puzzled.

Isn't this person a woman?Or is it also a eunuch in the palace?
Just when the two were hesitating, an old voice sounded behind them, "Mr. Murong's words are reasonable."

The two young eunuchs followed the prestige again, and saw an old man walking out of the shadows slowly. Under the light of the red lantern, the standing and lying five rivers on the corner of the black robe were clearly visible.

The python robe has been the dragon robe since ancient times. It is similar to the dragon robe worn by the Ninth Five-Year Master, but with one less claw.It is embroidered with "Jiangya Seawater" like a dragon robe.There are five postures for dragon pythons: bending and standing in the water, standing upright in the water, standing in the three rivers, standing in the five rivers, and fully lying in the water. For Tuanlong.

The specification of this old man's python robe is second only to the prince's.

The two young eunuchs naturally understood the rules, swallowed, and plopped down on their knees, "See the ancestors."

The old man was Zhang Baisui, the eunuch who was called the inner minister by the outer dynasty and the ancestor by the inner court. He commanded a hundred thousand eunuchs in the palace and had great power.

The old man waved his sleeves, signaling the two young eunuchs to retreat, then looked at the two of them, and said slowly: "I never expected to see Mr. Murong here and now."

These two people were Xu Beiyou and Murong Xuanyin who had just returned to the imperial capital from Houjian. The latter did not answer, but Xu Beiyou said: "This matter is complicated, and it involves the Lord Wanyan. I can't explain it clearly for a while. Let’s talk about it later.”

Now that Xu Beiyou spoke in person, Zhang Baisui couldn't ask any further questions. After all, the present is not what it used to be. Although young people are still young, they are no longer that helpless fledgling, but a hero. , Great Sword Immortal, Elder Xiaoge, Emperor Son-in-Law, and the Three Sages of Tianji Bang, no matter what their titles are, they are enough for him to give him face.

Zhang Baisui lowered his hands habitually, and said softly: "Qiu Si from Molun Temple entered the palace yesterday, and Her Royal Highness has been waiting for the emperor's son-in-law for a long time, please come with me."

Xu Beiyou and Murong Xuanyin followed Zhang Baisui all the way, but they did not go to Feishuang Palace, but to Ganquan Palace.After Xu Beiyou left the customs from Qingjing, the imperial court moved Xiao Bai's coffin to Qingjing, and buried it immediately after the construction of the mausoleum was completed.In this way, the Ministry of Industry was also able to quickly repair the Ganquan Palace. Now it has completed the repairs of the Que Que, Qianqian Que, Yingmen, Qiandian, Zidian, Taishi Palace, and Mingguang Palace, leaving the Tongtiantai and Tongtiantai. Xiao Zhinan didn't care much about Xiantai, Wangfengtai, Yishou Pavilion, Yanshou Pavilion, living room, Bamboo Palace, Zhaoxian Pavilion, Gaoguang Palace, Tongling Terrace, etc., and moved into Ganquan Palace ten days ago.

At this time, the Ganquan Palace is also decorated with red lanterns, but the number is not many, far from being brightly lit, but the outline of the palace is vaguely outlined. In the dark night, it looks like a crawling monster. Quietly lick the wound.

Xu Beiyou stopped at the door and looked up.He couldn't help but recall the scene of the last time he came here, when his adoptive father Han Xuan brought him as a gift of acceptance.

On that day, there were ten people in this Oasis Palace.

Xiao Xuan, Xiao Bai, Xiao Li, Mu Tangzhi, Xiao Qi, Xiao Mahe, Xiao Quji, Han Xuan, Xu Beiyou, Zhang Baisui.

(End of this chapter)

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