That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1156 The person in the dream is a guest

Chapter 1156 The person in the dream is a guest

A large sedan chair carrying eight carriages walked along the imperial road towards Chengtianmen, where passers-by passed, no one dared to block them a little bit.

Since Dazheng, civil servants have preferred sedan chairs, and gradually abandoned carriages. The so-called sedan chairs are those carried by two people as Jianyu, and those carried by four people are soft sedan chairs. The sedan chair carried by people.However, after Daqi, there were extremely clear restrictions on the use of sedan chairs. The seventh year of the Taiping Order stipulated that "civil and military officials should ride a sedan chair with four people. Those who violate the law and those who use eight people without permission will be heard."

According to this system, the eight-person sedan chair must exceed the limit. At least it will be played by the imperial envoy, and at worst it will be questioned by the court. However, the visitors are still like this, and they still go directly to the direction of the imperial city. I am afraid it is not impolite It is likely that the emperor gave him the special grace of riding in a sedan chair for eight people in Beijing.

In fact, it is true. The person in the sedan chair is the teacher of the current prince, the head of the cabinet, Kui Hanfang, and he went to the imperial city this time because of a major event that can affect the general situation of the world-His Majesty the emperor who has been in the world for 13 years. critically ill.

Just when the sedan chair came to the royal road in front of Chengtian Gate, there happened to be a person who also went towards Chengtian Gate. At this time, the gate of Chengtian Gate had not yet been opened, but that person passed through the tall city gate, neither A big hole was punched in the city gate, and he himself was safe and sound, even the guards around him turned a blind eye to this man, and just let him enter the important place of the imperial city.

Only the big formation in the imperial city seemed to notice something, and a circle of invisible energy ripples rippled out, but it was fleeting.

After this person entered the city, he went all the way without hindrance, passing through the Weiyang Palace, which symbolizes the highest power center of the empire, until he came to the Ganquan Palace where the emperor's bedroom was located. He stopped at the gate of the Ganquan Palace and saw a man named The armored soldiers seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, and then a car surrounded by court ladies and eunuchs drove past. It could be vaguely seen that a woman in her thirties was holding a child less than ten years old in her arms. .

This young man was standing right in front of the answering door, his white hair was dazzling, but from the beginning to the end, no one looked at him, as if he didn't exist at all.

Strictly speaking, he does not exist.

He was not the person at this time.

But after he has visited many places, he can already know a thing or two.

This is still the world of Daqi, the imperial capital city, and the imperial city, but the people inside have changed a lot.

In today's Ganquan Palace, there is no Xiao Yu, no Xiao Xuan, no Xiao Bai, and no Xiao Zhinan, and there is no one of the royal family with the surname Xiao that he knows.

At this time, the dying old man lying in Ganquan Palace is called Xiao Zaihou, which means Zaihou and virtue. He is the current emperor of Daqi, and his reign name is Tianhong.

This year is Celestica's 13th year.

However, the general situation of the world at this time is even worse than when Da Qi Taiping was 23 years old.Although in the 23rd year of Taiping, the San Francisco Rebellion broke out between Wei Wang Xiaojin, Zhenbei Wang Linhan, and Liao Wang Mutang, the Daqi court was at its peak at that time and had the capital to suppress the rebellion, but today's Daqi The Qi court, however, is rotten from the root. As the saying goes, prosperity must decline, and things must reverse.At this time, the trend of extravagance and corruption is becoming more and more prosperous. Prosperity leads to arrogance, wealth leads to extravagance, arrogance leads to slack, luxury leads to greed, greed leads to corruption, and corruption leads to failure.

But at this time, sea bandits frequently raided and harassed the southern coast, and the civil unrest in the southeast intensified, and uprisings continued in various places. In addition, the southern border was guarded against barbarians, the northwest was guarded against grasslands, the northeast was built after arriving, and there were also famines in several provinces. , The court was overwhelmed and exhausted.

Take this year as an example, in the first month, the prairie cavalry crossed the glacier from the Hexi Corridor and invaded Shanzhou.In February, millions of soldiers and civilians in Dayi Prefecture were short of food.In March, there was a famine in Lanling Prefecture, Qizhou.In April, there was another famine in Zhili Prefecture.In May, there was another famine in Shanzhou.In June, civil strife broke out among the chieftains in southern Xinjiang.In June, the Xiangzhou refugees rebelled northward to attack Jiangzhou, and the barbarians in southern Xinjiang rebelled against the border of Huzhou.In July, the Qinghe River in Qizhou burst its embankment, causing countless casualties and refugees everywhere.

The country's affairs are so difficult that the emperor Xiao Zaihou, who was already in poor health, finally fell ill. Lack of skills.

Under such circumstances, if there is another change in the court of the imperial capital, involving the six departments and nine divisions of the cabinet and the governor's office, there will be chaos in the world immediately.

At this time, the succession of the new emperor to the throne has become a top priority.

The woman who went in just now is the current empress, but she is not the empress of the Yuan Dynasty, but the second empress.Empress Yuan was her elder sister who had no children and died young. After her elder sister died, she also married the emperor under the arrangement of her family and became Xiao Zaihou's second empress. She also gave birth to a prince successfully. It is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince today.

The reason for this is that she was born in the descendant Xu family.Because most of the empresses of the Daqi Dynasty came from the Xu family, so most of the empress dowagers in the past were also daughters of the Xu family, so there was an unwritten rule that the emperor could marry other concubines, but the candidate for the empress must come from the Xu family, so she can After her sister, she became the second queen.

The young, white-haired man sighed softly, took another step, walked through the answering door, and headed towards Mingguang Palace with ease.

Xiao Yu, the Taizu Emperor of Daqi, was named Mingguang. This palace was named after Mingguang, so it was naturally the residence of the emperors of Daqi.

At this time, the Mingguang Palace was full of gloomy and gloomy atmosphere, which was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe.

Daqi advocates black, so the layout here is mainly black, supplemented by gold and deep red. Under the black curtain is a big black bed with coiled dragons around the pillars, solemn and solemn.

The person on the bed at this time was an old man who didn't look more than sixty years old, his face was very gloomy, and he couldn't get up from the bed.And the person standing in front of the bed was not the chief minister of the cabinet, not the empress, not the chief eunuch, nor the concubines and ministers, but a white-haired and white-bearded Taoist, dressed in a Taoist robe, holding a whisk, .

But at this moment, the Taoist looked tired and pale, and at the same time he was sighing deeply.

Apparently, the Taoist had been using his cultivation to hang the emperor's last breath, but after all, it was a destiny that cannot be violated, and he was powerless at this time.

Not long after the white-haired young man came here first, the Empress, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and Lord Shoufu all came here one after another.

When there were more people, the popularity in the hall increased a bit. The old emperor seemed to be stimulated by this popularity, and he regained his energy. He tried his best to cheer up and began to explain things.

When he got here, the young man's eyes suddenly blurred, he couldn't hear clearly, and couldn't see clearly.He knew in his heart that this should be the key to the general trend of the world in the future, and the way of heaven would not let him watch or listen to it any longer.

He simply turned back out of Mingguang Palace and came to the front hall of Ganquan Palace. There were many officials from the six divisions and nine ministers guarding here. Ever since the emperor became seriously ill, the collapse of heaven and earth happened in an instant, and they have been waiting in turn. Here, for some time.

When the young man came in, a gust of cold wind mixed with a lot of snowflakes blew in, and all the officials were shivered by the blowing, and looked outside the dimly lit door - at some point, there was a heavy snowfall.

The wind blows harder and harder, and the snow falls harder and harder.

After an unknown amount of time, the bell of desolation came from the howling north wind.

All the people in the hall stood up quickly, and then rushed to the door in a swarm.

Only the young man was left in the hall, and he knew that this was the death of the old emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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