Chapter 1160

These eyes are as wide as the sky and the earth, in which the sun rises and the moon sets, and the stars are disillusioned, and they are as deep as the universe, as if they want to absorb everything in the eyes.

It took Xu Beiyou a lot of effort to pull his gaze out of it, and then looked at this person.

I saw the middle-aged appearance of this person who was probably not confused about his age, with black hair and black beard, and wearing a black Taoist robe, just looking at Xu Beiyou.In this hall on the top of the Sword Peak, if there were other people, they would probably feel that this person was in a daze, but Xu Beiyou knew very well in his heart that this person had indeed seen his own existence.

Xu Beiyou couldn't understand why this person could see him. After all, strictly speaking, Xu Beiyou didn't exist at this time, and even this world should be illusory.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, the middle-aged Taoist clasped his hands into French fingers and said with a smile: "The poor Taoist finally met the successor of the Shangqing."

"I don't know who you are?" Xu Beiyou spoke subconsciously, and suddenly remembered that he should not be able to make a sound at this time, but to his surprise, his voice rang out clearly in this hall .

Xu Beiyou turned his head abruptly.

I don't know when, behind him is no longer the square outside the hall, let alone the mountain road to the top of Jianfeng, but only a vast expanse of whiteness. When Xu Beiyou turned his head to look at the middle-aged Taoist, the Taoist continued: "The poor Taoist is not the deity!" , It’s just a ray of divine sense avatar, counting with your fingers, you have been waiting here for more than two thousand years, just to wait for a destined person, but unfortunately, the descendants of Yuqing blocked this place, and Pindao has never been able to meet a destined person, so it is Just stay here."

The middle-aged Taoist smiled and said: "Back then when Shangqing and Yuqing were fighting, Shangqing's lineage had a large number of people, so they had the upper hand, but Taiqing's lineage, which was supposed to stick to a neutral position, turned to Yuqing's lineage. Under Mai's joining forces, the strengths and weaknesses were immediately reversed, and in the end the outcome was reversed, and Shangqing's Yimai was defeated and had to leave West Kunlun and go to the East China Sea."

Xu Beiyou suppressed his shock and asked tentatively, "Your Excellency is a senior of my lineage?"

The middle-aged Taoist nodded and said: "My real deity is indeed a person of the Supreme Purity."

Xu Beiyou was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I am the Shangqing sect, also known as Jianzong by the world. Since the founder of the sect, Shangqing Daojun, there have been sixteen generations of suzerains. Since 500 years ago, there have been five generations of suzerains. The 12th suzerain Wu Yanzi, the No.13 suzerain Xu Lin, the No.14 suzerain Shangguan Xianchen, the No.15 suzerain Gongsun Zhongmou, and the junior Xu Beiyou Bucai, the No.16 Jianzong suzerain."

The middle-aged Taoist asked: "Then what about the No. 17 suzerain?"

Xu Beiyou said in astonishment: "The younger generation has not inherited the position of suzerain for less than a year, and there is only one disciple under his sect, and he has not reached the crown. No matter his virtue, prestige, or cultivation level is not enough to be the suzerain, how can there be the saying of No. 17 suzerain ?”

The middle-aged Taoist shook his head and said: "This time is not that time. At this time, there is no Xu Beiyou in the world. If there is no Xu Beiyou, there is no No. 16 suzerain. How can there be No. 17 suzerain?"

Xu Beiyou couldn't figure out what the person in front of him was thinking, so he could only answer truthfully: "This is a matter of the afterlife. The younger generation is a person who lived before, so I don't know what is going on behind the scenes. I don't know who the No. 17 suzerain is who the senior said."

The middle-aged Taoist pointed out the secret but did not explain it clearly, "The Taoist ancestor once said that the Shangqing stopped at sixteen, the Yuqing stopped at fifteen, and the Taiqing stopped at fourteen."

Xu Beiyou was shocked and said: "If this junior's memory is correct, Qiu Ye, the current Daoist head teacher, is the No. 15 generation head teacher. According to what the senior said, wouldn't it mean that the Taoism passed down by the Taoist ancestors will die out?"

The middle-aged Daoist said: "The dispute between Yuqing and Shangqing back then was rooted in the word 'orthodox'. Both lines wanted to claim to be the orthodox ancestor of Taoism, and refused to give in to each other, so they argued endlessly, and even fought violently. After the Qing lineage defeated and expelled the Shangqing lineage, they regarded themselves as orthodox Dao ancestors, and no one dared to object."

Xu Beiyou suddenly felt a little stunned, and said: "The Taoist ancestor preached the Tao. It should be a family. Because of the three Daoist lords, one is divided into three. If the Shangqing ends at the sixteenth, the Yuqing ends at the fifteenth, and the Taiqing ends at the tenth." Four, it is the time when the three veins are reunited, I wonder if what the junior said is right?"

The middle-aged Taoist stroked his beard slightly, nodded and said: "You can teach children."

Xu Beiyou didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a while, and his mood was extremely complicated.Since he took over the sword sect's mantle from his master, he has determined to revive the sword sect and take revenge on the Taoist sect, but now someone tells him that the sword sect will die, and the Taoist sect will also perish. Isn't that the end of both?If so, what is the point of what he is doing now?

Seemingly seeing what Xu Beiyou was thinking, the Taoist said again: "You don't have to worry, the three veins have been entangled with grievances for 2000 years, and wanting to return to the family is not an overnight achievement. There is no Supreme Master, The absence of the Lord of Yuqing does not mean that the Shangqing and Yuqing two veins will not exist, and the two veins will still stand in the world. If we want to truly unify the three veins, we have to wait until 190 years later..."

The Taoist's words stopped abruptly.

Xu Beiyou was confused and had to ask, "What will happen then?"

The Taoist shook his head and said: "If you can live to that time, you will naturally know that if you don't live to that time, whether you ascend to death or turn into a handful of loess, it is already behind you. Nothing."

Xu Beiyou didn't agree with the Taoist's statement, and said with a casual smile: "No matter what happens a hundred years or hundreds of years later, a person can't just live for himself in his life, and always needs future generations to plan something. If you don't know That's all, but now that you know it, you must do your best under the possible circumstances, so that you have a clear conscience."

The middle-aged Taoist was noncommittal about Xu Beiyou's words, neither approved nor opposed, but said: "Manpower is sometimes poor, even the immortals in the sky, and if you do everything like this, you will only burden yourself with a huge burden , it’s hard to be at ease in the end.”

Xu Beiyou hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "This junior has been thinking just now, which patriarch is senior who can know such secrets."

The middle-aged Taoist smiled and said nothing.

Xu Beiyou asked tentatively again: "Does the senior know the purpose of the junior coming here?"

The middle-aged Taoist said indifferently: "It is nothing more than looking for an opportunity to achieve the so-called golden body of Buddhism."

Xu Beiyou's breath froze.

The middle-aged Taoist flicked his fingers lightly, and said with a soft smile: "The Dao is so great that it is far from the Tao of the Taoist family. The same is true for cultivating the Tao. You don't have to stick to one family, but you can also learn from the strengths of all families, seek common ground while reserving differences, and learn by analogy."

Then the Taoist looked at Xu Beiyou and asked, "Do you know who the deity of the poor Taoist is?"

Xu Beiyou showed a look of hesitation, and frowned, "Your junior doesn't know. I thought senior was the Daoist Lord of the Qing Dynasty before, but now after hearing what senior said, I'm not sure."

The middle-aged Taoist smiled lightly, and brilliance began to gush out around his body.

After a while, the brilliance dissipated, and the Taoist was quite different. The light of merit and virtue was born in the back of his head. He was dressed in a light blue Taoist robe and held a sword in his arms.

Xu Beiyou was very familiar with that sword, because not long ago, he had invited this sword to fight against Chen Ye's Five Heavenly Emperors.

The Taoist smiled lightly and said, "The poor Taoist is pure."

(End of this chapter)

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