Chapter 1166

In a dream, Xu Beiyou got the opportunity left by Mr. Fu Fu Chen, and summarized the four bodies into one, and achieved a big vase body comparable to the perfect body of heaven and man, perfect and pure as glass.

In all fairness, although the body of the big vase is incomparably mysterious, it is about equal to the body of Zhang Liujin. If it is placed on the body of the Dragon King of Buddhism, it can only make the body stronger and not afraid of worldly magic and weapons. It is still not enough to say that the Dragon King of Buddhism wants to become invincible in the world.It's just that the same method and supernatural power depend on who uses it. If it is placed on Xu Beiyou's body, it will be very different, because sword repair is the first in killing power, and Xu Beiyou also has someone who is known as the number one in attack. The heavy weapon of killing immortals allowed Xu Beiyou to be both offensive and defensive. If Xu Beiyou fought Wanyan Beiyue again at this time, the outcome would be very unpredictable.

After Xu Beiyou came back from the dream, he first solemnly thanked Qiu Si who was exhausted and Zhang Baisui who protected him, and then walked out of the side hall with Xiao Zhinan.

The two walked side by side. Xu Beiyou listened to Xiao Zhinan's description of the war situation in the south of the Yangtze River. After thinking for a while, he said softly: "This matter is of great importance. It is indeed not appropriate to delay. It is time to make a decision."

Xiao Zhinan turned his head to look at Xu Beiyou beside him, and said guiltily: "In the past few years, you have been running around here and there, and the Xiao family owes you a lot."

Xu Beiyou shook his head and smiled, "The whole family doesn't talk about two families, they all say that the man is the man outside the house and the woman is the house inside. As the man in the family, these are the things I should do. There is nothing I owe."

Then Xu Beiyou suddenly remembered something, subconsciously lowered his voice, and asked, "How is the old man?"

Xiao Zhinan's expression froze slightly, then he shook his head.

Xu Beiyou let out a long sigh, looked up at the sky, not knowing what to say.

Xiao Zhinan held his palm, and comforted him softly: "I have asked Zhang Daban to send over a few golden elixirs in the palace collection, in short, get through this winter first, and when the spring turns warmer next year, it should get better. "

Xu Beiyou looked down at his wife, and sighed softly: "You thanked me for running around outside, now it's my turn to thank you for your hard work inside the house."

Xiao Zhinan hummed lightly.

The two of them were not in a hurry to go back, and continued to walk along the high palace wall. Xu Beiyou raised his head and looked at the deep night sky, and continued: "When you reach the crown at 20, you will perform the ceremony of becoming an adult. At 36, you will stand, get married and establish a career. In the [-]th year of Taiping, it has been nearly five years since Jiguan, and it is not too far away from the year of Li. Speaking of starting a family, I can marry you, and I have no regrets in this life. As for establishing a career, not only did I keep my master The Sword Sect that was handed over to me is expected to repeat the glory of its heyday, as long as I can regain the [-] islands in the East China Sea, then I will truly have a clear conscience when I go to pay homage to Master every year."

From the beginning to the end, Xu Beiyou didn't look very complacent, he just narrated it in a straightforward manner, as if these were all things he should do, and there was not much to praise.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his palm, pressed it against the cold palace wall, and said softly, "But I don't want to stop there. Besides revitalizing the Sword Sect, I also want to avenge my master. I'm not afraid of your jokes either. For such a big Taoist school, I don't have many such thoughts. I think more about how to save my life. To paraphrase the words of the sages, that is Gou Quan's life. After all, I have never been a conceited person, like Xiao Jin People like Wanyan Beiyue, since they were born, they have felt that they must be different from others, and their hearts are higher than the sky. Even if they can't do it now, they will definitely be able to do it in the future, and they never underestimate themselves in the bottom of their hearts. , and that’s what I envy them for.”

Xiao Zhinan said: "People like them have higher hearts than the sky, but they also fear that their lives are thinner than paper. It's fine if the journey goes smoothly, but if they stumble halfway, it will be difficult to get back up."

Xu Beiyou smiled, noncommittal, "I don't have such a high spirit, and I never expected to see the top of the mountain when I raised my eyes. I'm more like a mountain climber. I just look at my feet and walk up step by step. No matter whether it is bitter or tiring, but once in a while, when you look back, you will feel full in your heart when you see the long road behind you. If one day really arrives, when you suddenly look up, you will find that the mountain that was once out of reach is approaching. In front of my eyes, this trip is even more worthwhile.”

Xiao Zhinan said softly: "Now you have already seen the top of the mountain."

Xu Beiyou withdrew his palm from the wall, and said, "For me, the top of the mountain has never been the No. 1 position in the world, nor is it about ascension to prove the Tao and seek longevity. There are only two mountain tops, one is to revive Jian Zong, I have said enough about this, I will not repeat it today, the other is to avenge my teacher. As I said just now, at the earliest time, I did not dare to imagine that one day I would teach Daoist Daoist How, just like when I started climbing, I didn’t know how to look at the top of the mountain, it’s too unrealistic, but things have to be done step by step, and when I’m about to reach the top of the mountain, looking at the top of the mountain becomes a matter of course.”

Xiao Zhinan's face turned pale.

The name Qiuye has too many complicated meanings for her. Her father died because of this person. Although she also hopes that her husband can kill this person, it is regarded as revenge for her father, but she still prefers to kill this person. I hope my husband doesn't make the same mistakes as his father.

She had already lost a father, and she did not want to and could not lose another husband.

Xu Beiyou clenched his fists, "There are some things that Xu Beiyou didn't dare to think about or couldn't think about before, but now he has to think about it. The Daoist sect has settled some things, this feud that has lasted for thousands of years will not end in my hands, but at least it will come to an end."

Xiao Zhinan's voice trembled slightly, and he asked, "When?"

Xu Beiyou took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "After Xiao Jin and Lin Han were defeated."

Xiao Zhinan knew that he had made up his mind, so he didn't try to persuade him in vain, he could only resign himself to fate.

Xu Beiyou was silent for a moment, and said: "I wanted to see the old man again, but after thinking about it, seeing him would only make him worry about me, so it would be better if I disappeared, and I will see you again in the coming year. He is an old man. Zhinan, I need you to worry more during this time."

Xiao Zhinan nodded, and said softly: "You have to be careful, don't forget that there is still a big family waiting for you."

Xu Beiyou responded and started to walk forward.

Xiao Zhinan did not continue to follow, but stood where he was, watching him leave.

I saw Xu Beiyou's forward speed getting faster and faster, and finally he jumped up, and under the bright moon in the night sky, he turned into a white rainbow and soared into the sky.

Xiao Zhinan tightly clasped the Zifei number beads wrapped around his palm, feeling a little uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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