That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1180 Everything is broken under one punch

Chapter 1180
The six sides of the golden body that had been unfolded did not dodge, dodge, or move, allowing the tower to slam on him.

The six-faced golden body was unscathed, but the entire city gate was like a pebble hitting a stone, and it exploded, and the flying stones rained for a while.

Immediately afterwards, a figure quickly passed through, blasting dozens of punches in six directions.

Liumian still clasped his palms together, even though Zhao Qing kept punching, he still remained motionless.

There was a violent sound like thunder in Jiangling City.

With the two of them as the center of the circle, the ground was shattered inch by inch, and countless chaotic rocks flew outward rapidly.

Zhao Qing, as the well-deserved number one master in martial arts, can be said to be the best in the world regardless of his physical condition or experience in fighting against enemies, second only to Qiuye, Wanyan Beiyue, Xu Beiyou and a few others. The offensive is like fire, and it has already gained the upper hand.

The aura of this clothed martial arts grand master kept rising, as if he was going to crush the six sides with his majestic fist.

Liumian closed his eyes and folded his palms together, and kept chanting words in his mouth.This monk of Buddhism and Taoism, known for his strong physique, has been listed in the previous Tianji list, but his ranking is always low, usually around the eighth or ninth, because the six sides are generally recognized as good at defending but not good at attacking, and Hengkong Xu Beiyou was born with two extremes. When he was on the great river, he was able to forcibly resist Xu Beiyou's Zhu Xian sword with his own body. His defensive strength can be seen.

After a hundred punches, Zhao Qing withdrew slightly, and the offensive came to an end temporarily.

When it comes to offensive, sword repair and martial arts are undoubtedly the most important, but there are differences between the two. The offensive of sword repair lies in the words "fast" and "odd". When the sword is broken, you will never use two more swords. This is why the so-called "everything in the world is a matter of one sword", and the offensive of the martial arts lies in the words "slow" and "steady", just like the steady and steady fight on the battlefield. , Step by step, so sword cultivator kills in an instant, life and death are the same.Wufu kills people but he first plans slowly, and finally the final word is finalized.

There is a big difference between the two.

If Xu Beiyou was here, after one strike, whether the golden body could be destroyed or not was already a visible result, but it was still too early to replace it with Zhao Qing.

I saw that after a hundred punches, there were more than a hundred fist marks on Liu Mian's body. Each fist mark was a fist. physique.

Fortunately, Liu Mian is a Buddhist monk with a strong physique. Although his body is already like a mountain of weight, he still lifts the weight as if it is light, without any effort.Then again, if the Daoist Daoist were to fight Zhao Qing, he wouldn't and wouldn't dare to stand still like this and let Zhao Qing punch more than a hundred punches fiercely.

Liumian chanted a Buddha's name, slowly opened his eyes, looked at Zhao Qing, the great master of martial arts, and said in the Central Plains Mandarin that he was not familiar with: "I have heard for a long time that there are two guards in the imperial city of the Daqi court. One is the eunuch Zhang Baisui, the eunuch of the Supervisor of Rituals, and the other is Your Excellency who is known as 'Master Zhao'."

"Your Excellency is attached to the Daqi court, and the poor monk helps the King of Wei. In the final analysis, each is his own master. There is no deep hatred. Why do you have to press each other so hard?"

Zhao Qing remained silent, then clenched his fists with an indifferent expression.

Xu Beiyou once commented to Xiao Zhinan in private about the masters he had seen in his life. Among them, Qiuye was the most godlike, Murong Xuanyin was the most unpredictable, Wanyan Beiyue was the most domineering, Xiao Xuan was the most kingly, and Qiuyue was the most Sleek, Gongsun Zhongmou is the most approachable, Qingchen is the most secretive, and Xiao Shen is the most sinister.

Zhao Qing is the most domineering.

In Xu Beiyou's memory, Zhao Qing's few shots were all extremely arrogant, in terms of domineering, slightly inferior to Wanyan Beiyue, in terms of domineering, no one in the world can match.

Domineering compared to domineering, in addition to arbitrariness, it also has a bit more unreasonable meaning.

The difference between Zhao Qing and Wanyan Beiyue lies in this unreasonableness.

I don't care if you have any difficulties?Since Xu Beiyou asked me to kill you, then I will kill you.

As for the rest, what does it matter to me?
The next moment, Zhao Qing tipped his toes and swept forward, like a bright rainbow hitting Liumian's chest.

Liu Mian knew that it was useless to talk too much, so he didn't dodge, and formed a fearless seal with one hand to block in front of him.

Zhao Qing's fist landed hard on the Fearless Seal, rippling out countless energy ripples, scattered upwards in the nine heavens, like thunder rolling and exploding, and melted downwards into the ground, like an earth dragon turning over.

Liumian, who had been standing still for a long time, finally retreated, and his feet plowed two deep ravines on the ground.

When the decline stopped, Liu Mian frowned slightly. He had made up his mind to hold Zhao Qing down instead of competing with Zhao Qing, because his physique was the strongest among the four golden bodies. The bad golden body is different from the other three big golden bodies, each with their own mysteries. The unbreakable golden body lies in the two words of solidity, invulnerable to swords and soldiers, and hard to invade by magic. Even Zhu Xian, who is known as the world's number one offensive heavy weapon, can resist And down.Although the Immortal Golden Body is difficult to compare with the Body of Heaven and Man, or the Body of the Big Vase, or the Golden Body of Zhang Liu, everything lies in the word "fine". Xu Beiyou's Zhu Xian couldn't break it with a single sword, let alone Zhao Qing's fist.

This is where his confidence lies, but the weight of Zhao Qing's fist is a bit beyond his expectation, it is powerful and heavy, like a hammer in the hands of a blacksmith, and his indestructible golden body is an iron felt No matter how hard the embryo is, it will eventually be deformed and broken.

However, before Liumian could make any move, Zhao Qing got the momentum and landed another punch in the air, just like a meteorite from the sky falling to the ground, making a whistling sound, faintly engulfed by the force of wind and fire, and smashed heavily on Liumian's head. spirit.

There is no mystery in this punch, only four characters, powerful and heavy.

During this punch, Liu Mian believed that he had no power to fight back, and it was impossible to exchange injuries for injuries, so he could only defend desperately.

The air mechanism in the hexahedron circulates rapidly, and the bright golden light tends to dim and turn into a dark golden luster, just like the newly cast Buddha statue in the temple that has been infused with incense for hundreds of years, exuding a dull color.

At the same time, his feet sank deeply into the ground, as if they had taken root and were connected with the earth.

To be patient and unmoved is like the earth, and to contemplate deep secrets like a secret storehouse. This is the wonderful meaning of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

With a punch, Liumian's figure sank instantly, and half of his body sank into the ground, not reaching his chest.

The way of a martial artist, above one punch, shatters the void, under one punch, seeing gods is not bad.

Zhao Qing, whose hair was flying wildly, had a cold and indifferent expression, and kept going after a punch.

At the place where the fist landed, a few cracks appeared, and then these cracks began to spread downward, and soon the face of the six faces was fragmented, which was extremely terrifying.

The fearless seal was dispersed on all sides, and the immovable king seal was barely formed with both hands, and he wanted to re-condense the golden body, but under the influence of Qi, the corners of his mouth began to ooze blood.

(End of this chapter)

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