Chapter 1203

Li Shentong ran all the way west. Although he was carrying the Shuangtian Xiaojiao, which was almost as tall as him, he was still extremely fast, almost at the same speed as an ordinary horse.

Today's Li Shentong, although there is still a long way to go to the realm of the earth fairy, is much better than his master Xu Beiyou when he was at this age. When Xu Beiyou was at his age, he was still in Xiaofang Village in the Northwest Practicing sword alone, without the guidance of a master, and without any guidance from seniors, only one person and one sword, so Xu Beiyou at that time could not even touch the threshold of the realm of ghosts and immortals.

Looking back at Li Shentong today, not to mention that his master Xu Beiyou is already a world-renowned Great Sword Immortal, and Zhang Xueyao, Qin Mumian, Bingchen and other elders of the sect are the other elders he contacts on a daily basis, whether it is Zhao Qing, Lan Yu, or Yu Kuang and Wei Wuji, which one is not a master who has been famous for many years?It is a great blessing for ordinary people to get advice from one of them, just like when Xu Beiyou and Zhang Wubing went to the south of the Yangtze River together, and Zhang Wubing taught him Xuangong on the way, in the eyes of Xu Beiyou at that time, it was a great No small chance.But for Li Shentong today, there are as many opportunities as there are. For the sake of Xu Beiyou's face, experts from all walks of life do not hesitate to give Li Shentong some advice. I don't know how much better his aptitude is than Xu Beiyou, who doesn't have the Twelve Swords of the Sword Sect, so it's reasonable for his realm to advance by leaps and bounds. Among them, Xiao Shu, the young palace lord of the Ghost Palace, is comparable to him.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took the shade.

Because of Gongsun Zhongmou, Xu Beiyou had the invincible sword fairy appearance, and because of Xu Beiyou, he had the young suzerain demeanor of Li Shentong today.

Li Shentong kept walking along the way, and he also had the idea of ​​turning back on the way, but for some reason, he still didn't turn back, as if there was a voice in his heart that told him to go west, and it seemed to be a ghost. The induction in the middle made him faintly feel that there would be very unusual gains in this direction.

It is said that the cicada is aware of the golden wind before it moves, and Li Shentong knows that this so-called "heart movement" or "thought together" is the embodiment of the monk's blessing to the soul, or it can be used to avoid disasters, or it can be obtained. An opportunity is something that can never be sought.So he suppressed the idea of ​​turning back to Peng Lao Town, gritted his teeth and continued westward.

Li Shentong moved closer to an unknown small village just like that.


After Xiao Jin dismissed the idea of ​​divination for the second hexagram, she sat back on the edge of the well again, her feet still couldn't reach the ground, but they didn't sway, but drooped naturally.

Xiao Jin seemed to be relaxed, but in fact the string in her heart was always tense.He has been waiting, waiting for the movement in Jiangling City, waiting for the billowing thunder to fall, to kill the young man who made his imperial hegemony go to waste, at least to cause him serious injuries and damage to his realm.

Only in this way can he completely relax.

As for why he didn't leave this village, it wasn't because he had to watch the thunder fall, but because he was like a stinging insect hiding in the ground. Qi plowed through the hundred-mile radius inch by inch, otherwise he would not be able to find his hiding place at all.But if he acted on his own initiative, like a pinworm running away from the ground, he would fall directly into Xu Beiyou's sight.

Therefore, it's not that he doesn't want to leave, but that he can't. He can only leave this place safely until Xu Beiyou dies or is seriously injured under the wrath of Heaven.

So he has to wait.

Just when Xiao Jin guessed that the time was almost up, she inadvertently raised her head and glanced towards the entrance of the village, and then the expression on her face gradually froze.

For some reason, a young man with a huge sword on his back came here by accident.

After the boy looked around, he finally set his sights on Xiao Jin.

The two looked at each other.

Li Shentong was surprised.

It never occurred to him that there was another person of the same age here, and seeing this person's appearance, he was somewhat familiar, which made him feel disgusted by nature.

Xiao Jin's face was gloomy.

He didn't recognize the young man, but he recognized the huge sword behind the young man, which was the relic of Zhang Chongguang, the sword sect back then, Shuangtian Xiaojiao.

In this way, this young man is a member of Jianzong.

With Xiao Jin's mind, he guessed the identity of the young man in front of him with just a little speculation.

It should be Xu Beiyou's disciple, Li Shentong.

At the same time, Li Shentong also wanted to understand why he had a natural dislike for this person in front of him, because this person looked so much like his lifelong enemy Xiao Shu, especially the similarity between his eyebrows, they were just like a mold engraved.

Li Shentong first used Wei Wuji's qi-watching technique to observe, and found that this guy's realm didn't seem to be very high, so he turned evil to the side, and reached out to grab the hilt of the sword on Shuangtianxiaojiao behind his back.

After Xiao Jin noticed Li Shentong's action, she couldn't help frowning.

In the past, he could have dealt with this insignificant little guy with a wave of his hand, but now, it is inevitable that he is a little powerless. Judging by the actions of this kid, it seems that he is going to draw his sword directly?
It's really the temperament of the people in Jianzong.

Seeing that Xiao Jin was still sitting motionless on the edge of the well, Li Shentong also frowned. He was a little cautious in his heart, but he still strode forward, leaning his upper body forward at the same time, so that he could draw out the giant sword behind him. .

Jianzong has the art of drawing a sword, which is called Shana Fanghua, which means that the moment the sword is drawn, it is as bright as a youth.

However, in addition to the sword at the waist, Jian Zong also has a sword behind his back, so he has another sword drawing technique called force splitting Dutian.

The name is very rustic and grand, and the word "Dutian" refers to the Dutian Peak of the Taoist sect.

As the name suggests, this kind of sword-drawing technique is different from the moment of Fanghua who blindly seeks quickness and pain, but lies in a word of potential, the sword is in the sheath to gather momentum, the sword's intention is restrained, and the sword's energy is deeply hidden. At the moment of drawing the sword, the sword's intention The sword energy poured out like an avalanche in an instant.

If it is said that Su Mo's youth lies in surprises, then Slashing Dutian lies in taking it lightly, even if there is only a light weapon like a three-foot Qingfeng in his hand, he still has to use a heavy weapon to kill.

What's more, the Shuangtian Xiaojiao in Li Shentong's hand at this time is a rather rare epee, even compared to the two-handed swords used by the templar knights, it is not inferior.

Li Shentong's forward speed was getting faster and faster, like thunder, and he had arrived in front of Xiao Jin in the blink of an eye, and the Shuangtian Xiaojiao on his back clanged out of its sheath.

I saw him holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, leaping high, and then pressing down with a bang.

Xiao Jin had no choice but to leave the edge of the well and drifted backwards.

But the thatched roof that covered the mouth of the well was directly destroyed by this sword, and the thatched debris flew flying.

At the same time, Xu Beiyou in Jiangling City turned his head to look west and said softly, "I found you."

(End of this chapter)

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