That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1212 There is nowhere to go

Chapter 1212 There is nowhere to go

The so-called Northwest generally refers to the Hexi Plain on the line of Xiheyuan and Xiliang Corridor, from which the two states of the Daqi court, Shanzhou and Liangzhou, are separated. Even more so than the Jiangdu in the south of the Yangtze River and the capital of the gods in the world, it was not until the Great Chu established its capital in Jiangdu that Zhongdu ceased to be the capital of a dynasty.

During the reign of Dazheng, the grassland invaded Shanzhou several times, and even invaded Yuzhou through Shanzhou, forcing the Dazheng court to make Zhongdu a military center with 20 troops, set up the governor of Zhongdu, and use Hanoi as the pastor. Where the horses were located, they supplied the war horses needed by the army of Zhongdu, thus forming the famous Northwest Cavalry.

At the end of the Zheng Dynasty, Xu Lin became the last governor of the Central Capital. After Xiao Yu and Lin Yinping put down the rebellion of the princess and the red lady, Xu Lin was ordered to lead an army of 23 to conquer Xiao Yu. Lord Northwest and Hushi Central Plains, so Zhongdu is also Xiao Yu's place of dragon prosperity.

After the founding of Daqi, the five governors' mansions of the former Dazheng Dynasty were banned and changed to the five military governors' mansions. Now sitting in the central capital is Zhang Wubing, the governor of the left army. In terms of real power and official position, he is almost equivalent to the former governor of the central capital.

But today's Zhang Wubing is different from the other four left governors. Among the other four left governors, Wei Wuji, the left governor of the Chinese army, is also the official of the Jiangling camp. In addition to the military power, he also holds the power of local administration. .Zha Qing, the governor of the right army and the left, was named the king of the county, but he only had military power in his hands and could not interfere with the local area.Sun Shaotang, the former governor of the left army, simply had neither of them. As for Yu Kuang, the left governor of the rear army, it was even more miserable. He lost his city and lost his land.

Only Zhang Wubing, not only has the authority to be the seal official of the central Shaanxi camp, but also has the title of county king with a different surname, and he wears the seal of the General Zhenglu, one of the three major generals, and Xu Beiyou, the general who pacified Jiangnan, and Xu Beiyou. Zhao Wuji, the great general of Zhenshuo who pacified the Northeast, was comparable. Although these three generals were only temporary positions, in terms of honor, they were almost equivalent to the three princes of Taishi, Taifu, and Taibao.

As for why the imperial court treated Zhang Wubing so courteously, the reason is very simple. In the case of enemies coming from all directions, Zhang Wubing had to rely on his own army to resist the entire grassland army. The imperial court could not give him money and food, nor could he support Others, the only things that can be given to him are these empty names.

Today's northwest war is mainly concentrated in Liangzhou, and Shanzhou is still relatively peaceful.However, Zhang Wubing fought against the grassland and the country by himself. Even though Brobi Khan withdrew the army, which caused Lin Han's army to delay again and again, but at this time, the Northwest Left Army, which had suffered heavy casualties, had become exhausted. The division, under the condition of serious depletion of armaments and arrows and no external reinforcements, has roughly withdrawn from Liangzhou and retreated to Shanzhou for a temporary rest.

In other words, most of Liangzhou has fallen.

This is no wonder for Zhang Wubing, Wei Wuji and him had conceived the idea of ​​counterattacking the grassland at the beginning, but the premise must be to conquer the grassland with the power of the whole country of Daqi, not to resist the power of the whole family of the grassland with a corner of the northwest .

So this result was actually within the expectation of the temple masters.

Zhang Wubing will be defeated sooner or later, the key lies in whether the imperial court can pacify Jiangnan before Zhang Wubing is defeated.It now appears that not only is the imperial court pacifying Jiangnan, but the three northeastern states have also been pacified. Although Liangzhou has been lost, the overall situation is developing in a better direction.


Under the mobilization order of the grassland Khan King Lin Han, and also because of the intensified white disaster, not only the big tribes, but also many small tribes sent their own young and strong, and this made the grassland clans trend.

The place where the Northwest Army was originally stationed had been emptied by people, leaving only a large open space. After a heavy snowfall, it was completely white, and there were no traces of previous human habitation.

Just after the snow stopped, a cavalry team came here through the thick snow. The riders all wore ermine hats and fox furs, with precious scimitars studded with various precious stones hanging from their waists.

The first rider was a middle-aged man wearing a black fox fur. The fox fur was not very gorgeous, and even had variegated colors.If you were in the imperial capital or Jiangdu, the rich and powerful would disdain this kind of fox fur, and the high-ranking officials and dignitaries would prefer a pure-colored fox fur, even half-colored fox fur, but this middle-aged man who obviously came from an extraordinary background didn't care at all. , he took the lead to stop his horse on a small hill and looked in the direction of Zhongdu.

Followed by an old man with an old face, he pointed in the direction of Zhongdu with his horsewhip, and said: "The line of Zhongdu lies on the north of Baishan Mountain, and north of Baishan Mountain is the Qinghe River, which divides the grassland into two parts to the northwest. Daqi’s racecourse, Hanoi Prefecture. Now we are like a car that runs unimpeded in chess. We can advance, attack, retreat, and defend. If we want to go south to the Central Plains in a very short time, we can bypass the central capital and drive straight in from the southwest line. The southwest line In the final analysis, there are two terrains that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, the Xiliang Corridor and the Hexi Plain. Now that we have crossed the Xiliang Corridor and pulled out several major camps on the Hexi Plain, the entire Liangzhou is no longer dangerous."

Speaking of this, the old man pointed to the ground under his feet with his horsewhip, and said with a smile, "It's like that little girl who has been stripped of her clothes, there is no room for resistance."

Hearing the old man's last words, everyone in the cavalry team laughed knowingly, and the old man continued: "Hanoi, Zhongdu, Shanzhong, and Dunhuang form a trinity. From southwest to northwest, they are Dunhuang, Zhong The capital, Hanoi, and behind the three is Shanzhou. After crossing Liangzhou, there are two options. One is to take advantage of the trend to attack Shanzhou, and then cross Xilingkou, approaching Zhili Prefecture and even the imperial capital of the Daqi court. The second is to bypass the Shanghang Mountains and go eastward to Qizhou, Yuzhou and other places. Now that the Daqi Dynasty has divided its troops into three places, it will definitely cause internal emptiness. If a cavalry force breaks into the hinterland of the Central Plains at this time, no matter which option it is, whether it can be achieved or not, It is enough to shake the Daqi government and the public, and even panic the people."

The man who had been smiling lightly all this time finally spoke, "Father, the king's whip went inside."

The old man is Lin Han, Khan King of the Golden Tent, and the middle-aged man is Lin Han's favorite fourth son, Lin Shu.

Lin Han said slowly: "Mutang's success is not enough, and he also took advantage of one of the king's sons, Xiao Huaiyu, who was smart all his life, but in the end, his cleverness was mistaken by his cleverness, and he fell into a dead end. Now we are the only ones left."

Lin Shu asked: "Father, those two vassal kings were defeated. Although we now have the support of the Taoist sect, even if we can ignore the Molun Temple and the Nahachu tribe behind us, we can also ignore the fact that we are already dying. Zhang Wubing, but against the last Daqi court who has no internal worries, what if..."

Before Lin Shu could finish speaking, Lin Han waved his hand and said softly, "Do we have any other way to go? Behind us is the vast white disaster of heavy snow crushing people, and in front of us is a seriously injured patient. Are you taking advantage of this?" He was sick and killed, and then made his money, house, wife and daughter all his own, or retreated to the snow to suffer from the cold, and waited for this person to recover from his injuries, and then came back to beat you?"

Lin Shu was slightly taken aback and fell silent.

Lin Han sighed, "If you advance, you will die, and if you retreat, you will die. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to win the chance."

"If you can't catch this chance, you will die. If you catch it, you will be the greatest wealth and glory in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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