Chapter 1217

According to the military report that the prairie army went straight to the city of Zhongdu, it rushed into the city of Zhongdu. According to the current marching speed of the prairie army, it will arrive at the city of Zhongdu in one day at the earliest, and three days at the latest.

After Xu Beiyou and Zhang Wubing got the news, they climbed to the top of Zhongdu together.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Xu Beiyou has climbed to the top of the city of Zhongdu. The previous two visits were in a hurry, and he was not qualified to go to this place. This time, he went to the top of the city as a general of the imperial court. There is a feeling of giving pointers to the country.

Xu Beiyou put his hands on the tall battlements, looked out through the lookout, and said, "I didn't feel much before, but now I feel more and more that the battles that should be fought must be fought, and the battles that should not be fought should be fought. Don’t fight too much, if you can kill fewer people, it’s always good.”

Zhang Wubing took off his helmet and hugged it in his arms, and said slowly: "What is the battle that should be fought? What is the battle that should not be fought?"

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "We guard the northwest and the gate of the country. This is a battle that should be fought. Xiao Jin, Lin Han, and Mutang are fighting for their own selfish desires. Disrupting the world, this is a battle that shouldn't be fought. That's Mr. Master." The unjust war of the mouth."

Zhang Wubing was noncommittal about this, maybe he thought Xu Beiyou's thoughts were too childish, or maybe he thought Xu Beiyou's realm was too high, he had already reached the point of seeing mountains or mountains, in short, the two had different opinions, so he changed the topic, Said: "This time, Lin Han's army is coming in a menacing manner, with a total of 40 people. After repeated losses, our Northwest army still has [-] soldiers to fight. It is not difficult to defend the city, but the difficulty is to be able to fight." How long will you stay?"

Xu Beiyou frowned and said, "The Nahachu tribe has already withdrawn its troops, but why does Lin Han still have such a huge force?"

Zhang Wubing said with a wry smile: "Before there was Xiao Jin in the south of the Yangtze River, and Mutang in the northeast, Lin Han felt that we were too busy to take care of ourselves, so we didn't really try our best, and wanted to keep a little backup, but under the sudden turn of the situation Afterwards, the King of the Grassland also knew that it was time to go all out, so he moved out all his family properties. In terms of military strength alone, the Grassland is not inferior to the Daqi court, not to mention the twelve divisions of the royal court. In Taiji, there are as many as 74 people, even if there is no chaos between King Wei and the Mu clan, it will not be a day's work to pacify the grassland."

Xu Beiyou raised his eyebrows, "If Lin Han had gone all out from the beginning, wouldn't the Northwest be in danger."

Zhang Wubing smiled and said: "That's not necessarily the case. The previous situation was indeed very good for the three feudal lords. Who would go to the bottom of the boat when the winning ticket is in their hands? Isn't this a disease, so I can't blame Lin Han. If I In his position, he will probably make the same choice."

Xu Beiyou nodded.

In terms of military affairs, he is indeed not very proficient, far inferior to Zhang Wubing, a veteran in the battlefield.

When he came to the northwest this time, he didn't think about how to strategize or dispatch troops, he just wanted to use the sword in his hand to help Zhang Wubing solve the current predicament.

Thinking of this, Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to hold Zhu Xian by his waist.

The whole person's momentum changed completely, as if a three-foot green sharp edge was slightly out of its sheath, and the cold light suddenly appeared, but it would not show its sharpness.

Xu Beiyou's eyes burst out with purple air, erratic, he looked as far as he could, and said slowly: "It seems that this time not only Lin Han has moved out of all his family properties, but also Daoists are not stingy."

Zhang Wubing asked: "How to say?"

Xu Beiyou said in a deep voice, "There are experts."


After the prairie army arrived outside the city of Zhongdu, they set up camp. There was a separate tent in the camp, not far from the commander's tent, and it was quite quiet. Among them, only an old man with white hair and black clothes raised a glass and drank, his mood was calm.

This old man who was born in a Taoist school is not only one generation higher than the current Taoist head teacher Qiu Ye, not only belongs to the same generation as Zhongli Anning, Xiao Shen, Shangguan Xianchen and others, but also has the same generation as the old head teacher Zichen, Tianchen , Fu Chen and others are brothers from the same master.

On the opposite side is a middle-aged woman. Although the woman seems to be about the same age as Zhang Xueyao, Qin Mumian and others, in terms of seniority, the woman who has lived for nearly three years is taller than Zhang Xueyao and others A generation.When Gongsun Zhongmou was the first disciple of the Sword Sect, the woman was already one of the seven peak masters of the Taoist sect. After the battle of the imperial capital, she joined forces with the other two peak masters to fight against the sword sect that came with ten thousand swords. Even though the suzerain Shangguan Xianchen was defeated, he also saved his life under Shangguan Xianchen's sword.

From this point of view, she is fully two generations higher than Xu Beiyou.

However, in terms of friendship, she is four generations higher than Xu Beiyou, so she can be regarded as the generation of the ancestors.

Because she is the eldest sister of Mr. Fu Chen, the aunt of Queen Mother Lin, the former master of Yuheng Peak, and Yuchen, the master of Taoism.

She was the one who teamed up with Xiao Shen, who rebelled against the Sword Sect, to snatch Qingping Fajian and Biyou Island.

As for the person sitting opposite her, it was none other than her Taoist companion, the former master of Tianquan Peak, Daoist Master Weichen.

When the old head teacher Zichen was still in office, because of the long-term retreat, the Taoist sect was replaced by a master peak master. The first peak master was Tianxuan peak master Wuchen. After Chen fell into the realm, the one who took over from Wuchen was the owner of Tianquan Peak, Weichen.

Speaking of Weichen, he also has a deep connection with Jianzong. Back then, Zhang Xueyao's uncle, Jianzong Jianhuang Zhang Chongguang died in his hands, and his saber Shuangtian Xiaojiao also fell into Weichen's hands. He gave it to Xiao Yu, and then returned to Xu Beiyou's hands.

During the battle of Dingding, the two sides fought with all their masters. Xiao Yu personally fought against Fu Chen, the abbot of Buddhism and the three great masters fought against the five elders of Xuanjiao, Tianchen fought against Qingchen, and Weichen also participated in this battle, beheading Xu, the deputy leader of the White Lotus Sect. Hong Confucianism.

Going forward, in the battle of Julu City, Weichen repelled Li Xu, the elder of the Xuanjiao East, with the pure uniform sword.

In the battle of Meishan, Weichen used the technique of the five declines of heaven and man to overwhelm Mr. Cui Da of Tianji Pavilion, causing him to lose all his cultivation, and then died on the spot.

Even when the Taoist sect attacked the Molun Temple, it was personally presided over by the former Taoist sect master Fengzhu.

In terms of performance alone, in the ten years of competition, Weichen was only defeated by Shangguan Xianchen.

The husband and wife can be said to be high-ranking and powerful in the Taoist sect, and their qualifications are profound. It was only after the sky dust flew up, Qiu Ye ascended to the position of head teacher, and the two stepped down from their respective positions of peak masters one after another, and began to retreat to seek longevity. Years don't ask about world affairs, until not long ago, the two had just left customs.

Logically speaking, even with Qiu Ye as the head teacher, it would be difficult to invite the two of them to leave the mountain, but there was one thing that made the two of them make up their minds to leave Xuandu and go down the mountain.

That was the only son of the two, who died in Houjian, and his head was cut off as a gift.

The culprit is none other than the present Sect Master of the Sword Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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