That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1228 Returning After Killing

Chapter 1228 Returning After Killing
There was such a big commotion in the grassland camp, and soon there were grassland masters arriving one after another, but there were no figures of the grassland Khan Lin Han and the fourth prince Lin Shu. Compared with the chief high priest Baishui Duan, the second high priest is relatively unknown and also a generation younger.He is a disciple of Heishuiwan and a nephew of Baishuiduan. His name is Hei Yanqi. Because he is valued by Lin Han, he can become the second highest priest. He is not in the ancestral court of Shamanism on weekdays, but attends the royal court. , is regarded as Lin Han's confidant.

After Hei Yanqi arrived here, he didn't see the messy scene as he imagined, but it was unexpectedly clean, because the "Urg", which symbolized the majesty of the chief high priest, was the high priest Bai Shuiduan himself Forget it, everything has disappeared at this time, and everything within a radius of one hundred feet has been reduced to dust under the soaring sword aura just now, so there is only a flat open space left here. If you look down from a high altitude, , It's like a blank area suddenly appeared between the densely packed "fields and crops", which is very conspicuous.

Although Hei Yanqi was not here just now, he could feel the frighteningness of that sword energy just by feeling it from afar. Even if the High Priest Baishui Duan had a high level of cultivation, he might not be able to escape from this sword energy An end of life and death, thinking of this, while Hei Yanqi was afraid in his heart, he couldn't help feeling secretly happy. If Baishui Duan really died under this sword energy, the power of the shamanism would be destroyed. to fall into his hands.

However, Hei Yanqi didn't show the slightest bit on his face, his face was as deep as water, and there was a bit of just right shock and anger between his brows, and he asked slowly: "What's going on?"

One of the shaman priests who rushed here first replied softly: "Someone assassinated the high priest just now. Although the high priest used the method of substitute, he was destroyed by someone with a sword and destroyed Urg. The high priest once tried to escape from this place, but was beheaded by that man with a single sword, and his spirit and soul were completely wiped out."

Hei Yanqi was dumbfounded, this time he didn't pretend, but was really shocked, he didn't care to hide it, and asked: "The high priest's substitute puppet was also destroyed? That substitute puppet is the result of my shamanism's all-out manpower. The material power has just been forged, even those top fighters who are dedicated to cultivating power cannot be destroyed, how can it be destroyed by a sword? What about the wreckage of the puppet? Get it quickly!"

The shaman priest had a strange expression on his face, and said cautiously: "If my subordinate guessed correctly, the substitute puppet has already been reduced to powder, and there is no wreckage left..."

Hei Yanqi abruptly interrupted his words, "No wreckage!?"

The shaman priest shaman lowered his eyebrows, "Yes, there are no wreckage left."

Hei Yanqi felt as if he had been poured on his head by a basin of ice water from the extremely cold North Sea, and shivered, and then there was a chill on his back, which rushed straight to the back of his head along his spine , It made his scalp explode, the previous little joy was gone, only the bone-chilling chill remained.

Although he likes power, he has not yet reached the point where he is obsessed with power. No matter how good power is, he must have his life to enjoy it. In the current world, there is only one person who can have this level of cultivation and is born as a sword cultivator. It's the fiercely famous Sect Master of Jianzong, who is the emperor's son-in-law of the Daqi court, and will soon change from emperor's son-in-law to emperor's husband, and has a deep hatred with the Taoist sect, so it is reasonable to attack the grassland army. If he took over the position of Baishui Duan, wouldn't he put himself on the stove to roast?Maybe one day the great sword fairy will take his head away with a single sword, and he will die so badly that he can't die anymore.

How does this make him not afraid?
Fortunately, the Great Sword Immortal had left at this time, and there was no sign of staying here to continue killing, which made him a little relieved.It is said that the sky is falling, and there is a tall man holding it up. At this moment, it seems that these words are really good words. The four living Buddhas in Baishuiduan and Molun Temple are lessons from the past. Hei Yanqi secretly made up his mind in his heart. At such a moment, it is better for me to be a turtle with a shrunken head. Let those people in the Taoist sect do the things in the head.

Just when Hei Yanqi was hesitating and wanted to shirk the matter but was afraid of being held accountable by King Khan, Captain Zuo, who was responsible for guarding King Khan's golden tent, led his men to this place. Born in Lushi Xingbu, one of the twelve tribes, he has the status of Taiji himself, and he is also Lin Han's confidant. Whether it is in the Royal Court Golden Tent or in the Grassland Army, his status is extraordinary.

Speaking of power, this Captain Zuo may not be inferior to Hei Yanqi who has not yet grasped the real power of shamanism.

When Hei Yanqi saw this person coming, he was certain in his heart, with a smile on his face, he took the initiative to say: "Brother Lu, you are here too."

Since the Emperor Taizu of Zheng made a northern expedition to the prairie and made an alliance with the royal court of the prairie, the nobles of the prairie changed their surnames to the Central Plains one after another. At this time, the captain of the Zuo was Lu and his name was Wei. The majestic sword intent that shot straight into the sky, still without the slightest fear, asked directly: "But what did that evil beast Xu Beiyou do?"

Hei Yanqi with an uncertain face hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "It's this person."

Lu Weishen snorted coldly, "Sure enough, it is this beast. After the Central Plains is captured, we will kill this beast and take his wife and daughter."

This person, this dog, the difference of one word, the difference between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Hei Yanqi suddenly felt a warning sign, and he moved a small step calmly.

The next moment, another ray of sword energy came from outside the sky. This ray of sword energy was extremely thin and hard to detect, just like the thin thread used by women when they are female celebrities.

In fact, except for Hei Yanqi, who has the highest cultivation base, no one has noticed this ray of sword energy, and then saw this ray of sword energy flying between Lu Weiyak's neck, gently entangled and twisted, like a rope Hang on the rope.

Sure enough, after the thread of sword energy was entangled, it tightened suddenly, and then lifted up again.

First, a huge head flew into the air, and then a headless corpse collapsed to the ground.

The head did not fall to the ground, as if it was grabbed by an invisible fairy palm, and flew straight into the sky, leaving only a headless corpse in the end.

Seeing this scene, Hei Yanqi breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time sneered. Everyone knows that the master of the Sword Sect wants to fight the head teacher of the Taoist sect. Since Xu Beiyou dared to challenge Qiuye, let alone whether he could win, he just To say that he is qualified to challenge means that his cultivation is unfathomable. The death of Baishui Duan proves this point even more. How can you and I easily provoke him?Now that you have angered this person by speaking rudely, and lost your life in vain, who can you blame?

People should have a heart of reverence, otherwise misfortune will come out of their mouths, and it will be too late to regret.

(End of this chapter)

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