Chapter 1243

Just like what Wei Wuji said to Bai Yu, everything is best if you put it first, he said so, and he did the same.So without Xu Beiyou and Xie Suqing saying hello, or even hinting, he has already handled the big and small things on the Jiangnan side cleanly, and after sorting out the intertwined relationships of all parties, he straightened them out one by one, taking into account all parties, and making people challenge There is no mistake, in the future the two parties will learn the details of this, even if they don't say it, they will keep this favor in their hearts.

This is the way of being an official that Wei Wuji has realized through years of practice.

As for Zhang Wubing, although he is not as proficient as Wei Wuji, after all, he has been in the officialdom for many years, and he has some experience. When he heard that Xu Beiyou wanted to retreat, he immediately found a good place for him. Chonglong Temple in the capital.

Chonglong Temple is the largest and best Taoist temple in the entire Northwest. Even if you look at the entire Taoist gate, it is also the number one Taoist temple, second only to the green landscape of Meishan, the Zirong Temple in Jiangdu, the Taiqing Palace in Qizhou, and Linxian Mansion There are only a few places such as Qingxu Palace.It was built in the inner city of Zhongdu, and it also follows the mountain. The deeper the building, the higher the terrain. The deepest and highest point is a nine-story pavilion. In order to imply the supreme supernatural power of the Taoist ancestor, There are tens of thousands of golden lamps in it. Every grand festival, the deacon Taoist of Guannei will light up all the golden lamps with Xuantong. You can see the magnificent scene here, like a fairy palace in the sky.

But today's Chonglong Temple no longer has such a grand scene. After the Taoist sect broke with the imperial court, Zhang Wubing sent troops to expel the Taoists from the city, and brought Chonglong Temple under the name of the imperial court. Talking about Qingxiu, Zhang Wubing logically sent this place to Xu Beiyou.After all, the Qingjing Landscape in Meishan and the Zirong Temple in Jiangdu Daoshufang have already belonged to Xu Beiyou, and it would not be a mistake to send out the Chonglong Temple in Zhongdu. The court is the eldest princess who is in power, and no one dares to say What.

Speaking of Chonglong Temple, it can be said that it has a deep connection with Xu Beiyou. When Xu Beiyou left Danxiazhai for the first time and came to Zhongdu, he came to Chonglong Temple. He wanted to watch the grand scene of thousands of golden lanterns. Want to be involved in the plot of the Northwest Dark Guard Mansion, rescued Zhiyun by chance, which led to all kinds of things later, looking back now, it really seemed like a dream.

Under Zhang Wubing's personal guidance, Xu Beiyou came to Chonglong Temple, not long after entering the temple, a one-armed man in a flying fish suit greeted him, unexpectedly he was an old acquaintance.

Xu Beiyou smiled lightly and said, "Lord Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing?"

The person who came here was Lu Chen, the governor of the Northwest Dark Guard Mansion who planned the Chonglong Temple incident. Seeing Xu Beiyou again this time can be described as mixed feelings. Who would have thought that the inconspicuous young man who followed Gongsun Zhongmou back then, He was able to transform himself into the master of the Sword Sect, the emperor's son-in-law, the elder of Xiaoge, the king of Nanping County, the general of Pinglu, and even the Great Sword Immortal who is known as one of the only three people in the world. The great deacon of the Demon Temple, the King of the Wheel, had already died under the sword of this young man, and even the huge Town Demon Temple was destroyed by this person. He was just lucky, and he was not involved too much. Strictly speaking, It’s because the situation in the imperial capital has changed in the past few years. The emperor has changed three times. No one has had time to pursue the matter of his little secret guard mansion, the governor of the dark guard mansion. , I am afraid that there is no hope of removing the word "generation" in this life.

In fact, after Lu Chen heard the news that Xu Beiyou had come to Zhongdu, let alone a mere official, he even had a will to die. In his opinion, Xu Beiyou doesn't have to do it himself if he wants to avenge his past, but It's a one-sentence matter, no one will speak for him, it's already kind to not add insult to injury, no matter how you look at it, he will definitely die.

However, as the saying goes, since ancient times, hardship is the only way to die. Since he had the will to die, Lu Chen felt much less fear, and calmly knelt down to salute, "My minister, Lu Chen, has seen the emperor's son-in-law."

Xu Beiyou gave him a little support, "Lord Lu, you don't need to be too polite."

Lu Chen got up slowly, seeing that Xu Beiyou didn't bring up the matter of the year, he became a little uneasy again, and he couldn't help showing hesitation.

Xu Beiyou asked, "Master Lu, do you have something to say?"

Lu was silent for a moment, heaved a sigh of relief, knelt down again and said, "The emperor's son-in-law... General, Lu once sent people to hunt down and kill the general, and asked the general to punish and prosecute him."

Xu Beiyou froze for a moment, but didn't answer immediately.

Zhang Wubing looked at Xu Beiyou and remained silent.

After a while, Xu Beiyou slowly opened his mouth and said: "At this time and at that time, I was not a great general, nor was I an emperor's son-in-law or a young man, nor was I even considered the first disciple of the Sword Sect, but I also protected people in the Taoist sect. , Mr. Lu, as the governor of the Northwest Dark Guard Mansion, what is his duty, what is his crime?"

Lu Chen's heart suddenly became confused. He didn't know whether to be happy or worried. What he was afraid of was that Xu Beiyou would pursue this matter. Now that Xu Beiyou didn't want to pursue it, he should be happy, but he was not sure whether Xu Beiyou was really wrong. He didn't care about it, so he still didn't get up, and said in a deep voice: "Although it is so, if it is wrong, it is wrong. Lu Chen still asks the general to deal with it."

Xu Beiyou stretched out a hand and put it in front of him, "Even if Lord Lu chased me back then, he didn't do anything to me. I'm still alive and well. If I, Xu Beiyou, would hold Lord Lu accountable for such a trivial matter Well, Master Lu is too underestimating me, Xu Beiyou, and I am not the kind of person who always pays every penny. In short, I will not mention the past. If Master Lu trusts me, Xu, please get up. In the future, Master Lu To be loyal to the imperial court and dedicate yourself to the king's affairs, that would be a crime."

Lu Chen was stunned, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He kowtowed heavily to Xu Beiyou, and said in a trembling voice, "Lu Chen is willing to be a great general and do his best for the imperial court."

Then he tremblingly held Xu Beiyou's outstretched hand, and stood up.

Zhang Wubing withdrew his gaze, and there was a little more smile in his eyes.

Next, Lu Chen reported to Xu Beiyou in detail the current internal and external affairs of Chonglong Temple, and at the same time slightly mentioned the matter of Chonglong Temple's extermination. After Xu Beiyou heard about it, he didn't issue any orders, just let him go about his own affairs, and then He also asked Zhang Wubing to take care of Li Shentong on his behalf, and then he went to the nine-story pavilion deep in the temple alone.

After Lu Chen left Chonglong Temple, even he, a deep and powerful figure in the secret guard of the city, had a smile on his face that couldn't be concealed. It made him feel a sense of pride. This great general deserves to be a supreme figure who turned the world around by his own power. The so-called saint who saved the world is nothing more than that.

(End of this chapter)

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