That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1245 Feijian sent a letter to ask Zhinan

Chapter 1245 Feijian sent a letter to ask Zhinan

Xu Beiyou stood in front of this statue of Daoist Lord Taiqing, and did not experience any visions.However, this is also reasonable, otherwise we would not pay attention to the word chance, just like the statue of Shangqing Daojun on the top of Jianfeng, which has been standing for many years, but except for the heirs of Jianzong, others stand in front of the statue. I have no chance to meet the Daoist Lord of the Qing Dynasty.As Xu Beiyou is a descendant of the Shangqing Dynasty, it is reasonable for him not to see the Daoist Lord of the Taiqing Manifestation.

But after Xu Beiyou saw this scene, he wanted to understand what happened back then.

I am afraid it is related to the dispute between the Three Qings.

The Taoist ancestor preached the three friends, and transformed the three Qings with one breath, namely Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing.After Daozu ascended to the sky, the three Daoist Lords had disagreements with each other and because of the struggle for power, they launched a dispute over the orthodoxy. The Great Daojun teamed up to defeat the most powerful Shangqing Daojun, forcing him to leave Xuandu and go to the East China Sea, and finally created Jianzong on 36 Island.

Since then, Daoist Yuqing has become the actual head of the Sanqing, and he is in charge of the Taoist sect. Later, the Daoist sect that was once called by the three schools has become the lineage of Daoist Yuqing. As for the lineage of Daoist Taiqing, although It has also been handed down to the world, such as the Taiqing Palace of Taoism in Qizhou, but compared with the Yuqing lineage that monopolized the Zixiao Palace in Xuandu, it pales in comparison. The fusion of the Buddhist branches of Buddhism formed the Xuanjiao, which was later established, and the word "Xuanjiao" in the name of Xuanjiao came from this.

In general, although the Taiqing lineage chose to attach itself to the Yuqing lineage to preserve its orthodoxy, it has been in decline for many years and has gradually become a marginalized person in the Taoist sect. It is not only the Yuqing Palace that discusses matters.

Now the Taoist sect, the Shangqing lineage has established itself, so let's not mention it for the time being.The remaining two lines of inheritance, in name only the combination of the two can be called Taoism.But in fact, Yuqing's lineage is in charge of power, forming a pattern that Yuqing is the Taoist, and the master of Yuqing is the master of the Taoist. The other seven people took up the position of Qimai peak master respectively, and Zichen inherited the position of head teacher. Since then, there is no room for Taiqing disciples to speak in the Taoist sect. It's just the master of the Taoist gate.

Now it seems that the old master of Chonglong Temple should be the descendant of Taiqing lineage, so the matter of Chonglongguan may be the attack of Yuqing lineage against Taiqing lineage. After all, Fu Zhongtian himself was born in Yuqing lineage. In the Qing lineage, his father Weichen and his mother Yuchen are both Taoist elders, and they can be called the undisputed descendants of the Yuqing lineage. He personally planned the Chonglong Temple against the Taiqing lineage. What happened was unexpected and reasonable.

Thinking of this, Xu Beiyou felt somewhat enlightened as he saw the sun and the moon through the clouds and mist.

If it was a dispute between Yuqing and Taiqing, then it would make sense that Gongsun Zhongmou, who was a member of the Shangqing, would appear here.

However, Xu Beiyou still hadn't figured out one thing. Was it really just a coincidence that Xiao Zhinan appeared in the Central Capital Palace at that time?Or did she also know what was going on in advance?After all, as the princess of the current dynasty and in charge of Peony, Xiao Bai, who had not succeeded to the throne at that time, might not be able to compare with Xiao Zhinan in terms of power.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Beiyou still couldn't figure it out, so he simply shook out the special return of the twelve swords from his sleeve, and sent Xiao Zhinan a letter of flying swords to inquire about it.

Shu Gui flew out of the pavilion and disappeared in the night sky.

About an hour later, Shugui returned to Xu Beiyou again. Xu Beiyou took off the envelope on the sword, and took a special look at the baking varnish on the seal. The word "Zhinan" was indeed printed on it.

The so-called baking varnish means that the lacquer stick solidified on a copper stick is first baked and melted on the fire, then pasted on the seal of the envelope, and then stamped for anti-counterfeiting. The seal of "Zhinan" is Xiao Zhinan's private seal, which is usually only used when the husband and wife communicate with each other.

Xu Beiyou stretched out the nail of the little finger of his right hand, carefully picked off the seal, and took out the letter paper from the envelope, which was filled with dense small script with hairpin flowers, which was exactly Xiao Zhinan's handwriting.

Xu Beiyou was the only one who allowed Xiao Zhinan to take time out of his busy schedule to write such a long letter.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to smooth the creases of the plain letter paper, and began to read the letter carefully.

Then he discovered that Xiao Zhinan had guessed about this matter earlier than himself, but Xiao Zhinan thought that this matter had little to do with the Shangqing lineage, so he never told Xu Beiyou.In fact, long after Xiao Zhinan and Xu Beiyou parted ways in Jiangnan Xieyuan, she ordered Mudan to investigate the matter, and made considerable progress, but at that time Xiao Zhinan was worrying about his own marriage, so he didn't pay more attention to this matter, but Ask Mudan to seal up the relevant files. Today Xu Beiyou asked about this again, so she re-read the relevant files and told Xu Beiyou all her guesses.

Because Mudan was responsible for monitoring the Dark Guard Mansion, Huaping, who was in charge of investigating the matter at the beginning, specifically consulted the files sealed by the Dark Guard Mansion. The guards killed Taoist Qingye, the number one expert in Chonglong Temple, but Huaping couldn't find any records about these five inner guards in the roster of the inner guards. Those five people seemed to not exist.

The so-called internal guards, also known as the palace guards, are the great internal masters in the world population. They are the masters at the top of the military force of the dynasty. There are more than [-] internal guards, and the rest are third-class internal guards.On weekdays, there is the responsibility of defending the emperor and the palace, and it is under the command of the Dark Guard Mansion, but without the emperor's order, even the three governors of the Dark Guard Mansion dare not move lightly. Internal guards, so it is recorded in his file that these five second-class internal guards were personally dispatched by Fu Zhongtian, who was then the left governor of the Dark Guard Mansion, to deal with Taoist Qingye.

For this reason, Huaping also asked the commander of the internal guards, the ghost, for verification, but there was still no record of these five people.

In other words, the five people who appeared in Chonglong Temple and besieged Qingye that day were by no means internal guards.

Here is the article.

Since those five people were not internal guards, who could they be?Reminiscing that they were transferred by Fu Zhongtian, Xu Beiyou had a preliminary idea.

These five people are the real masters of the Taoist Yuqing lineage. Under Fu Zhongtian's arrangement, they used their identities as internal guards to hide their eyes and ears, and took advantage of Lu Chen's extermination of the sect Chonglong Temple to take the opportunity to kill Leng Chen, the master of the Taiqing lineage. .

As for the Taoist Qingye in Chonglong Temple, he is actually the Daoist Qingye that Xu Beiyou saw in Julu City in the future, but judging from the various actions of this Daoist later, he should have chosen to abandon Taiqingyi. The veins belonged to Yuqing's lineage, and even Leng Chen's death, maybe he also had a share of the credit.

Looking back now, even Xu Beiyou, who has experienced countless big scenes, is a little bit afraid. The battles of those big real people should have happened in a small thousand world, and it is very likely that it was in Qingye's mountain and river talisman, so There was no earth-shattering scene. It was really inconceivable that he, a stunned young man who did not yet have the realm of ghosts and immortals, accidentally broke into the battle of these earth immortal monks.

(End of this chapter)

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