Chapter 1250

As early as Xu Beiyou decided to lead Jianzong back to Island 36, the entire Jianzong began to get busy.After all, today's 36 islands are still barren ruins. Even if the other 35 islands are put aside for the time being, Biyou Island, as the main island, cannot continue to maintain this barren scene, allowing visitors to participate in Xu Beiyou's journey amidst ruins. Suzerain's ascension ceremony.

Strictly speaking, the suzerain's ascension ceremony is the most important ceremony of a sect. Although Xu Beiyou has officially assumed the position of suzerain of Jianzong, this is also a matter of urgency. There should be a ceremony, because it is related to Jianzong's face, so Indispensable.

This is like the succession of the emperor, the crown prince received the edict of succession from the old emperor who was seriously ill and dying. The chair begins to rule in the court, and there will be an enthronement ceremony in the middle, which is almost the meaning of the suzerain's enthronement ceremony.

Originally, according to Zhang Xueyao's idea, after the world was settled, Xu Beiyou's ascension ceremony would be held in Qingfeng Square in Jiangdu. After all, Jiangdu is a prosperous place, whether it is entertaining guests from all over the world or arranging the ceremony, it will not be lost. face.But since Xu Beiyou decided to let Jianzong return to Biyou Island, the ascension ceremony can no longer be held in Jiangdu, but must be held on Biyou Island, so the most important thing for Jianzong now is to repair Biyou Island , I dare not say that the glory of the past will be reproduced, but it must always be like that, with some fairy atmosphere, so that I can entertain guests from all over the world.

The ascension ceremony is the face of Jianzong, and Biyou Island is the door of Jianzong. For the sake of the face of her own sect, Zhang Xueyao can be said to have brought out all the old background that Jianzong has accumulated over the years, and will spare Biyou Island at all costs. The island has been refurbished.Under her leadership, Jianzong mobilized almost half of the sect's power to go to Biyou Island, and she even visited Biyou Island in person.

This time, in addition to Zhang An who was in charge of scheduling in Zhenjiang, Zhang Yuping and Wu Yu also came to Biyou Island together. Speaking of which, this was the first time Wu Yu set foot on Biyou Island. Yuan, which is very different from the Biyou Island she imagined in her mind, is naturally a little disappointed, and then regretful.According to the records in the sect's classics, Biyou Island was like a fairyland at the beginning, with cranes circling the clouds and blue luan singing, it is not inferior to the Taoist Xuandu, but now it has become like this, who can not sigh for it.

When it comes to regret, Zhang Xueyao is the one who feels the most.A person's state of mind has a lot to do with the environment in which he lives.On the battlefield, surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood, it is naturally sad and desolate.In the Qinlou Chu Pavilion, with beautiful women in front of my eyes and melodious voices in my ears, I can't think of wanting nothing.It is precisely because of this that the sect also set up the mountain gate in a place far away from the world, in order to prevent the disciples from being contaminated with the world of mortals too early.

After all, Zhang Xueyao has lived on Biyou Island for nearly 20 years, and is familiar with every plant and tree here. Since the overthrow of Jianzong, she has never set foot on Biyou Island. Old people and old things are on the mind, the master, husband, elders, and peers have all passed away, so is it more than just touching the scene and hurting the feelings?

Even if Zhang Xueyao has read everything in the world, it is difficult not to be affected by the environment.At this time, walking on a remnant path on Biyou Island, the scene of the year seemed to reappear in front of my eyes. The bamboo forest is green, quiet and far-reaching. There is a picture in my mind, young men and women walk through the bamboo forest along the path, and fold a Cut green bamboo to make a hole flute, and when the flute sounds, it attracts a hundred birds to surround it.

But in a blink of an eye, the picture in front of him was instantly fragmented, and when he looked up, there was no bamboo forest, no birds, only a desert, and even the path under his feet was already half buried in the soil.

What a gap.

The reason why Zhang Xueyao objected to returning to Biyou Island was probably because she was afraid to face Biyou Island again.

It's better not to see each other.

On this point, Zhang Xueyao felt that she was far inferior to Xu Beiyou.

Zhang Xueyao suddenly stopped, looked up, and saw two men coming from a distance, one old and one young, the old one looked about sixty years old, and the young one was about the same as Xu Beiyou.

Zhang Xueyao looked at the two people, shook her sleeves, and was about to greet them.

The old man among them is an old acquaintance. It is Lan Yu, who is known as the old man of Lan. The two had known each other before ten years of competition. The princesses of the country are all extremely noble people. They got to know each other because of Xiao Yu, who was still down and out at the time, and later they became enemies because of Xiao Yu.According to calculations, from the 37th year of Zhengming to the 24th year of Taiping, the two had known each other for 63 years.

As for the young man next to Lanyu, he looks young, but he is actually a young man. His name is Wang Sheng, and he is one of the master craftsmen of Tianji Pavilion.

The two came this time because they were invited by Jianzong to help restore Biyou Island.After all, Tianji Pavilion is best at this kind of thing. Zhang Xueyao asked Tang Shengyue to ask Lan Yu for this matter. Lan Yu didn't shirk it. After agreeing, she immediately rushed to Biyou Island. After Lan Yu and Zhang Xueyao made an agreement, the specific matters still need to be handled by master craftsman Wang Sheng and other Tianji Pavilion disciples.

After greeting each other, Zhang Xueyao asked straight to the point: "How?"

Sapphire glanced at Wang Sheng, and Wang Sheng did not give in. "It's a big project, and it will be roughly completed in a month or so. The cost of manpower and material resources is not a small amount."

Zhang Xueyao was silent for a while, and asked blankly, "How much?"

Wang Sheng said: "The pavilion master and I walked around the island just now, and roughly calculated it. As far as the wood is concerned, it would cost 700 million silver to transport it from the southern border of Shuzhou, plus The cost of stone and other materials, even if materials can be obtained locally from the ruins of Biyou Island, will cost more than 300 million taels of silver, adding up to 1000 million taels of silver. , rushing to work and other factors, I am afraid it will cost at least 2000 million taels of silver."

He immediately added, "I'm afraid 2000 million taels of silver won't be enough."

Zhang Xueyao was a little absent-minded, staring at the ruins all over the place, speechless.She didn't feel sorry for Yinzi, she was just thinking, if the 36 islands were repaired one by one, when would it take?
At this moment, Lan Yu slowly said: "Jianzong has a fleet, and the Tang family and Bailian sect in southern Xinjiang are helping each other. The former army in Shuzhou can also contribute. It is best if we can save some manpower costs for Tianji Pavilion." Control it within 2000 million taels of silver."

Wang Sheng replied in a deep voice, "Yes."

Zhang Xueyao looked at Lan Yu, with a smile on her expressionless face, "Thank you, Mr. Lan."

Sapphire waved her hand and said, "It's what should be done."

There was silence between the two, and Wang Sheng left in a hurry because he needed to measure on the spot.

After a long time, Zhang Xueyao suddenly asked: "What do you think will happen to Jianzong in the future?"

Lan Yu shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Zhang Xueyao smiled, "Tianji Pavilion, Tianji Pavilion, you, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion, don't know, who would know?"

Lan Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "It depends on Xu Beiyou."

(End of this chapter)

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