That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1260 Three Teachings Gather on Biyou Island

Chapter 1260 Three Religions Gather on Biyou Island

Xu Beiyou had no choice but to go to the old man's side first.

Fortunately, his yard is still preserved here, and there are some clothes he left behind in the past. After changing, he went to see the old man.

Since the beginning of winter, the old man's condition has been recurring. During the day, he was asleep more than awake. When Xu Beiyou came over, the old man had just taken the medicine and had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Xu Beiyou didn't wake up the old man, so he stayed by the bed for two hours, holding the old man's palm already covered with age spots, and remained silent for a long time.

It wasn't until the sky became slightly dark that Xu Beiyou left quietly.

When he came to the courtyard, Xu Beiyou swept away, drifting towards the imperial city.

In Weiyang Palace, Xiao Zhinan walked out of her bamboo palace slowly, perhaps because of the sympathy between husband and wife, she looked up, and then saw Xu Beiyou floating on the ground.

Xiao Zhinan's face suddenly burst into a bright smile, "I'm back."

Xu Beiyou walked towards him slowly, and said with a smile, "After the battle is over, I'll come back naturally."

Xiao Zhinan's smile brought out a bit of charm that ordinary people can hardly see in a lifetime, "It's good to be back."

Xu Beiyou suddenly felt very at ease, although the world is big, the place of peace of mind is different, the place of peace of mind is my hometown.

The husband and wife walked into the Bamboo Palace side by side.

It was the first time for Xu Beiyou to come here. He looked around and exclaimed, "What a wonderful place."

Xiao Zhinan said: "It's a good place to study."

Xu Beiyou glanced at the full collection of books on the bamboo bookshelf, and said with emotion: "In the world, the hundreds of years old home is nothing but accumulated virtue, and the number one good thing in the world is reading."

Xiao Zhinan smiled and said, "I see you off, you will study here from now on."

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "It would be a waste to give it to me. In a few days, I will go to Biyou Island to rebuild the Sword Sect's Sword Qi Lingkong Hall."

Xiao Zhinan's face changed slightly, he bit his lips subconsciously, and did not speak.

If it was her city, she wouldn't be so groggy, but in front of Xu Beiyou, she never deliberately concealed her emotions.

Xu Beiyou supported Xiao Zhinan's shoulders with both hands, and said softly: "The millennium foundation is here. You have your burden, it is the Daqi Dynasty left by Emperor Taizongwen, and I also have my persistence, which is the sword that Master left me Zong."

Xiao Zhinan hummed, leaned his head on Xu Beiyou's shoulder, closed his eyes, and said softly, "I know."

Xu Beiyou stretched out his sword-holding palm, hesitated for a moment, then caressed her face tremblingly, his movements were gentle, and his voice was also soft, saying, "Thank you."

Xiao Zhinan put his head in Xu Beiyou's arms, but shook his head lightly without opening his mouth.

Xu Beiyou raised his head and scanned a Buddhist scripture co-authored on the desk, "How did you start reading the Buddhist scriptures? The ruler of the country is nothing more than a believer. He just loses money. Belief in Buddhism is just luck."

Xiao Zhinan raised his head from his embrace, "Since Emperor Taizu Gao of our Xiao family, men and women have always believed in Buddhism."

Xu Beiyou murmured: "Daoist, in half a year, I will fight to the death with the Taoist."

Xiao Zhinan's face turned slightly pale, and he asked softly, "Where is it?"

Xu Beiyou said in a deep voice, "It's on Biyou Island."


The Earth Immortal cultivators, who are rarely seen on weekdays, have gathered on Biyou Island in the past few days.

The Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, which was originally destroyed by Xiao Shen, and the Baiyu Square, which was destroyed by the battle between Gongsun Zhongmou and Qiuye Lianhuafeng, were repaired at an astonishing speed with the efforts of Tianji Pavilion, and then ushered in it. 's first guest.

The abbot of Buddhism presides over it, and Zen master Qiuyue.

Speaking of which, Qin Mumian and Qiuyue are old acquaintances. When everyone was young, Qiuye entered the imperial capital alone, and Qiuyue lost to Qiuye, so they joined hands with Qin Mumian to fight against Qiuye.So this time when Qiuyue came, Qin Mumian came forward to receive her.

The reason why Qiuyue came here in person this time and gave Jianzong enough face, in the final analysis, is because of the general trend of the world. In the past hundreds of years, Taoism has always overwhelmed Buddhism. It is the leader of the world's monks, and it is overwhelming for the Buddhist sect. Now that the Taoist sect is in decline, Jianzong is willing to challenge the Taoist sect. The person who benefits the most is undoubtedly the Buddhist sect. side.

However, this is the first time that Buddhism and Jianzong have joined forces in more than a hundred years. Of course, many things will not be directly stated. Qiuye's visit this time is mostly tentative.

After Qiuyue, she was not an outsider, but Zhang Xueyao and Qin Mumian's good friend, Lan Yu's junior sister, Tang Shengyue, the leader of the White Lotus Sect.

Back then, the three women were dependent on each other in Jiangdu City, sharing a powerful enemy, so their mutual affection was still deep. Coupled with Lanyu's incense, Tang Shengyue would stand by Jianzong's side both emotionally and rationally. .

After Tang Shengyue of the White Lotus Sect, it is also reasonable that the third person to come is Qiu Si, the contemporary temple master of Molun Temple in Daxue Mountain.

At the beginning, with Lin Han's secret support, the Four Living Buddhas held Qiu Si empty. If it wasn't for Xu Beiyou, Qiu Si would not be able to regain the power of Molun Temple from the hands of the Four Living Buddhas. Later, Qiu Si came to Beijing to teach Xu Beiyou Fufu The matter of the golden body came and went, and the relationship between the two families was concluded.

This time Qiu Si came here in person, which was both expected and reasonable.

The next person who came was from Houjian and came south by boat. Although he was not as important as Wanyan Beiyue, he was undoubtedly a big figure in the whole world. They were Song Qingying and Chi from Xuanjiao. Two young slaves.

At the beginning when Xu Beiyou went to Houjian, it was Song Qingying who came forward to receive Xu Beiyou, and later, under the instruction of Wanyan Beiyue, he killed Fu Zhongtian who also went to Houjian to lobby. From this point of view, Xuanjiao has already shown itself position.

If this is just the friendship between Xu Beiyou and Wanyan Beiyue, then there is also a personal relationship between Xu Beiyou and Song Qingying and his wife. Before Xu Beiyou left Houjian, he even went to the two people's wedding banquet, which is the so-called reciprocity , then it was only natural for the two of them to travel thousands of miles to Biyou Island to participate in Xu Beiyou's Suzerain Ascension Ceremony.

In the end, two great Confucian gentlemen, Qian Muzhai and Liu Zhengqing, arrived together. At that time, the eight Confucian gentlemen, now Chen Gongyu, Sun Shiwu, and Li Qingyu were dead, and Ye Daoqi was in constant panic. Due to his busy schedule, he was unable to come here for the time being, so to a certain extent, the two gentlemen Liu and Qian already represented the Confucianism sect.

As for other people who don't have a specific sect, such as Zhao Qing, the great master of martial arts, and Murong Xuanyin, who has been kicked out of Xuanjiao, they will rush to Biyou Island one after another.

As a result, among the three religions, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Xuanjiao all gathered on Biyou Island, which actually made Taoism, the head of the three religions, isolated.

(End of this chapter)

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